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Meath 2022

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Replying To brian:  "And Cathal Hickey is also travelling.

Shane McEntee travelling on a tour of duty too, and may miss some or all of the season.

I wouldn't imagine we'll hear about a preliminary squad until closer to the O'Byrne cup games.

With O'Byrne cup now being played i'd guess we'll see lads get a chance in a game or too like Luke Mitchell, Aaron Lynch, Adam O'Neill, Niall O'Reilly Jordan Muldoon and some others getting a chance to impress."
Agree with all names apart from Luke Mitchell. Unfortunately IMO he hasn't pushed on enough from being a minor all star 3 years ago. His form for Dunshaughlin has been patchy at best so would need to have a really good year next year to be considered for a Meath call up maybe in 2023

Blackspot09 (Meath) - Posts: 973 - 30/11/2021 10:52:08    2391180


Replying To Blackspot09:  "Agree with all names apart from Luke Mitchell. Unfortunately IMO he hasn't pushed on enough from being a minor all star 3 years ago. His form for Dunshaughlin has been patchy at best so would need to have a really good year next year to be considered for a Meath call up maybe in 2023"
Yeah agreed not at level at moment if you have seen Dunshaughlin this year but one for future if he works on his weaknesses

Meath32245 (Meath) - Posts: 75 - 30/11/2021 13:00:09    2391197


Replying To Meath32245:  "Yeah agreed not at level at moment if you have seen Dunshaughlin this year but one for future if he works on his weaknesses"
yeah still very young so wouldnt be writing him off completely. 1 to keep an eye on next year for sure.

Blackspot09 (Meath) - Posts: 973 - 30/11/2021 13:31:05    2391204


Replying To Blackspot09:  "yeah still very young so wouldnt be writing him off completely. 1 to keep an eye on next year for sure."
fair point, would a year with the county panel maybe help get him back to the level he could be at? Not playing but getting used to the levels needed?

If you look at Jordan Muldoon, didn't get any playing time (i think) but benefited from being involved with te panel; all year.

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1969 - 30/11/2021 14:24:00    2391214


Heard Aaron Lynch, Cian Ward, Oisin Martin, Eoghan Frayne, Gavin McCoy, David and Ben McGowan , Ben Hoey, Mike Deegan, Dean Pluck, Luke Mitchell, Sean Meade , James o hare , have all been called into pannel with my inside source for the o bryne cup

Meath32245 (Meath) - Posts: 75 - 01/12/2021 13:35:41    2391294


Replying To Meath32245:  "Heard Aaron Lynch, Cian Ward, Oisin Martin, Eoghan Frayne, Gavin McCoy, David and Ben McGowan , Ben Hoey, Mike Deegan, Dean Pluck, Luke Mitchell, Sean Meade , James o hare , have all been called into pannel with my inside source for the o bryne cup"
Well thats a lie ;)

Cian Ward is in his late 30's, Sean Meade and James O'Hare are both off travelling

But anyways who's your inside source ;)

My inside source says some how Andy has found the fountain of youth and the following have all committed to playing at the height of their powers

Cormac O'Sullivan
Marc Reilly
Darren Fay
Terry Ferguson
Graham Geraghty
Liam Harnan
Martin O'Connell
John McDermott
Liam Hayes
Trevor Giles
Mattie Kerrigan
Tommy Dowd
Colm O'Rourke
Brian Stafford
Bernard Flynn

Mickey McQuillan
Mick Lyons
Padraic Lyons
Enda McManus
Kevin Foley
Colm Coyle
Gerry McEntee
David Beggy
PJ Gillic
Mattie McCabe
Joe Cassells
Brendan Reilly
Ollie Murphy
Pat Reynolds
Ken Rennicks
Stephen Bray

Look I'm sure some of those names will be in there for sure and rightly so but think mere speculation won't help.

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1969 - 01/12/2021 14:17:14    2391304


Replying To Meath32245:  "Heard Aaron Lynch, Cian Ward, Oisin Martin, Eoghan Frayne, Gavin McCoy, David and Ben McGowan , Ben Hoey, Mike Deegan, Dean Pluck, Luke Mitchell, Sean Meade , James o hare , have all been called into pannel with my inside source for the o bryne cup"
Cian Ward? Would be both surprised and also delighted if true!

BigJoe14 (Meath) - Posts: 987 - 01/12/2021 14:20:20    2391305


Replying To Meath32245:  "Heard Aaron Lynch, Cian Ward, Oisin Martin, Eoghan Frayne, Gavin McCoy, David and Ben McGowan , Ben Hoey, Mike Deegan, Dean Pluck, Luke Mitchell, Sean Meade , James o hare , have all been called into pannel with my inside source for the o bryne cup"
Cian Ward??? This has to be a wind up?

Blackspot09 (Meath) - Posts: 973 - 01/12/2021 14:29:57    2391307


Replying To Blackspot09:  "Cian Ward??? This has to be a wind up?"
It is, same poster told us james o'hare was off travelling as well as being involved in the panel... within days of each other

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1969 - 01/12/2021 16:06:46    2391322


Replying To brian:  "It is, same poster told us james o'hare was off travelling as well as being involved in the panel... within days of each other"
Ok LOL . Don't get me wrong I am not doubting Cian Wards ability or how good he was this year but I would be very surprised at his age if he (A) Got called up and (B) Accepted a call up.

Blackspot09 (Meath) - Posts: 973 - 01/12/2021 16:25:12    2391327


Replying To Blackspot09:  "Ok LOL . Don't get me wrong I am not doubting Cian Wards ability or how good he was this year but I would be very surprised at his age if he (A) Got called up and (B) Accepted a call up."
Agreed with what you say and don't think Cian would be interested in coming back. I mean he was disgarded at 27/28 and whilst he was never the most active of players he was as good an inside forward as you could hope for and was absolutely lethal.

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1969 - 02/12/2021 12:10:52    2391408


Andy wants Cian Ward to be his new goalkeeper. Thinks his striking ability from kickouts and frees will make us a force to contend with!

I'm joking obviously but genuinely nothing would shock me…

Crinigan (Meath) - Posts: 1352 - 02/12/2021 14:24:51    2391431


Replying To Crinigan:  "Andy wants Cian Ward to be his new goalkeeper. Thinks his striking ability from kickouts and frees will make us a force to contend with!

I'm joking obviously but genuinely nothing would shock me…"
Wouldn't be surprised either ;)

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1969 - 02/12/2021 17:32:31    2391475


For the league we have roscommon down cork and derry at home and away we have galway offaly and clare, the fixture list has worked in our favour with four home games surely promotion is a achievable goal for 2022.

Royal.Legend (Meath) - Posts: 678 - 22/12/2021 14:07:51    2393486


Replying To Royal.Legend:  "For the league we have roscommon down cork and derry at home and away we have galway offaly and clare, the fixture list has worked in our favour with four home games surely promotion is a achievable goal for 2022."
Meath got the luck of the draw there alright.
As you say, with the way it has worked out, promotion is definitely achievable.
Other than Galway, all your other tough games are in PT.
Ye will beat both Offlay and Clare away from home imo, and possibly get a draw in Galway.
If you start with a strong performance v the Tribesmen, it will set ye up nicely and give ye a great chance of a return to Div.1

Fionn (Dublin) - Posts: 3943 - 22/12/2021 15:14:36    2393493


Heading to bray on Saturday (rules permitting).
Looking to see can we unearth some new stars.
Can't bloody wait. Been a long time without county football

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 04/01/2022 15:36:04    2393567


Will be interesting to see what team is put out/announced for Saturday and then the inevitable 13 changes for the v starting team and bench. But at least it'll give us some ideas about who might've been called up to the squad

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1969 - 04/01/2022 16:20:40    2393578


Replying To brian:  "Will be interesting to see what team is put out/announced for Saturday and then the inevitable 13 changes for the v starting team and bench. But at least it'll give us some ideas about who might've been called up to the squad"
Think that's more for league and championship. Whiche let's be honest we not the only county who does it. Doesn't bother me in slightest

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 04/01/2022 18:18:05    2393601


Replying To brian:  "Will be interesting to see what team is put out/announced for Saturday and then the inevitable 13 changes for the v starting team and bench. But at least it'll give us some ideas about who might've been called up to the squad"
Spoke to a lad in work who was involved with Laois Senior management a few years back and asked him about this practice of naming a team then making 2 or 3 changes on the day because it is a bugbear of mine also and this was his explanation.

The thing about the changes to the team named in the programme is that the program team has to be in to the GAA by Wednesday night or i think it is Thursday afternoon at the latest for the programmes to be printed up and ready for the weekend .

Generally the management don't sit down to pick the team until after the last training session of the week which would normally be on Thursday or Friday night . There is probably always 2 or 3 spots that are up for grabs with a few lads fighting for them so of course the team might change from the one given in for the progamme .

Also quite often you might have lads who are carrying an injury and are touch and go if they can start and you want to give them as long as possible for the injury to clear up so you name them in the team and hope by sunday they are good to go. Sometimes they will be sometimes they wont be.

Makes sense to me when its laid out. I genuinely don't think teams are doing it to try and get one up on the opposition or some kind of edge I just think they are being asked to submit a team in the middle of the week before they have actually picked the team for the weekend.

If a management team are being asked to submit their team on a Wednesday or Thursday and they haven't actually picked the team it is no surprise there is a few changes to starting team so maybe we should get away from the practice of asking them to submit teams midweek.

My solution would be to have squad numbers for the season. Have them all printed in the programme and us fans can tick a box beside the starting 15 for each game when it is announced before the game starts.

Anyway just thought you might be interested in this. I was because the team changes annoys me but now I understand the main reason behind it I totally get it.

Blackspot09 (Meath) - Posts: 973 - 05/01/2022 09:40:52    2393631


Replying To royaldunne:  "Heading to bray on Saturday (rules permitting).
Looking to see can we unearth some new stars.
Can't bloody wait. Been a long time without county football"
Saturday is off. Just announced on LMFM

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1969 - 05/01/2022 10:01:27    2393635
