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New Players For 2021

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Replying To GenderNeutral:  "100% accurate. But his possession stats must be amazing!"
True but possesion not lot good if your marker is causjng problems.i have a good game pickong up handy have better game with no one marking you.its a tactic that teams have caught on to with us.kildare game love to know 11s influence on that game stats be good??

Borderroyal (Meath) - Posts: 494 - 19/10/2021 17:58:47    2386332


One i really want to see given minutes is lynch from Trim. Very talented young man, and yes a touch light but very accurate and a dab hand at frees and for that alone i think he would be worth a try as we are very lacking of a confident free taker and are giving up much needed match winning scores just on that front imo.

Irish_downunder (Meath) - Posts: 640 - 20/10/2021 10:47:16    2386382


Replying To brian:  "Would it be possible that we see the return of Shane Gallagher and Niall Kane to the panel for 2022? Gallagher was a solid corner back and better than anyone that's been used there since to try and replace him? Kane got a run of games in 2019 and then broke his arm i think and hasn't been used since. Are both players worthy of being brought back in and used?

Shane Walsh will hopefully also have his injuries cleared up and be fully ready to go. Lets not forget he's only 20/21 and should be making some big jumps physically and in game maturity.

Ronan Jones will also be back and ready to play a full season for the first time in 4 years. I'm hopeful he could have a big impact and we can start grooming the team around him at midfield.

On bringing in some of the 2020 and 2021 minors notably Eoghan Frayne I'd resist the temptation to do that and let them develop at their own rate and with their peers. Frayne's time will come along with plenty others from these two teams like Luke Kelly, Thomas Corbett, Sean Emmanuel, Shaun Leonard, Jack Kinlough and Oisin O'Mhurchu, Ciaran Caulfield, Conor Gray, Ruari Kinsella but they need time to grow into themselves. Let Barry Horgan (think that's his name) work with John McCarthy and Cathal O'Bric and the next group of minors coming through over the next 3-5 years that when they are 21/22 they're being introduced into a stable senior environment and not being relied upon to be a star straight away. You'll have one or 2 come through early but we possibly brought Shane Walsh, Matthew Costello and Cathal Hickey in too early. Luckily they've embraced it and we're running straight away but not everyone will be like that.

As some have mentioned the names like Sean Brennan, James o'Hare, Oisin McCloskey, Liam Byrne, Conor Harford, Jack Flynn, Luke Mitchell and Niall Finnerty could benefit from being involved with the squad, have them doing the gym programs and involved in the behind closed door matches to see if the are at the level required. I was watching an interview with Graham Geraghty during the week and he mentioned how Boylan had him in when he was 17/18 with the panel for months before he went back to minor and U21 panels, believe similar happened with Darren Fay at 18... give these lads a sample of the environment and what its like at senior level and see if they sink or swim and allow them back to development squads if they're faltering."
agree with your point re letting young talent develop, on another point Oisin McCloskey Left Gaa and gone to rugby to I heard

Bear10 (Meath) - Posts: 463 - 20/10/2021 12:42:44    2386418


Sorry "David McEntee" , maybe I missed something , but where did his name come from . A Senior County panellist ..... I've been watching games in the county for years , Seen Dunboyne play numerous times at all levels over the years but have to say hand on heart that David has never stood out even within the Dunboyne club set up . Maybe others are seeing something that I've missed . I'd expect our potential Inter County players to stand out at club level , to be permanent fixtures in their club team etc. I haven't seen this in the last two years . But anyways thats unlikely seeing as we haven't been doing much on the playing side really . Maybe he's a talent thats slipped under the radar and has developed overnight or is a late developer , there's always place at the table for those . But in the current Dunboyne set up , the likes of Sean Ryan defensively , Liam Byrne the same , these are the types of players I'd be bringing into to try out during the O Byrne Cup .Lets look at David in a year or so when he' starts pulling up trees during games . Then give the guy a real opportunity Byrne , Ryan , Aaron Lynch Trim , guys like that is who we need to be seeing .
An Mhi Abu

Chaisleain_Abu (Meath) - Posts: 220 - 20/10/2021 13:26:12    2386429


Replying To Chaisleain_Abu:  "Sorry "David McEntee" , maybe I missed something , but where did his name come from . A Senior County panellist ..... I've been watching games in the county for years , Seen Dunboyne play numerous times at all levels over the years but have to say hand on heart that David has never stood out even within the Dunboyne club set up . Maybe others are seeing something that I've missed . I'd expect our potential Inter County players to stand out at club level , to be permanent fixtures in their club team etc. I haven't seen this in the last two years . But anyways thats unlikely seeing as we haven't been doing much on the playing side really . Maybe he's a talent thats slipped under the radar and has developed overnight or is a late developer , there's always place at the table for those . But in the current Dunboyne set up , the likes of Sean Ryan defensively , Liam Byrne the same , these are the types of players I'd be bringing into to try out during the O Byrne Cup .Lets look at David in a year or so when he' starts pulling up trees during games . Then give the guy a real opportunity Byrne , Ryan , Aaron Lynch Trim , guys like that is who we need to be seeing .
An Mhi Abu"
I agree with you to a point. He is a regular fixture in his club team when fit and IMO has the ability to be on the meath panel. Trouble is he seems miss an awful lot of games through injury particularly in the last few years. I think he could be a stand out forward in Meath Club football if he played regularly with no interruptions because of injury but the fact is he's not pulling up trees and the reasons why are irrelevant so i agree he shouldn't be considered until he is.

Blackspot09 (Meath) - Posts: 973 - 20/10/2021 15:35:30    2386474


Replying To Blackspot09:  "I agree with you to a point. He is a regular fixture in his club team when fit and IMO has the ability to be on the meath panel. Trouble is he seems miss an awful lot of games through injury particularly in the last few years. I think he could be a stand out forward in Meath Club football if he played regularly with no interruptions because of injury but the fact is he's not pulling up trees and the reasons why are irrelevant so i agree he shouldn't be considered until he is."
I though David Mc was part of the county panel last year?

seadog54 (Meath) - Posts: 2193 - 21/10/2021 14:12:33    2386646


Replying To seadog54:  "I though David Mc was part of the county panel last year?"
He was in the early stages. But dropped off around the same time as Gavin McCoy and Donal Lenihan.

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1969 - 21/10/2021 16:34:51    2386689


Replying To brian:  "He was in the early stages. But dropped off around the same time as Gavin McCoy and Donal Lenihan."
These are good club players but if we think we are going to challenge for division one this year we surely need Better

head4dblackspot (Meath) - Posts: 513 - 21/10/2021 17:02:36    2386697


Replying To head4dblackspot:  "These are good club players but if we think we are going to challenge for division one this year we surely need Better"
Lenihan is probably the best club forward in Meath. Bridges need to be mended. Too many on the panel that dont offer anything coming in and this guys should be one of the first names on the team.

TheBong1 (Meath) - Posts: 18 - 22/10/2021 09:49:55    2386745


Replying To TheBong1:  "Lenihan is probably the best club forward in Meath. Bridges need to be mended. Too many on the panel that dont offer anything coming in and this guys should be one of the first names on the team."
Bridges need to be mended????? There was no falling out! He wasn't happy with the game time he was getting and at 31 having played for Meath for 6/7 years decided to step away and concentrate on playing with his club. No drama whatsoever. Players of that age with that amount of service under their belt step away all the time . Andy has fallen out with Players no doubt but don't be making up issues that aren't there.

Blackspot09 (Meath) - Posts: 973 - 22/10/2021 11:11:25    2386770


Replying To Blackspot09:  "I agree with you to a point. He is a regular fixture in his club team when fit and IMO has the ability to be on the meath panel. Trouble is he seems miss an awful lot of games through injury particularly in the last few years. I think he could be a stand out forward in Meath Club football if he played regularly with no interruptions because of injury but the fact is he's not pulling up trees and the reasons why are irrelevant so i agree he shouldn't be considered until he is."
My point exactly , could be , but isn't. But then again appeared as a County panellist in 2020 . Are there no selectors with big enough kuhunas that will say "Whoooah here" , stall the horses . Lets step back from making decisions like this and look at the facts , not playing for the club , for various reasons , not standing out at club level .... How can we justify bring him in ahead or more deserving stand out club players .

I heard a story once , A GAA urban legend I think , about a County player who brought his younger brother along to county training sessions , just to have a kick around with the lads and to make up the numbers . funnily enough urban legend has it' that the younger brother ended up getting a Celtic cross , when the team was successful. Now , the urban legend was told to me by a Ex County player of some standing …. though I'm not sure how much of it I believe .
I doubt if we in this day and age would stand for that ….

Chaisleain_Abu (Meath) - Posts: 220 - 22/10/2021 16:27:52    2386857


Replying To Blackspot09:  "Bridges need to be mended????? There was no falling out! He wasn't happy with the game time he was getting and at 31 having played for Meath for 6/7 years decided to step away and concentrate on playing with his club. No drama whatsoever. Players of that age with that amount of service under their belt step away all the time . Andy has fallen out with Players no doubt but don't be making up issues that aren't there."
i dont think you know your facts here

TheBong1 (Meath) - Posts: 18 - 22/10/2021 19:02:09    2386881


Replying To brian:  "Yeah thats fair and your last point re who will mark him will say a lot. If he can get change out of Lavin, what harm in giving him an O'Byrne cup game, if he wants to play for us of which there's no guarantee anyways ;) So this could all be null and void and I'll have wasted a lot of people's time bringing up his name ;)"
You may put a line through Deegan as a potential meath senior player. He was totally dominated today . Barely touched the ball.

Blackspot09 (Meath) - Posts: 973 - 23/10/2021 19:55:35    2387046


Replying To TheBong1:  "i dont think you know your facts here"
Maybe one of the Dunboyne posters on here might have more of an insight. From what i hear there was no falling out just a difference of opinion on game time. Lenihan obviously felt he should be getting more game time Andy felt he wasn't doing enough to warrant more game time so Lenihan decided to take himself off the panel and concentrate on playing with his club which he is entitled to do.

Blackspot09 (Meath) - Posts: 973 - 23/10/2021 19:59:02    2387048


Replying To Blackspot09:  "You may put a line through Deegan as a potential meath senior player. He was totally dominated today . Barely touched the ball."
in fairness nobody stood out today in an attacking sense - maybe cathal finn apart - people can talk all they want about the conditions but today was a terrible advertisement for the standard of Meath football, it was a senior semi final ( i know semis are all about winning but.... ) could you honestly pick out county players . It was all about trying to keep possession but surely there is a balance between that and an attacking threat

Footnote (Meath) - Posts: 66 - 23/10/2021 21:52:20    2387069


sean rafferty of nafianna could be given a chance good defender

thecraw1 (Meath) - Posts: 106 - 24/10/2021 14:27:50    2387144


Cathal Finn used to be on the panel, did he drop off? Worth a go again. What age is Stephen Sheppard? Aaron Lynch very consistently high on scoring charts. Also worth a run in the league.

stillaroyal (Meath) - Posts: 224 - 26/10/2021 10:44:24    2387384


IFC , seeing as there wasn't a lot on display from the Seniors , the same can't be said of the IFC games at the weekend .
the Trim Vs Walterstown game was as expected , the well oiled Trim machine rolls on . With the usual suspects to the Fore for Trim . Douglas and that guy again Lynch , knocking up scores to beat the band .
8 scores in total , with 2 from play …. Andy best take a look at this type of guy . He didn't appear to miss too much . And he's produced under all conditions .

Chaisleain_Abu (Meath) - Posts: 220 - 26/10/2021 11:05:23    2387395


Niall O'Reilly (Tones) surely has to get a chance at wingback. One of the standout players of the knockout stages - cut Na Fianna open several times in Q final and then 2 points vs Ratoath.
Also scored 0-3 against Kells in group stage, some going from a wing back

Anmhi364 (Meath) - Posts: 65 - 26/10/2021 12:21:40    2387415


Replying To stillaroyal:  "Cathal Finn used to be on the panel, did he drop off? Worth a go again. What age is Stephen Sheppard? Aaron Lynch very consistently high on scoring charts. Also worth a run in the league."
Cathal Finnn was there before and got a run at WHB/ CHB a couple of times but never overly impressed but no harm having another look at least in the O'Byrne Cup

Stephen Sheppard is 33 at least won a minor in 2006, and was involved under Coyler in 2007, had a dust up with Geraghty during a training match and don't think he was ever involved again. Probably far too late to bring him in now. Probably one of the better club players of the last 15 years who never got a run with the county.

Aaron Lynch certainly deserves an opportunity at this stage. Consistently performs for Trim form open play and placed balls, and should get at least the three O'Byrne cup games to prove his worth.

I'd imagine Andy won't add too many new players this year knowing he's in dead man walking territory. He'll work with the panel he has unless someone is absolutely shooting the lights out. If he'll try anyone it'll be during the O'Byrne Cup.

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1969 - 26/10/2021 12:36:54    2387424
