Meath Forum

Change Of Management?

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I would have welcomed a change in management myself. reasons.
We have gone back since 2019, in 2019 we peaked and where looking good,
In 2019 we gained promotion, and made the super 8s.
since that we have not beaten a Div 1 team and we where relegated. ( also we failed to get promoted) in a relatively easier group. Including super 8s in 2019 until now. I count we played Div teams 12 times league and championship lost all one draw Mongahan. After 5 years in charge the team is no more settle than it was in day one. The problems have been knocking about now for years, everyone is blue in the face talking about it.

Goalkeeping situation. is close to 15 or goalkeepers at this stage, its just a mess of Andys own doing he cant blame anyone else for that.
We possibly need a new full back that been kinda obvious for awhile.

Midfield is another problem that wont go away. We have not natural fielders ball winners inthat area. Harnan and Menton belong in the half backline. Thats the best positions, We are robbing Peter to pay Paul there.

Interestingly 2018 Meath played Tyrone in Navan, which we where unlucky not to win. since then Tyrone have gone on to play in a All-ireland and win one. It just shows the directions both teams have gone. When in 2018 we where about the same level.

All this accumulated in to the mess that we watched in Newbridge this year against Kildare. For me this is one of the worst performances I have ever seen from a Meath team. When Andy came in I was excited. he did steadily the ship, and we have made progress, but we have gone backwards recently. I cant see anything changing is year to change above problems that has dogged Andys time with Meath. I think it was a opportunity for some to come and try something fresh.

bobkarlgees (Meath) - Posts: 1265 - 13/10/2021 13:08:21    2385492


Replying To latouche25:  "That's strange, you were on here yesterday saying there would be a statement from the players last night. Yet there was nothing not a peap from any of them. Wouldn't that be the place for them to show their support not the day after the vote. Before you post think about what you are saying. As for your comment about Kells That's just childish."
And you were on here yesterday saying the Kerry players sent a letter to the Kerry CB supporting Peter Keane yet there is absolutely zero evidence of this anywhere. Maybe you should heed your own advice about thinking about what you say before you post. Also if the players wanted him gone they could have said so in the questionnaire they filled out for the review and not 1 single player said they wanted him gone.

Blackspot09 (Meath) - Posts: 973 - 13/10/2021 13:24:13    2385497


Replying To latouche25:  "That's strange, you were on here yesterday saying there would be a statement from the players last night. Yet there was nothing not a peap from any of them. Wouldn't that be the place for them to show their support not the day after the vote. Before you post think about what you are saying. As for your comment about Kells That's just childish."
I wasn't on here saying there would be statements, must have been another poster.

southmeathgael (Meath) - Posts: 933 - 13/10/2021 13:25:41    2385499


Replying To latouche25:  "Were you at the meeting"
Were you ? You seem to have a vendetta too. For no other reason than anyone bar Andy.

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 13/10/2021 13:28:54    2385501


Replying To latouche25:  "Were you at the meeting"
Btw 24 players responded to question about andys future. ALL OF THEM , wanted him to continue.

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 13/10/2021 13:30:28    2385502


Replying To brian:  "And this is why Meath football is so mired in the ****...

Someone from one part of Meath having a go at someone from another over small scores and having to get their lumos in ad naseum.

24 members out of 38 responded. The other 14 choose not to or said no by not responding. That's more than 1/3 of the panel.

Have you a source for this, I had a quick look and can't find anything. I'm not questioning the validity of your statement just asking where it was released.

27 out of 74 clubs voted to remove Andy. That's over 1/3 of clubs.

8 out of 15 of the executive voted to remove Andy after an investigation by a 3 man committee was held. That review took way too long and was left another nasty taste. It should've been done within a month to allow a quick decision be made.

I think we can all accept that this will be last year of Andy short of something miraculous happening in 2022. Lets all get behind him and the team and hopefully enjoy some days out over the next year and hopefully a further improvement in the state of meath football.

I hope for all our sakes the county board are already putting the wheels in motion about finding a successor to Andy and will have that person ready to roll. They've been absent at the wheel again over this and need to look at what they want for us to close the gap on those ahead of us. Their underage work is a credit and succession plans in place but the senior team will always be the flagship and needs joined up thinking down to underage. We need the structure to be corrected there, otherwise all of the work below is for nought of the senior manager wants things a different way."
So meath football is mired in the s**t cause lads on a forum engage in a bit of north v south banter??? I've heard it all now. I'll stop having the crack if ya think itll help the team progress on the field so. And lmfm tweeted the figures on the players response this morning.

southmeathgael (Meath) - Posts: 933 - 13/10/2021 13:31:18    2385503


Replying To seadog54:  "Never happy, do we really want a bunch of yes men/women on our CB? They voted as they saw fit and having an opinion is not a sacking offence. Only option is get behind team and hopefully things will improve in2022."
When what they did brought the county into disrepute, then absolutely they should consider their positions. To say otherwise is laughable

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 13/10/2021 13:33:19    2385505


Replying To Meathball:  "The chairman of the County Board John Kavanagh should now ask the 8 members who voted no confidence in Andy and created this embarrassing mess to step aside. Their actions were beyond gombeen like, timing was terrible, no Plan B, I could go on. Less than 20 clubs voted against Andy as those 8 people could cast their votes again. To lose by such a big margin shows these 8 people on the executive are totally out of touch with reality on the ground in clubs. How can we expect Andy to work with those 8 people knowing they voted no confidence in him."
Why? It sounds like a harsh ould punishment for an opinion expressed in a democratic manner through the right forum? Its not Stalin's Russia we are living in. Vote's over.. Move on.

TobinsBeard (Meath) - Posts: 126 - 13/10/2021 13:36:49    2385509


Decided to stay quiet until it was all over and done with. I've weighted up the pros and cons of Andys tenure.

- Improved fitness
- Mentally stronger
- Brought in new players each year who have benefited the team
- Never say die attitude
- Signs of a game plan or style of play at times

- Goalkeeping issue
- Lack of a decent ball winning midfielder
- 20's fall out with BF
- No freetaker
- Heavy losses in Leinster final

In my own opinion Andy staying was the correct decision based on the timing of this occuring. If it had happened in July then I think he wouldn't have had 40+ clubs backing him. Getting rid of him now would have meant a whole process in bringing in a new manager. If that manager was outside the county it could have meant they haven't seen much club football in Meath thus an impact on selecting the best players for the coming year.

I saw Andy at 2 club games last weekend so even though his position was under threat he was still attending club matches and looking for talent.

UsernameInvalid (Meath) - Posts: 388 - 13/10/2021 13:37:03    2385510


Replying To latouche25:  "No they didn't vote to remove him they voted not to ratify him for a third year. They acted on the terms of his appointment which was to review his position after 2 years. The chairman is responsible for getting the review complete in a timely fashion. It then went to the club's to decide. The club's did decide and Andy is staying. They did the job they were elected to do. Unfortunately some posters don't agree with them doing their job. To have people coming on here calling for them to be named or calling them cowards is disgusting. These people have the best interest of Meath football at heart and have given a lifetime of service to the GAA all for free. Can that be said by everyone on here"
They are cowards. And I'll gladly call it to any of their faces.

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 13/10/2021 13:44:55    2385513


Replying To southmeathgael:  "I wasn't on here saying there would be statements, must have been another poster."
Ah no you were. Latouche said you were so you must have been.

Blackspot09 (Meath) - Posts: 973 - 13/10/2021 13:45:05    2385514


Replying To royaldunne:  "When what they did brought the county into disrepute, then absolutely they should consider their positions. To say otherwise is laughable"
No county board member has brought Meath football into distepute, it has happened over the past few years but not by them. They are bound by the process and proceedures in place, which need to be looked at so decisions can be reached in a timely manner.

seadog54 (Meath) - Posts: 2193 - 13/10/2021 13:48:20    2385516


Replying To Blackspot09:  "And you were on here yesterday saying the Kerry players sent a letter to the Kerry CB supporting Peter Keane yet there is absolutely zero evidence of this anywhere. Maybe you should heed your own advice about thinking about what you say before you post. Also if the players wanted him gone they could have said so in the questionnaire they filled out for the review and not 1 single player said they wanted him gone."
Once again your talking rubbish. Peter Keane spoke on national television and stated it. The Kerry CB have not denied it. So what are you talking about. You state the players all backed him in the review yet you have absolutely no evidence of this. The review is secret and will not be made public. Now enlighten us please where you are getting your information.

latouche25 (Meath) - Posts: 523 - 13/10/2021 13:56:07    2385518


Replying To royaldunne:  "Were you ? You seem to have a vendetta too. For no other reason than anyone bar Andy."
So you have a vendetta. Unlike you I don't. I have an opinion. I also support the committee on doing their job Unlike you who seeks to bully and intimidate them for doing their job. If you want to run for a position on the committee then put your name forward. Through the proper channels of course. You'd be really good in there.

latouche25 (Meath) - Posts: 523 - 13/10/2021 14:01:38    2385519


Replying To royaldunne:  "Btw 24 players responded to question about andys future. ALL OF THEM , wanted him to continue."
BTW you have no proof of that as the review is secret. Don't be reposting what someone else on here has said as fact.

latouche25 (Meath) - Posts: 523 - 13/10/2021 14:03:28    2385520


Replying To southmeathgael:  "So meath football is mired in the s**t cause lads on a forum engage in a bit of north v south banter??? I've heard it all now. I'll stop having the crack if ya think itll help the team progress on the field so. And lmfm tweeted the figures on the players response this morning."
From LMFM website today. A survey before the vote was sent to the panel with 31 questions. 24 of the 38 on the panel responded to the survey anonymously . Not 1 of everybody who responded said they wanted to get rid of the manager. So there we have it no guessing about what the players thought. That is what they thought

LeitrimRoyal99 (Meath) - Posts: 1513 - 13/10/2021 14:11:11    2385525


Replying To latouche25:  "Once again your talking rubbish. Peter Keane spoke on national television and stated it. The Kerry CB have not denied it. So what are you talking about. You state the players all backed him in the review yet you have absolutely no evidence of this. The review is secret and will not be made public. Now enlighten us please where you are getting your information." There's the evidence of it,
" It emerged that the players' survey contained 31 questions
24 of the 38 players responded, and it was done on a confidential basis...
None of the 24 however, said they wanted to get rid of the manager...".
Quite clear that the players did not want the manager gone

LeitrimRoyal99 (Meath) - Posts: 1513 - 13/10/2021 14:15:42    2385528


Replying To latouche25:  "Once again your talking rubbish. Peter Keane spoke on national television and stated it. The Kerry CB have not denied it. So what are you talking about. You state the players all backed him in the review yet you have absolutely no evidence of this. The review is secret and will not be made public. Now enlighten us please where you are getting your information."
LMFM tweeted the the Info about the players questionnaire. Ah sure maybe they were making it up. The questionnaire was anonymous as in the players names weren't on them when sent back . 24 of 38 players filled in the questionnaire with not 1 player saying they wanted rid of the manager . But sure you believe whatever you want. The players had the opportunity to call for him to be removed without anyone knowing who they are and not 1 player did.

Blackspot09 (Meath) - Posts: 973 - 13/10/2021 14:17:07    2385529


Replying To latouche25:  "BTW you have no proof of that as the review is secret. Don't be reposting what someone else on here has said as fact."
LMFM , The Meath Chronicle ,The Irish Examiner and The Irish Independent all have the info on the review and the players questionnaire today. What more proof do you need Lad

Blackspot09 (Meath) - Posts: 973 - 13/10/2021 14:54:40    2385537


Replying To royaldunne:  "They are cowards. And I'll gladly call it to any of their faces."
Jesus lads, relax. They are on a committee and gave their opinions as they are entitled to. Volunteers at end of day. It's not beyond belief that 8 of the 15 wouldn't mind seeing someone else involved as manager … afterall he's done an ok job, nothing more really.

Crinigan (Meath) - Posts: 1352 - 13/10/2021 16:19:43    2385555
