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Meath 2022

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Interesting changes to the set up, I was up at training this week and there's new coaches involved who where doing most of the training and working on kickouts and restart's. Anyone know who they are ?

TheGreat8 (Meath) - Posts: 4 - 22/01/2022 16:48:54    2395957


Replying To redser123:  "Think fionn reilly is back over in Italy playing soccer,can anyone confirm this? huge blow for meath if thats the case. Between himself and Jimmy Corcoran opting for soccer then Nash and McBride in the AFL its hard not to feel really unlucky. I know all counties deal with it but feels like Meath have been hit a bit worse."
Huge blow for Kells. Not a huge blow for Meath. Very good club player and decent squad player for Meath.

Blackspot09 (Meath) - Posts: 973 - 22/01/2022 18:54:49    2395976


Replying To ratlag:  "On the goalkeeper and dead ball taking issue I can't accept laying blame at the management entirely. Andy can't exactly be faulted for not trying new lads in goals, we've used god knows how many and apart from Hogan can you honestly name one lad whos shown themselves as any better than Colgan?? Even when Marcus Brennan went in he was on a level par with Colgan and looking at club games there doesn't seem to be a whole pile better out there really.

Free taking and 45's is down to players, each lad who takes frees for Meath does so for their club as well, McMahon, O' Reilly, Walsh, Morris, O Sullivan and all are well able to kick them, management can't be blamed for a lad missing a simple 13 yard free as Walsh did say in the Super 8's or be as wildly inconsistent as O Reilly has been at times. This is something a manager or coach can only do so much work on, after that lads need to get down to the pitch on their own and just practice at, its as simple as that.

Kickout strategy is a massive issue and one that at this stage Andy has to take the flack for, you're right it does seem non existent and if we don't get a quick one off we revert to the long hit and hope which isn't good enough in the modern game.

Slow starts is a player thing, once they cross the white line its down to the 15 men out there to take ownership and control of the game. Managers can have you as psyched and pumped as you like but if you don't attack it from the off theres nothing the manager can do. I think this leans into your lack of leadership point and while its not every game we start slow, the ones where it matters we do tend to start them on the back foot more often than not.

I don't think Andy is perfect but a lot of what people here give out about is more down to the players than the management. I've said before we have improved since when he first took over and yea maybe this is his last year and he can improve them no more but unless the players themselves do a bit more as well, you could have Jim GAvin, Sean Boylan and Jimmy McGuinness in there and we still wouldn't do any better"
Ah well ! No doubt in an ideal world we would have 15 self starters made to measure for their particular roles. Of course there has to be individual responsibility accepted by each individual player. For one reason or another in to days world that simply is not the case. If it was then we dont need any manager. The manager makes it happen ,In a well developed set up like Dublin Gavin looked redundant during the match. His work as manager was done by himself and his team on the training grounds and reviewed in structured review sessions. The book stops with the manager . He decides WHAT has to happen to get a team to play to its full potential. He cant opt out after that but has to deal with WHY things didnt happen as well. I am convinced he has to be very good at man management to deal with the WHY bit. I suggest a wise manager will look at what expertise is required in his management team at an early stage . As manager he oversees and is fully responsible for every aspect of team development. Of couse to do all that you have to identify shortcomings , set about remedial action through structured training sessions designed to deal with meeting these needs. To have a situation where shortcomings are ongoing for years, and ignored is a red card offence in my view. From here it will take time to establish and maintain a CULTURE that will encourage players to be part of a set up where where they are major beneficaries in terms of personal development and all that flows from that. Accountability for ensuring players are fully valued in this way lies squarely with the County Board.

nobull456 (Meath) - Posts: 1265 - 22/01/2022 19:07:35    2395978


Anyway in keeping with the game and keeping away from pointless arguments about management etc (we are where we are).
Does people believe we will win or get beat on Sunday? I'm going to the game totally unsure for the following reasons
1. We still in heavy training mode and it shows
2. I'm not sure who our best 26 that are available are.
3. Midfield. ?
4. Back line is lot weaker without lavin
So I'm concerned, a win in Galway would set us up very nicely actually it would be absolutely fantastic.
But I'm more wishful than hopeful. Unfortunately.

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 23/01/2022 08:30:28    2396008


Replying To royaldunne:  "Anyway in keeping with the game and keeping away from pointless arguments about management etc (we are where we are).
Does people believe we will win or get beat on Sunday? I'm going to the game totally unsure for the following reasons
1. We still in heavy training mode and it shows
2. I'm not sure who our best 26 that are available are.
3. Midfield. ?
4. Back line is lot weaker without lavin
So I'm concerned, a win in Galway would set us up very nicely actually it would be absolutely fantastic.
But I'm more wishful than hopeful. Unfortunately."
Now there is an idea........lets pretend the long established problem area has blown away with Covid virus as well. I think we should win Leinster at least. With a bit of luck as long as we dont change anything i think we will win the all Ireland next year. Well lets pretend everything is ok! Hasnt everything been grand for the last 5 years ? Why should we rock the boat ? We are where we are .Accept what you are given as a supporter .You have no right to challenge anyway as a supporter. Sher itl be grand.! Wheres them season tickets ? Cmon the royal ! Bye Bye now !

nobull456 (Meath) - Posts: 1265 - 23/01/2022 10:46:37    2396018


On the free taking and 45s, had some time this morning and this is the current freetaking system to my knowledge at club level.

Now this is open to correction

Ratoath: McMahon with Flynn & McGowan from distance
Ashbourne: Deegan with Colgan from distance at times
Tones: Ward
Simonstown: Mckeever and Tobin
Dunboyne: Lenihan
Moynalvey: McLoughlin and sometimes O Sullivan
Kells: Beano and sometimes Mattimoe
Cilles: Conlon with Brennan from distance
Na Fianna: Walsh & Dan Queeney depending on the side of the pitch and Dan Queeney is usually from distance
Curraha: Jack O Connor
Skryne, O Mahonys & Seneschalstown all have multiple freetakers.

Besides Lenihan, O Connor and Cian Ward there is no consistent free taker at club level from what I know.

UsernameInvalid (Meath) - Posts: 388 - 23/01/2022 11:19:27    2396027


Replying To UsernameInvalid:  "On the free taking and 45s, had some time this morning and this is the current freetaking system to my knowledge at club level.

Now this is open to correction

Ratoath: McMahon with Flynn & McGowan from distance
Ashbourne: Deegan with Colgan from distance at times
Tones: Ward
Simonstown: Mckeever and Tobin
Dunboyne: Lenihan
Moynalvey: McLoughlin and sometimes O Sullivan
Kells: Beano and sometimes Mattimoe
Cilles: Conlon with Brennan from distance
Na Fianna: Walsh & Dan Queeney depending on the side of the pitch and Dan Queeney is usually from distance
Curraha: Jack O Connor
Skryne, O Mahonys & Seneschalstown all have multiple freetakers.

Besides Lenihan, O Connor and Cian Ward there is no consistent free taker at club level from what I know."
Have the bracks no free taker??????

royal1967 (Meath) - Posts: 277 - 23/01/2022 12:31:09    2396036


Replying To nobull456:  "Now there is an idea........lets pretend the long established problem area has blown away with Covid virus as well. I think we should win Leinster at least. With a bit of luck as long as we dont change anything i think we will win the all Ireland next year. Well lets pretend everything is ok! Hasnt everything been grand for the last 5 years ? Why should we rock the boat ? We are where we are .Accept what you are given as a supporter .You have no right to challenge anyway as a supporter. Sher itl be grand.! Wheres them season tickets ? Cmon the royal ! Bye Bye now !"
You really need to change ir name to only bull. Anyway as I said I'm not entertaining this talk at this time. Enjoy the auld freedom

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 23/01/2022 15:14:15    2396061


Replying To royaldunne:  "You really need to change ir name to only bull. Anyway as I said I'm not entertaining this talk at this time. Enjoy the auld freedom"
Up ya boya !! Say it as it is or dream on ! enjoy that freedom as well !!

nobull456 (Meath) - Posts: 1265 - 23/01/2022 16:00:18    2396072


Replying To royal1967:  "
Replying To UsernameInvalid:  "On the free taking and 45s, had some time this morning and this is the current freetaking system to my knowledge at club level.

Now this is open to correction

Ratoath: McMahon with Flynn & McGowan from distance
Ashbourne: Deegan with Colgan from distance at times
Tones: Ward
Simonstown: Mckeever and Tobin
Dunboyne: Lenihan
Moynalvey: McLoughlin and sometimes O Sullivan
Kells: Beano and sometimes Mattimoe
Cilles: Conlon with Brennan from distance
Na Fianna: Walsh & Dan Queeney depending on the side of the pitch and Dan Queeney is usually from distance
Curraha: Jack O Connor
Skryne, O Mahonys & Seneschalstown all have multiple freetakers.

Besides Lenihan, O Connor and Cian Ward there is no consistent free taker at club level from what I know."
Have the bracks no free taker??????"
Or Trim?

Amarach (Meath) - Posts: 49 - 23/01/2022 16:49:17    2396084


Replying To nobull456:  "Up ya boya !! Say it as it is or dream on ! enjoy that freedom as well !!"

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 23/01/2022 17:48:37    2396097


Replying To royaldunne:  "Yawn"
Yeh ! but dont yawn while could waken u up !

nobull456 (Meath) - Posts: 1265 - 23/01/2022 18:33:33    2396105


Assume McEntee goes with the below for Galway:

1. Hogan
2. Clarke
3. Keogan
4. Harkin
5. Hickey
6. Shane Mc
7. James Mc
8. Menton
9. Harnan
10. Devine
11. O'Sullivan
12. Costello
13. Morris
14. Walsh
15. Banty

Anmhi364 (Meath) - Posts: 65 - 23/01/2022 20:56:19    2396129


Replying To royaldunne:  "Anyway in keeping with the game and keeping away from pointless arguments about management etc (we are where we are).
Does people believe we will win or get beat on Sunday? I'm going to the game totally unsure for the following reasons
1. We still in heavy training mode and it shows
2. I'm not sure who our best 26 that are available are.
3. Midfield. ?
4. Back line is lot weaker without lavin
So I'm concerned, a win in Galway would set us up very nicely actually it would be absolutely fantastic.
But I'm more wishful than hopeful. Unfortunately."
RD think it's a bit unfair to say pointless arguments about management as they control the "product" we see on the pitch. All of the points you make will be directly influenced by the management so to speak of one without the other is to deny the role the management have in games.

On the points you make,
1) Yes maybe they are in heavy training but once more the main aim for this year is getting out of division 2. And we play the two teams we're likely competing with for promotion first up. Going heavy and running lads to a standstill and having them heavy legged going into those games is only crippling the main aim of the year. By 6th February our season could in effect be over. I would hope they've tapered off on heavy training.
2) Agreed we've no idea who our best 15 and 26 is. Unfortunately I think we'll all be able to name 12-13 of the likely starters for Sunday and with very little new blood or fresh faces I don't see much changing come Sunday.
3) Yep midfield is a huge concern but with Jones and Menton out it's a chance to see what else is there. I think Andy will have a combination of Ethan Devine and Padraic Harnan or Shane McEntee starting there. Personally I'd like to see Costello tried there as something different.
4) Backline is weaker for sure and with Keoghan moving back into the full back line we're missing our best attacking wing back

I'm very concerned heading to Salthill and given how well Galway have looked so far this season. Many will tell us it's pre season competitions but winning is winning and gives you momentum heading into matches.

For Sunday i think we'll see the following, this is not who i would pick but who i think Andy will pick

Keoghan/McGill (if fit)
Harkin/ Ryan
Harnan/ S McEntee
J McEntee
S McEntee/ Harnan
O'Reilly/ Banty

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1969 - 24/01/2022 10:56:59    2396170


Replying To brian:  "RD think it's a bit unfair to say pointless arguments about management as they control the "product" we see on the pitch. All of the points you make will be directly influenced by the management so to speak of one without the other is to deny the role the management have in games.

On the points you make,
1) Yes maybe they are in heavy training but once more the main aim for this year is getting out of division 2. And we play the two teams we're likely competing with for promotion first up. Going heavy and running lads to a standstill and having them heavy legged going into those games is only crippling the main aim of the year. By 6th February our season could in effect be over. I would hope they've tapered off on heavy training.
2) Agreed we've no idea who our best 15 and 26 is. Unfortunately I think we'll all be able to name 12-13 of the likely starters for Sunday and with very little new blood or fresh faces I don't see much changing come Sunday.
3) Yep midfield is a huge concern but with Jones and Menton out it's a chance to see what else is there. I think Andy will have a combination of Ethan Devine and Padraic Harnan or Shane McEntee starting there. Personally I'd like to see Costello tried there as something different.
4) Backline is weaker for sure and with Keoghan moving back into the full back line we're missing our best attacking wing back

I'm very concerned heading to Salthill and given how well Galway have looked so far this season. Many will tell us it's pre season competitions but winning is winning and gives you momentum heading into matches.

For Sunday i think we'll see the following, this is not who i would pick but who i think Andy will pick

Keoghan/McGill (if fit)
Harkin/ Ryan
Harnan/ S McEntee
J McEntee
S McEntee/ Harnan
O'Reilly/ Banty"
Heavy training as an excuse seems a bit far fetched, why a Meath problem and not every other county? Midfield has been a problem for many years now, its not something that has just arisen, our full back line especially have struggled over last two years, however, for whatever reason management have turned a blind eye and lads retained on back reputation when we got promoted. Team you named will be there or thereabouts, but many of these lads (especially forwards) have failed to produce, yet here we go again. Even so, looking forward to Galway on Sunday and start of new season, need to go out and take game to Galway and not another first half no-show.

seadog54 (Meath) - Posts: 2193 - 24/01/2022 12:52:10    2396192


Replying To LeitrimRoyal99:  "This is my guess at what I think the team will be for the Galway game.
1. Harry Hogan,
2. Ronan Ryan,
3. Keoghan,
4. Robin Clarke,
5. Cathal Hickey,
6. Shane McEntee,
7. James McEntee,
8. Ethan Devine,
9. Paraic Harnan,
10. Matt Costello,
11. Cillian O'Sullivan,
12. Thomas O'Reilly,
13. James Conlon,
14. Shane Walsh,
15. Jordy Morris.

Our full back line has gone from being our strength to a weakness. When we got to the super 8's in 19 Gallagher, McGill and Lavin were fantastic. No with Gallagher and Lavin no longer on the panel and McGill injured it seems like a weak point to me. A pity James O'Hare wasn't available for the O'Byrne cup for whatever reason, excited to see him tried at corner back. Midfield is another weakness with our first choice pairing both out. Ethan Devine seems to be playing better stuff and was fairly good for UCD yesterday. But ideally Harnan would be in defense. I think our success hinges on improvement of young guys. Morris, Hickey, Costello and Walsh are all brilliant talents. If they can become the key players on the team then we could see big improvements but Galway are certainly favs to beat us in Salthill in week 1"
Conlon at13 he's a right footer, Morris at15 he's a left footer.

latouche25 (Meath) - Posts: 523 - 24/01/2022 13:25:50    2396207


Replying To seadog54:  "Heavy training as an excuse seems a bit far fetched, why a Meath problem and not every other county? Midfield has been a problem for many years now, its not something that has just arisen, our full back line especially have struggled over last two years, however, for whatever reason management have turned a blind eye and lads retained on back reputation when we got promoted. Team you named will be there or thereabouts, but many of these lads (especially forwards) have failed to produce, yet here we go again. Even so, looking forward to Galway on Sunday and start of new season, need to go out and take game to Galway and not another first half no-show."
Fair comments you're making there seadog54.

You can't put lipstick on a pig and expect it to turn into a supermodel

I'd go as far as to say in some cases lads are there based on no reputation at all other than blind loyalty from management.

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1969 - 24/01/2022 14:29:19    2396227


Replying To latouche25:  "Conlon at13 he's a right footer, Morris at15 he's a left footer."
Does it really matter........

Colm O'Rourke was always 13 and couldn't kick with his right foot

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1969 - 24/01/2022 14:53:19    2396231


Is Jack Flynn or Brian Conlon not involved this year ?

Jpjohnny (Meath) - Posts: 12 - 24/01/2022 16:24:31    2396258


Replying To Jpjohnny:  "Is Jack Flynn or Brian Conlon not involved this year ?"
Haven't seen either yet and Andy didn't really mention anyone dropping of the panel so no reason to suggest they won't be involved. But he never mentioned Seamus Lavin not being involved and some on here have said Fionn Reilly is gone back to Italy to play soccer!!
Flynn might've also been with his college and wasn't involved with the O'Byrne Cup, think Conlon is passed that stage so maybe injured.

Who knows, hopefully we'll get some idea of an extended squad from the management at some stage this week.

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1969 - 24/01/2022 16:42:51    2396266
