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Galway Vs Meath

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New low?

bert09 (Meath) - Posts: 1804 - 30/01/2022 15:22:30    2397174


Where do we go from here. 6 years in and we have regressed. I have nothing personal against management but they have been given enough time and there has been no progress at all in their time. We need to move on now or else year is over.

There is no optism and the camp are at an all out low. County board need to move now.

Foley91 (Meath) - Posts: 418 - 30/01/2022 15:41:04    2397178


This Meath team are awful ! No matter whos missing ! Doesnt get much worse ! Can blame manager as much as they want but the players are well below standard ! Couldnt be bothered with them anymore

grahamc9897 (Meath) - Posts: 1175 - 30/01/2022 16:10:35    2397195


Replying To bert09:  "New low?" see our Senior football team being allowed to deteriorate to this stage . We have been on a downwards spiral for 3 years now. Incompetence covers it at every level. County Board knew where we were heading,and yet could not even conduct a review properly. Massive remedial work was essential ,and a review is a first step in any corrective action. Conditions to day were the same for both teams full stop! Deckchairs on the titanic springs to mind. Excuses of any description for to day or decline over the last couple of years conceal the truth....incompetence ! NO leadership......anywhere ! Yes of course players have to take responsibility for silly mistakes. Most annoying as some posters have been saying it seemed all so predictable ! As a life long supporter i strongly reject such a level of incompetence over such a long duration from the top table. I make no apologies for continuing to offer constructive criticism.

nobull456 (Meath) - Posts: 1265 - 30/01/2022 16:21:00    2397200


Andy will have to inevitability take all the blame but these players are just dreadful

redser123 (Meath) - Posts: 404 - 30/01/2022 16:27:30    2397204


Lads/lassies not at game but i have asked with new coaches on board was there any thing new to our set up that stoood out regardless of result.tactics that were not working kicking early ball etc.kickouts??

Borderroyal (Meath) - Posts: 494 - 30/01/2022 16:44:09    2397213


Absolute garbage , we will be very lucky to stay up . It looks like to me the players are just not bothered or they just wont play for mcentee anymore. London or new York would score more from play today. ODowd left as manager when we had 15 min collapses well mcentees men were Missing the whole game not for the first time either

SheridansTry (Meath) - Posts: 180 - 30/01/2022 16:52:04    2397216


Does Andy need to do something big, like drop one of the big names off the panel, some one like Harnan or keoghan both utterly hopeless today and every other day when we play the bigger teams changing management now won't achieve a thing.

Royal.Legend (Meath) - Posts: 678 - 30/01/2022 16:54:26    2397218


Replying To Evernal:  "Best of luck to Andy and the lads! Just sitting here in Galway having a Super macs and I must say I'm terribly nervous bout this game. Hard to know where we are at.

I believe training is going well but you just don't know what Meath team will turn up. You look at Armagh last night and we hammered them well enough in league a few years ago yet we never kicked on.

I believe we need to do similar and keep Andy in the job for another few years. If by Year 10 things don't improve then maybe it'll be time to step a side and try something else. But we need continuity and a United County and that's what Andy brings to the table.

On the game today I wouldn't rate Galway. Similar to ourselves. Flatter to deceive most of the time and only lazy journalism ever has them as potential candidates.

With that I reckon it'll be a draw game. Hon the Royal!"
Yeah, definitely give Andy another 4 years and by year 10 things will be great.

thegadfly (Cavan) - Posts: 290 - 30/01/2022 16:54:48    2397220



WhyTheLongFace (Meath) - Posts: 933 - 30/01/2022 16:55:14    2397221


Replying To Royal.Legend:  "Does Andy need to do something big, like drop one of the big names off the panel, some one like Harnan or keoghan both utterly hopeless today and every other day when we play the bigger teams changing management now won't achieve a thing."
No doubt, someone needs to go.

seadog54 (Meath) - Posts: 2193 - 30/01/2022 17:18:38    2397228


No point in expressing my true feelings, it simply would be blocked. But generally all aspects of the GAA is slipping in the county. The executive wakes up 3 months too late in carrying out a review of the senior football management team's performance and making fools of themselves in the process, but instead they went PUBLIC with their lazy findings and got humiliated by the delegates, this episode alone showed a distant lack of judgment by the executive. There are at least 3 other episodes of serious ineptitude that I could comment on, but would definitely by blocked by the moderator, that reflect badly on us so for the moment I will comment on the senior football team management team. The management team were handed a poisoned chalice and left in limbo late last year, so naturally I am not going to point even the small finger on my left hand at them but instead I would throw a library of books at the utter fool(s) who initiated the late, late heave last October.

MillerX (Meath) - Posts: 1071 - 30/01/2022 17:19:04    2397229


Replying To Royal.Legend:  "Does Andy need to do something big, like drop one of the big names off the panel, some one like Harnan or keoghan both utterly hopeless today and every other day when we play the bigger teams changing management now won't achieve a thing."
Good man. Drop 1 of out best players over the last 10 years because of today's result. That would be a good moral boost this week. Probably one of the most ridiculous comments I've ever read on this page.

Foley91 (Meath) - Posts: 418 - 30/01/2022 17:26:50    2397236


Replying To MillerX:  "No point in expressing my true feelings, it simply would be blocked. But generally all aspects of the GAA is slipping in the county. The executive wakes up 3 months too late in carrying out a review of the senior football management team's performance and making fools of themselves in the process, but instead they went PUBLIC with their lazy findings and got humiliated by the delegates, this episode alone showed a distant lack of judgment by the executive. There are at least 3 other episodes of serious ineptitude that I could comment on, but would definitely by blocked by the moderator, that reflect badly on us so for the moment I will comment on the senior football team management team. The management team were handed a poisoned chalice and left in limbo late last year, so naturally I am not going to point even the small finger on my left hand at them but instead I would throw a library of books at the utter fool(s) who initiated the late, late heave last October."
The county board don't train the team, pick the panel or pick the players. They also don't make the tactics or substitutions.

They should however have shown McEntee the door in the Flynn debacle or at least stood up to him.

Crinigan (Meath) - Posts: 1352 - 30/01/2022 17:41:11    2397247


Replying To MillerX:  "It's actually half time as I read this…..I presume there was a certain amount of sarcasm in this post…but never ever poke fun at a little pussy cat not to mind a wounded big beast."
Fair play to ye being there at half time. I walked out after 20 mins. An absolute disgrace. Worst performance I've ever seen. I'd drop 13 of them. Try a whole new approach. Bring in big string lads that can win their own ball with two giants at midfield to supply them. It's not rocket science.

Evernal (Meath) - Posts: 74 - 30/01/2022 17:41:12    2397248


Replying To Foley91:  "Good man. Drop 1 of out best players over the last 10 years because of today's result. That would be a good moral boost this week. Probably one of the most ridiculous comments I've ever read on this page."
Most over rated meath player in the last 40 years in my opinion, how was he against dublin in all them hamerings, or the ones against kildare donegal mayo etc.

Royal.Legend (Meath) - Posts: 678 - 30/01/2022 17:47:50    2397252


Replying To thegadfly:  "Yeah, definitely give Andy another 4 years and by year 10 things will be great."
Least we are not in Division 4. Hope you are enjoying the scenic route around Ireland and England.

Andy will learn from this defeat. Tyrone were hammered by Kerry last year and look what happened. This could galvanise the lads and develop a siege mentality.

We could be looking at the beginnings of an All Ireland challenge. It's only January after all.

Evernal (Meath) - Posts: 74 - 30/01/2022 17:49:03    2397253


Sadly todays result comes as no great shock, blame rests between a county board / delegates who decided for whatever reason it would be a good idea to retain current management, even when it had become obvious setup was not working. It was a simple evidence based decision to make. Some are blaming players, however management select the squad and pick the team ( nothing to suggest the do anything else inbetween) so blame lies squarely at management door. So many errors today, even though result was no surprise, its still very hard to take.

seadog54 (Meath) - Posts: 2193 - 30/01/2022 17:57:17    2397254


Replying To Evernal:  "Least we are not in Division 4. Hope you are enjoying the scenic route around Ireland and England.

Andy will learn from this defeat. Tyrone were hammered by Kerry last year and look what happened. This could galvanise the lads and develop a siege mentality.

We could be looking at the beginnings of an All Ireland challenge. It's only January after all."
With all due respect, I think you and RoyalDunne are either the same person or ye are related. Delusional. BTW I wasn't having a go. I was merely calling out an absurd comment.

thegadfly (Cavan) - Posts: 290 - 30/01/2022 18:22:50    2397263


Replying To Crinigan:  "The county board don't train the team, pick the panel or pick the players. They also don't make the tactics or substitutions.

They should however have shown McEntee the door in the Flynn debacle or at least stood up to him."
I agree to County Board don't have anything really to do with picking the team..but they have showed bad judgment and that what I was referring to. The Flynn debacle, they chickened out, yes , then came the real bout of ineptitude, in mid July Dublin beat Meath in Leinster s/f. Surely if any review of the management team's performance was to be undertaken it should have taken place in the week(s) afterwards and with a recommendation to be put to delegates for the August meeting. Ah no, that would be the efficient thing to do, instead the waited and then dropped their bombshell in October only to have it firmly rejected by delegates for no other reason than it was left far too late and virtually all potential candidates had been hovered up by EFFICIENT Co Boards and clubs. Now Andy McEntee knows quiet well, I assume, that he has eight serious enemies within the executive so essentially 'his days are numbered' or that his freedom to express his independence has been seriously questioned. In those circumstances enthusiasm and judgement wane as he has to constantly 'look over his shoulder' where individual displays become more important than the campaign.

After today's result many will settle for survival in D2 but many will still demand promotion. I fear a year has been lost. But then all is well….the top table, with their assistants were returned, en masse.

MillerX (Meath) - Posts: 1071 - 30/01/2022 19:29:08    2397279
