Meath Forum

Galway Vs Meath

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I followed the match on a combination of Twitter and RTE and saw some highlights (very few!!) - I thought that there was something wrong with the feed for the first 40 minutes as Meath failed to register a score. I know conditions were tough - they were tough all over the country. The Donegal v Mayo and Monaghan v Tyrone games were played in poor conditions but both games were highly entertaining and each of the sides at least scored when they played against the elements.

I won't be bashing the players. I know how much work and commitment they put in to getting ready for this and there is absolutely nothing in it for them to post a result like this or a performance like that! I look at the team sheet that started;

H Hogan; E Harkin (0-1), R Ryan, R Clarke; C Hickey, S McEntee, D Keogan; P Harnan, E Devine; M Costello (0-1), B McMahon, C O'Sullivan; J Conlon, S Walsh (0-1), J Wallace (0-1).

Who is missing from it - Conor McGill, Ronan Jones, Bryan Menton - there are others that are gone travelling I believe but these 3 would most likely start if available. Other than that - the lads who started have all earned a crack at it and have been called out to play/start on this forum by people at some stage or other.

What does seem noticeable though is that other teams playing against the elements at the weekend had some sort of plan as to how they were going to contain things. It didn't appear that we did! I see one reporter claiming that the decision to play against the elements after winning the toss was a factor! At this level I find that hard to believe! I think we either don't have an adequate game plan or the players don't understand the game plan - but there seems to be something missing there!

As for changes for next week - I am not sure there will be too many! Jordan Morris might start as may Eamonn Wallace - but I wouldn't bet on there being too many changes! In my opinion, Galway are the best team in Division 2 and Roscommon are probably next! If we can take advantage of PT this week and get a win I think it puts us back in with a chance of a top 2 spot! My concern is the reaction to yesterday - players and management appeared to be totally dejected at the end!

Looking at the Dubs on Friday night - I'd say Leinster is open now as it has been at anytime in the past 15 years - let's hope the lads can pick themselves up and get something out of this season!

Royalblufill (Meath) - Posts: 504 - 31/01/2022 10:33:28    2397384


Very disappointed that Andy could not come and give an interview to our local media. Look, I know he is not a professional soccer manager who is contracted to give an interview after every game but I think he owed something to the supporters that made the journey over to Galway and try and explain it in some way.

stillaroyal (Meath) - Posts: 224 - 31/01/2022 10:39:46    2397388


I always felt Andy is the type of manager that comes in and shakes things up. Tough and uncompromising. But these type of managers only last a season or two and then they have no more to offer. Their tough passionate approach runs out of steam and what you are left with is a team with no substance just bluster.
When you see a good manager in charge whether club or county the difference is massive. A style of play is developed to suit your strengths and these well organised teams are always difficult to play against. Wolfe Tones this year were fantastic but were considered outsiders at the beginning of the club championship. Its all down to good management.

Poormouth (Meath) - Posts: 204 - 31/01/2022 10:46:04    2397390


All , the most disappointing thing about yesterdays debacle is that we are even having this discussion today . Galway are no great shakes .So putting a band aid on a cut after you have bled out is a waste of time .
bringing in New Selectors to detract from the real issues is also akin to something that Goerbals and co done in the 40's. Propaganda era , I've seen on here where the keyboard gurus are already , pointing fingers at the County Board, and saying its all their fault . for not having a review early enough and not acting on it either , lest we forget in Meath GAA ... The review was undertaken , the decision of the majority of the CoB was not to ratify Andy for a further year on his contract ( only the staunch Andy supporters on the CoB were in favour of keeping Andy after the recommendations of the review were published ) , and that included the Co Chairman who gave his personal thoughts on the voting options (who stated publicly), the correct stance for the Chairman of the county Board would have been to support the decision of the Majority of the CoB . And then as we know the popularity moguls started turning the CoB decision not to ratify Andy into a popularity contest and witch-hunt ..... Which detracted from what it should have been which was what was best for Meath Footballl at that time .
Another year lost , another year of demoralised footballers, and other year further away from of a possible rebuild . And also more of the same for 2022 .

Drastic steps need to be taken now , and a back to basics approach needs to be put in place . Meath GAA need go back to basics like so many of our fellow Leinster counties have . That plan needs to be put in place this year for when Andy and his regime move into the sunset ..... NOW is when the work needs to start , and not next year ... There have been too many false dawns in football here . Put the right people in charge and get the results MEATH GAA deserve .

Chaisleain_Abu (Meath) - Posts: 220 - 31/01/2022 10:49:01    2397391


Replying To winatallcost:  "If that were a junior b outfit yesterday, the majority would be accused of being out all night on the town. Even if they were, one or two would show up well and there would be a bit of fight after a half time team talk bashing. Unfortunately I'd be surprised if any of those players were out on the town Saturday night. As Oisin McConville said last night, it was completely abject and inept. We are a laughing stock in the country, with the Management, County Board, Club Delegates and players all responsible for this mess. We are now at an all time low. This is no an over reaction. This is fact!"
Yes there is plenty of blame to go round. But anyone who has been following Meath Senior Football and seen what happened yesterday should not really be surprised.
Most people commenting on here probably have not played or managed themselves at the high level of the people they are complaining about. Whatever the reasons for our collapse after 25 minutes It was not because the lads are not putting in the effort to prepare, the hours of group and individual practice is savage. Up until the goal in the 28th minute I was confident we could have got something from the game considering the strong wind we were playing against and the fact that we were holding them to one point every five minutes, a big factor in that was every time they scored, Harry Hogan found a Meath player with his kick outs which meant the ball didn't go straight back in (I think I counted 6 of our kick outs in a row we won the first 25 minutes). In the 2nd half I expected our kick outs to go much longer and that didn't happen, Harry's brother Billy (also on panel) has a longer kick out.
Yes it was really disappointing and we have to hope everyone involved reflects, take responsibility and pledge to do a lot better going forward. I would be hoping Roscommon will be the victims of all our frustrations next Sunday.
I think even if McEntee was to go now, there is no one to replace him. The Meath County Board should already have a managerial appointment committee in place now which could be sounding out potential candidates and be prepared so that when ever Meath exit the championship they have a plan in place to appoint the best candidate available and not be months behind and totally out of sync with how the process should be implemented, unlike before when they were left with egg on their face and appeared very incompetent.
If people on here think at this moment in time, the answer to our problems is to get rid of McEntee and/or drop 10 players, they are not dealing with reality and have no appreciation of the efforts they put in and the sacrifices made.
Yesterday was a very bad day and I can understand everyone's frustrations, but please be very careful while criticising individuals (by name) whether they be players or management. None of them went to Galway yesterday not to perform.

Meathball (Meath) - Posts: 140 - 31/01/2022 10:56:47    2397400


I would think the ref is to blame guys , isnt that who andy blames? mayby the weather ? Or the long drive.

Hard to believe he stayed when he knows one half the county wants him gone , most would just walk at that point

hurlit (Meath) - Posts: 421 - 31/01/2022 11:09:50    2397406


When I seen the midfield section for Sunday's game. The writing was on the wall, A decent enough half forward in Eathan Devine, and A really good half back in Haran. (and tailor made for center Back) both selected playing out of position in midfield, totally out of position.
Sums up Mc Entee's time with Meath after 5 years. for me
And even if we did have Jones and Menton, they still are not midfielders. I am not going to bother going through the failings at the risk of boring everyone to death. I was super excited when Mc Entee came on board, Mc Entee peaked in 2019 its be a horror show since then. Last years mess in the league.
Mc Entee own creation by the way,
And because I never got to see yesterday's game, last years game against Kildare is worst I ever seen Meath play. Which is now quickly backed up with the Galway game.
After the CB voted not to keep Mc Entee on, and Mc Entee insisted in staying on, it was never going to end well.

bobkarlgees (Meath) - Posts: 1265 - 31/01/2022 11:25:20    2397416


Spoke to a friend from galway that was at the game and he said it was the worst team performance he ever witnessed he said they looked like a team that never played together before .
Meaths performance over the last number of years have been shocking the same failings appear in every game and never seem to be addressed.
I had intended going to galway but after the team was announced I could see nothing only a heavy defeat so luckily I stayed home and listened to Mattie Kerrigan on the radio say that it was the worst meath performance ever .
How any manager could name Conlon and Wallace in a full forward line is beyond me and add in McMahon and Sullivan on the half forward im at a loss to understand how Mcentee thought that what hasnt worked over the last 5 years with small players was going to work yesterday or the next day .
Our kick outs have malfunctioned for his 5 years in charge all he has done is put the blame and drop keeper after keeper its not the keepers fault when there's no plan out the field and if there is the players don't know it .
McEntees style of football will win nothing everything happens to slow and he expects small players to carry the ball through big men most of the time its either lost or the ball goes backwards we can't kick it long because we have no inside forwards there .
Hopefully we will survive div 2 and we can get a new man with new ideas to take over next year we have the players in the county and we have great underage coming through they need to come into a new set up .

Royalmc (Meath) - Posts: 15 - 31/01/2022 11:37:13    2397421


Replying To nobull456:  "Maybe that comment was intended as a wind up like adding fuel to the fire type of thing. We all know Donal has been the most consistent player, and heart of the team for years... However these comments add to the comedy value of this forum."
I agree with you and he would walk on to any of the teams that have won AI's- maybe the guy is a comedian who has been out of work due to the pandemic!

browncows (Meath) - Posts: 2342 - 31/01/2022 12:15:41    2397432


I'll never understand how the half the county decided to keep Andy, regardless of the lateness of the county board's review, the outcome of the review had the correct recommendation - change was needed and thanks for your efforts Andy (understanding that it's not an easy job and there's not many putting up their hands for it).
After yesterday's game, I feel the dressing room is lost! No interview, no explanations! Will he resign?!
I'd have a strong preference to get in a caretaker manager and try save something from this year, rather than plodding along rudderless. The further we decline, the less likely we are to attract a replacement manager!

Tweety (Meath) - Posts: 31 - 31/01/2022 12:21:14    2397435


Does anyone know what Andy's backroom team is? He has changed it a bit - I just don't know the current setup.

stillaroyal (Meath) - Posts: 224 - 31/01/2022 12:32:22    2397441


Replying To Royalmc:  "Spoke to a friend from galway that was at the game and he said it was the worst team performance he ever witnessed he said they looked like a team that never played together before .
Meaths performance over the last number of years have been shocking the same failings appear in every game and never seem to be addressed.
I had intended going to galway but after the team was announced I could see nothing only a heavy defeat so luckily I stayed home and listened to Mattie Kerrigan on the radio say that it was the worst meath performance ever .
How any manager could name Conlon and Wallace in a full forward line is beyond me and add in McMahon and Sullivan on the half forward im at a loss to understand how Mcentee thought that what hasnt worked over the last 5 years with small players was going to work yesterday or the next day .
Our kick outs have malfunctioned for his 5 years in charge all he has done is put the blame and drop keeper after keeper its not the keepers fault when there's no plan out the field and if there is the players don't know it .
McEntees style of football will win nothing everything happens to slow and he expects small players to carry the ball through big men most of the time its either lost or the ball goes backwards we can't kick it long because we have no inside forwards there .
Hopefully we will survive div 2 and we can get a new man with new ideas to take over next year we have the players in the county and we have great underage coming through they need to come into a new set up ."
"How any manager could name Conlon and Wallace in a full forward line is beyond me and add in McMahon and Sullivan on the half forward im at a loss to understand how Mcentee thought that what hasnt worked over the last 5 years with small players was going to work yesterday or the next day"

Waiting for Southmeathgael to come on here now and tell you all the players you mentioned are at least 6 ft 6 and that we've a team of jolly green giants…

Crinigan (Meath) - Posts: 1352 - 31/01/2022 12:35:42    2397444


Replying To bobkarlgees:  "When I seen the midfield section for Sunday's game. The writing was on the wall, A decent enough half forward in Eathan Devine, and A really good half back in Haran. (and tailor made for center Back) both selected playing out of position in midfield, totally out of position.
Sums up Mc Entee's time with Meath after 5 years. for me
And even if we did have Jones and Menton, they still are not midfielders. I am not going to bother going through the failings at the risk of boring everyone to death. I was super excited when Mc Entee came on board, Mc Entee peaked in 2019 its be a horror show since then. Last years mess in the league.
Mc Entee own creation by the way,
And because I never got to see yesterday's game, last years game against Kildare is worst I ever seen Meath play. Which is now quickly backed up with the Galway game.
After the CB voted not to keep Mc Entee on, and Mc Entee insisted in staying on, it was never going to end well."
Who would you have selected as alternatives in Midfield yesterday? We are currently without three midfielders in Bryan Menton, Ronan Jones and Jack Flynn due to injury and Brian Conlon is only back from a shoulder injury. I agree that the two lads are not playing in their best position, but what are the alternatives? Give us some names, as you clearly know better than the management that are looking at every possible player that could play midfield in the county. Not two other players in the current squad that are available could have played midfield yesterday, other than the two lads who played yesterday. And I hate to break it to you, but the best players in the Meath club football, at the moment, are in the squad. So their isn't some superstars out there that haven't been asked in or given a chance. Anyone that is good enough to play is in their at the moment or has at least been asked in and have turned it down. A list of current club players not currently in the squad but would be good enough to be on the squad:

James Toher: Committed to hurlers. Nothing personal against management, as some would like to believe
Aaron Lynch: Will have to be called in, but don't expect anything different that what is already there.
Donal Lenihan: Left last year due to lack of game time. Would be good enough to play.
David McGowan: Has been in before, would be good enough to play again

That's about it folks. Don't mention last years Meath minors because they have not even played adult football with their clubs yet. Our best hope for finding new players at the moment is from the U20 panel. They need to do well this year, otherwise we will make no progress at senior level. Kildare won an All Ireland U20 in 2019, and have been extremely competitive at this level since 2008 when they reached an all Ireland final. Galway won an All Ireland U20 in 2020, Roscommon and were in an Ireland U20 final last year and Offaly won it, Monaghan Ulster finals, Cavan winning Ulster U'21s, Mayo won the All Ireland U21 in 2016, all teams we need to be competing with on our level, in order to get up to Dublin, Tyrone and Kerry.

BigJoe14 (Meath) - Posts: 987 - 31/01/2022 12:38:55    2397447


Replying To stillaroyal:  "Does anyone know what Andy's backroom team is? He has changed it a bit - I just don't know the current setup."
It's very very uninspiring - it's bluster merchant central. The whole McEntee era is turning into an unmitigated disaster.

Another year wasted and a new manager next year who will have even less players to work with I'd say given what's to come and anoint of lads who will pack it in.

Crinigan (Meath) - Posts: 1352 - 31/01/2022 12:41:58    2397450


Replying To Meathball:  "Yes there is plenty of blame to go round. But anyone who has been following Meath Senior Football and seen what happened yesterday should not really be surprised.
Most people commenting on here probably have not played or managed themselves at the high level of the people they are complaining about. Whatever the reasons for our collapse after 25 minutes It was not because the lads are not putting in the effort to prepare, the hours of group and individual practice is savage. Up until the goal in the 28th minute I was confident we could have got something from the game considering the strong wind we were playing against and the fact that we were holding them to one point every five minutes, a big factor in that was every time they scored, Harry Hogan found a Meath player with his kick outs which meant the ball didn't go straight back in (I think I counted 6 of our kick outs in a row we won the first 25 minutes). In the 2nd half I expected our kick outs to go much longer and that didn't happen, Harry's brother Billy (also on panel) has a longer kick out.
Yes it was really disappointing and we have to hope everyone involved reflects, take responsibility and pledge to do a lot better going forward. I would be hoping Roscommon will be the victims of all our frustrations next Sunday.
I think even if McEntee was to go now, there is no one to replace him. The Meath County Board should already have a managerial appointment committee in place now which could be sounding out potential candidates and be prepared so that when ever Meath exit the championship they have a plan in place to appoint the best candidate available and not be months behind and totally out of sync with how the process should be implemented, unlike before when they were left with egg on their face and appeared very incompetent.
If people on here think at this moment in time, the answer to our problems is to get rid of McEntee and/or drop 10 players, they are not dealing with reality and have no appreciation of the efforts they put in and the sacrifices made.
Yesterday was a very bad day and I can understand everyone's frustrations, but please be very careful while criticising individuals (by name) whether they be players or management. None of them went to Galway yesterday not to perform."
I agree . From an interested observer of Meath football now for a long time, I have yet to grasp the internal politics that seem to play out year after year in Meath . I have followed Meath now for a long time. Don't tell me the talent is not there as I have followed Meath underage county teams for the last while. If Meath don't sort themselves out they will lose out big time as I think this current Dublin team are in transition and there is a perfect opportunity for all counties to get there house in order and seriously take them on. Football has changed both from expectations from supporters, commitment from players themselves and managers facing increased pressure to deliver results. Yesterday's performance is certainly not one you would expect from any Meath team of any era although Salthill is not one of my favourite pitches to go to in inclement weather.

roseyinthegarden (Wicklow) - Posts: 112 - 31/01/2022 12:45:14    2397451


Replying To Tweety:  "I'll never understand how the half the county decided to keep Andy, regardless of the lateness of the county board's review, the outcome of the review had the correct recommendation - change was needed and thanks for your efforts Andy (understanding that it's not an easy job and there's not many putting up their hands for it).
After yesterday's game, I feel the dressing room is lost! No interview, no explanations! Will he resign?!
I'd have a strong preference to get in a caretaker manager and try save something from this year, rather than plodding along rudderless. The further we decline, the less likely we are to attract a replacement manager!"
The issue is that he's clearly finished this year… how will that motivate players when they know he's done anyway? It's a Ralf Rangnick situation- it doesn't work. He's not some great manager looking to go out one high like Jim Gavin or Micko and they players will give it everything. It's a mediocre and divisive management setup who have achieved nothing much apart from one decent season where we could a handy run in the qualifiers. It'll set us back a long way this year. Will Menton, O Sullivan, Keoghan bother next year after another crap year? Will likes of Morris bother? Or Walsh? Or Costello? Spectre of travel always on the horizon for these lads … look at Dublin! Never take lads commitment for granted. Always make sure they have best set up in place to do them justice or they'll walk away.

Crinigan (Meath) - Posts: 1352 - 31/01/2022 12:48:29    2397454


Replying To roseyinthegarden:  "I agree . From an interested observer of Meath football now for a long time, I have yet to grasp the internal politics that seem to play out year after year in Meath . I have followed Meath now for a long time. Don't tell me the talent is not there as I have followed Meath underage county teams for the last while. If Meath don't sort themselves out they will lose out big time as I think this current Dublin team are in transition and there is a perfect opportunity for all counties to get there house in order and seriously take them on. Football has changed both from expectations from supporters, commitment from players themselves and managers facing increased pressure to deliver results. Yesterday's performance is certainly not one you would expect from any Meath team of any era although Salthill is not one of my favourite pitches to go to in inclement weather."
Meath is very political - you wouldn't believe the stories from my lifetime alone. The talent is always of an above average standard - and what I mean by that is even a poor to average Meath team throughout history was division 2 material, possibly division 3. They were also notoriously physical and difficult to beat in the arm wrestle high-ball game of years past, hence why even when they were average in the 70's for example they still reached it to knockout games etc. Since the introduction of blanket defences, systemic and pattern gameplay twenty years ago etc, Meath have seriously struggled to adapt as it is an inately conservatively minded county and since the curtains were pulled on catch and kick and man-to-man duels, theyve slowly declined and levelled off to where we are now the past 5 years. You're right, the talent is there most of the time, but the identity and vision and passion is on life support in the county. We are struggling to find our place in the modern game. The ladies team last year exemplified what Meath used to be all about. That is not possible in the men's game anymore.

Young_gael (Meath) - Posts: 596 - 31/01/2022 13:09:41    2397460


Replying To Tweety:  "I'll never understand how the half the county decided to keep Andy, regardless of the lateness of the county board's review, the outcome of the review had the correct recommendation - change was needed and thanks for your efforts Andy (understanding that it's not an easy job and there's not many putting up their hands for it).
After yesterday's game, I feel the dressing room is lost! No interview, no explanations! Will he resign?!
I'd have a strong preference to get in a caretaker manager and try save something from this year, rather than plodding along rudderless. The further we decline, the less likely we are to attract a replacement manager!"
Personally I feel If Cathat O'Bric was to come in tomorrow we would improve out of sight. He is tactically very good Brings a positive vibe to the dressing room and training field. He is a very good communicator and has a winning record. Sometimes a new voice is all that's needed to change things. Just look at the Tones A new manager the same personnel and everything changes.

latouche25 (Meath) - Posts: 523 - 31/01/2022 13:12:36    2397461


Replying To Poormouth:  "I always felt Andy is the type of manager that comes in and shakes things up. Tough and uncompromising. But these type of managers only last a season or two and then they have no more to offer. Their tough passionate approach runs out of steam and what you are left with is a team with no substance just bluster.
When you see a good manager in charge whether club or county the difference is massive. A style of play is developed to suit your strengths and these well organised teams are always difficult to play against. Wolfe Tones this year were fantastic but were considered outsiders at the beginning of the club championship. Its all down to good management."
Agreed ! Passion he has in abundance. That is valuable, but on its own has a short shelf life. He got 2 years out of it ,and then ran out of road. For the last 3 years he could not push on as a manager. Key skills required as manager were simply not to be seen. In fairness as one of his critics now i give him full credit for giving it his best shot,which is all anyone can ask for . Thanks Andy !
Players have to answer also. Why did so many go missing when needed yesterday,even some well established players ???? Whats the problem ? You still choose to wear the jersey. If you dont want to give it your best shot
then go. If you have an issue then deal with in the appropriate way ,but not on the field of play.
Yes,we have had stronger talent pool in the past which is a factor ,but too often used as an excuse. You work with the hand you have. Boylan himself had never a team of top notchers ,but he got every player to give his best. How he did that has been answered many times by many of his players .Man management is the common denominator in their replies. He made mistakes,but he learned from his mistakes.
Where from here is a good question. Clearly the top table should be wiser now !I suggest they look at the role of manager and the key skills required. A key point here has to be a willingness to develop in the role as nobody will be made to start with. Most importantly the ATTITUDE required to instill a continuous improvement culture in the panel. Coaching standards have to strive to develop the football skills AND the whole person, ( ask any of Boylans players about this ) This wont be done overnight . A good start i suggest would be the top table to look at its ATTITUDE to the role of manager. Do you just want to fill the job because someone wants it, or happens to be available, or do you want to find a person with the key skills to fit the role ? The players will buy in to training where they benefit in terms of development, and where they can see it is an extension of their education and development even . Modern coaching methods in sport strive to instill skills and attitudes that are transferable to everyday life and thus beneficial to the whole person . Has to be over to the top table now .if you want to continue as is .Then dont please go !

nobull456 (Meath) - Posts: 1265 - 31/01/2022 13:41:25    2397473


He needs another 2 or 3 years to get it right lads

hurlit (Meath) - Posts: 421 - 31/01/2022 13:47:58    2397476
