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Change Of Management?

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Replying To nobull456:  "Unfortunately the opportunity to conduct a proper review of Andy Mc Entees management was mucked up by the powers that be by waiting 3 months to reveal . So 8 members had doubts .Thats hardly suprising by any objective measurement based on results plus no improvement in key basic skills areas such as freetaking etc Boylan had that problem but he fixed it as you correctly point out. Andy and his backroom team it seems do not have the capacity to learn at sufficient pace......As i see it the delegates were faced with the choice A do we vote for a new manager at this late stage in October? 2 because of poor timing do i vote for more of the same?
We know what happened . We have more of the same by default probably . From here we should expect more of the same in terms of results.. It is sad to discover that a vital properly structured review could not completed and acted on in a timely manner by leadership."
Well said no bull i fully agree with you.

The committee review took way too long to conduct
They provided a recommendation without an alternative to the problem statement
The council voted based on what was presented to them

The fact this review was presented in October and not August meant the vote could only go one way. There was no alternative put to the delegates and clubs. They could vote remove Andy and then what.... or retain him and see what happens.

i think your summation of expecting more of the same is very accurate.

As an alternative Eamonn Murray came in to the ladies set up in 2016/2017 (i believe) he worked on their weaknesses and developed a style of play and players that fit into that system. He's tweaked his team ever year but the same basic style is there. All of the girls within that system are comfortable doing what they are doing. In 208 and 2019 they conceded a lot of goals and Eamonn worked with them on clogging up the D and players back defending the D and they are conceding less goals as result. He has worked on perceived weaknesses and made them a better team. He's lead them to Divison 2 League, Intermediate and Senior all irelands. Each year the team has built on the year before. We couldn't say that is true of the men's team.

I'm not trying to compare them directly but the ladies team has a style and structure they play too. The senior mens team don't and both managers have been in their roles roughly the same length of time.

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1969 - 22/10/2021 16:05:11    2386850


Replying To nobull456:  "Unfortunately the opportunity to conduct a proper review of Andy Mc Entees management was mucked up by the powers that be by waiting 3 months to reveal . So 8 members had doubts .Thats hardly suprising by any objective measurement based on results plus no improvement in key basic skills areas such as freetaking etc Boylan had that problem but he fixed it as you correctly point out. Andy and his backroom team it seems do not have the capacity to learn at sufficient pace......As i see it the delegates were faced with the choice A do we vote for a new manager at this late stage in October? 2 because of poor timing do i vote for more of the same?
We know what happened . We have more of the same by default probably . From here we should expect more of the same in terms of results.. It is sad to discover that a vital properly structured review could not completed and acted on in a timely manner by leadership."
what really amazes me is , the belief that there is Zero connection between the County Board Leadership abilities, and the capability of whoever is appointed as managers of the various Teams this doesn't excuse all of Andys shortcomings ie kick-outs, free takers....but i can only imagine the amount of time wasted by him in dealing with the Spanners

Thelongwoodslasher (Meath) - Posts: 401 - 22/10/2021 16:10:25    2386851


Replying To brian:  "Agh so nothing is Andy's fault basically, he doesn't have the players so its the players fault is it...

Kickouts - Who is responsible for devising the strategy to try and cover up those short comings? The players themselves or the manager, or the kick out guru nally who talks a great game. Ever club the country over down to junior whatever has a strategy and we're sat here with half an idea....

Continued Junior b barbs despite me naming players from multiple senior clubs, but yeah keep making things up there to suit yourself, sure you did it with the footballing clubs notion.... don't forget Boylan found plenty of junior club players and made them a lot better than they were (Stafford, Paeder Byrne, John McDermott were jumior/intermediate players no one had looked at)

Free takers, Donal Lenihan the best exponent of free taking in the county was left sitting on his **** in the stand in a game v Westmeath where 5 - 7 players i believe had a go at the free's. Newman from my own club has never been a consistent free taker and Walsh has never taken frees so once more flawed arguments. Jordan Morris was taking most of the frees in 20 and 21 when Walsh and Newman were on the field. So is Morris not then the best we have!!!!

But as I've said for two seasons, why is there no one working with the free takers? Who's coaching them? Who's developing their style and approach to the ball. Again clubs up and down the country work with their free takers on all of these things or get in help from a Kicking coach but again this isn't deemed important by our manager.

Who is the person responsible for sending out a team with out a kick out strategy where they win at least 60% of their own ball or sending out a team with out a designated 75% free taker?

Would Boylan have sent out a team without a free taker? Would he ever. Stafford and Giles were never free takers in their early days but Sean got them working on it, had Stafford working with Ollie Campbell and they develop an almost metronomic free taking style and you never worried about them. Today i worry if a free is more likely to hit the corner flag or not.

We're leaving 5-6 scores on the field in ever game due to poor kick out strategy and lack of a free taker. They are an easy fix and would help the team immeasurably.

But yeah the managers just doesn't have the players so lets just give him a free pass for all the failings he has.

I've an honest question for any and all but which players have really improved under Andy as a manager? I don't argue that he has brought better structure and fitness to the table but is there anyone who's really that much better under his stewardship? I'd argue probably not, they might be marginally better due to the fitness and structure he's brought but has anyone taken a huge leap forward under him?"
Free taking is a manager's fault,poor goalkeeper is a manager's fault, poor kickouts from a sub standard keeper is a manager's fault,not the obvious lack of quality,do you actually think we have a Stephen cluxton that just isn't coached probably,i give up

Utdroyal (Meath) - Posts: 65 - 22/10/2021 17:06:36    2386864


Replying To brian:  "Agh so nothing is Andy's fault basically, he doesn't have the players so its the players fault is it...

Kickouts - Who is responsible for devising the strategy to try and cover up those short comings? The players themselves or the manager, or the kick out guru nally who talks a great game. Ever club the country over down to junior whatever has a strategy and we're sat here with half an idea....

Continued Junior b barbs despite me naming players from multiple senior clubs, but yeah keep making things up there to suit yourself, sure you did it with the footballing clubs notion.... don't forget Boylan found plenty of junior club players and made them a lot better than they were (Stafford, Paeder Byrne, John McDermott were jumior/intermediate players no one had looked at)

Free takers, Donal Lenihan the best exponent of free taking in the county was left sitting on his **** in the stand in a game v Westmeath where 5 - 7 players i believe had a go at the free's. Newman from my own club has never been a consistent free taker and Walsh has never taken frees so once more flawed arguments. Jordan Morris was taking most of the frees in 20 and 21 when Walsh and Newman were on the field. So is Morris not then the best we have!!!!

But as I've said for two seasons, why is there no one working with the free takers? Who's coaching them? Who's developing their style and approach to the ball. Again clubs up and down the country work with their free takers on all of these things or get in help from a Kicking coach but again this isn't deemed important by our manager.

Who is the person responsible for sending out a team with out a kick out strategy where they win at least 60% of their own ball or sending out a team with out a designated 75% free taker?

Would Boylan have sent out a team without a free taker? Would he ever. Stafford and Giles were never free takers in their early days but Sean got them working on it, had Stafford working with Ollie Campbell and they develop an almost metronomic free taking style and you never worried about them. Today i worry if a free is more likely to hit the corner flag or not.

We're leaving 5-6 scores on the field in ever game due to poor kick out strategy and lack of a free taker. They are an easy fix and would help the team immeasurably.

But yeah the managers just doesn't have the players so lets just give him a free pass for all the failings he has.

I've an honest question for any and all but which players have really improved under Andy as a manager? I don't argue that he has brought better structure and fitness to the table but is there anyone who's really that much better under his stewardship? I'd argue probably not, they might be marginally better due to the fitness and structure he's brought but has anyone taken a huge leap forward under him?"
Absolutely, its down to management, without a kickout strategy in the modren game it is almost impossible to put a game plan in place, we give away 3/4 scores each game and this is compounded by missing 3/4 scores at other end. If we do not have reliable free taker then stop taking pot shots and giving possession away. As you say MN was never top class at frees, his stats were in low 70% at best. Cannot understand why DL was not given more game time and understand why he walked away. Will never forget the Mayo league game (div one) when only down a point or two and a strong wind to our back we played most of second half with no one able to kick a free and a good marksman sitting in the stand. Hard to identify any player who has progressed under this management, however a few have regressed. Fitness has improved, but surely thats a minimum requirement?
On a more positive note it will be interesting to see outcome of tomorrows vote at Congress, would like to see option B given a chance, on plus side more games, however will also favour counties who can select a strong panel of 25/30 players.
Progress next year may depend on what John McCloskey can bring to Meath football.

seadog54 (Meath) - Posts: 2193 - 22/10/2021 17:19:34    2386867


So the here and now scenario is.
Kickout strategies?
Players to be included next year?
New coach approach who is he what will he bring does anyone know him or his experience.?

Borderroyal (Meath) - Posts: 494 - 22/10/2021 17:25:22    2386869


Replying To Utdroyal:  "Free taking is a manager's fault,poor goalkeeper is a manager's fault, poor kickouts from a sub standard keeper is a manager's fault,not the obvious lack of quality,do you actually think we have a Stephen cluxton that just isn't coached probably,i give up"
Who put those players out there? The manager. Yes its entirely his fault. He lives and dies by the decisions he makes and in these instances he's made poor choices. If you can't see that then i really can';t help you.

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1969 - 22/10/2021 18:16:39    2386873


Replying To head4dblackspot:  "You are missing the point completely
I'm not saying Andy should go or stay but clearly the overwhelming majority of clubs think he should stay
I'm saying the committee that held the vote should not be the ones deciding on this mater
It is not set up with the personal to make this call
Their jobs and skill set within the county board is completely different then what is needed to select/ remove an inter county manager as was echoed by clubs
An expert committee should be in place for such matters"
I assume the 3 man review group are what we consider well qualified,and i agree there...i believe the majority of clubs voted Andy should stay in the circumstances i.e. to late in the year to change ,and no other alternative . I dont see that as complete endorsement of Andy by any means or a well functioning top table who are to blame for the mess .

nobull456 (Meath) - Posts: 1265 - 22/10/2021 19:16:54    2386885


Replying To Borderroyal:  "So the here and now scenario is.
Kickout strategies?
Players to be included next year?
New coach approach who is he what will he bring does anyone know him or his experience.?"
Very highly regarded when he was with Crossmaglen and Armagh when they won A/I. Crossed over to Rugby both at home and in England, not sure when he was last involved with football, possibly with college team. A fresh outlook is both needed and welcome.

seadog54 (Meath) - Posts: 2193 - 22/10/2021 20:36:11    2386891


Replying To brian:  "Who put those players out there? The manager. Yes its entirely his fault. He lives and dies by the decisions he makes and in these instances he's made poor choices. If you can't see that then i really can';t help you."
Obviously,keep spouting same rubbish, while naming players nowhere near good enough,

Utdroyal (Meath) - Posts: 65 - 26/10/2021 14:57:28    2387459


Replying To Utdroyal:  "Obviously,keep spouting same rubbish, while naming players nowhere near good enough,"
What... are they not junior club players anymore.... c'mon... throw out your usual lines at least.

i can at least admit where Andy has done well and have given praise for that but I can see his faults too.

Maybe start a petition to have him cannonised seeing as the man doesn't seem to have done any wrong according to what you're telling us,

Nothing that is wrong seems to be Andy's fault, is that what you're honestly trying to say????

Cos i think most people on either side (even the most blinkered of Andy's backers) of the debate would agree that Andy has his faults?

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1969 - 26/10/2021 15:45:59    2387466


Replying To seadog54:  "Very highly regarded when he was with Crossmaglen and Armagh when they won A/I. Crossed over to Rugby both at home and in England, not sure when he was last involved with football, possibly with college team. A fresh outlook is both needed and welcome."
Ive heard he s/c coach have we not niall ronan for that chatting armagh lad he say more fitness than football coach.

Borderroyal (Meath) - Posts: 494 - 26/10/2021 20:30:30    2387520


Replying To seadog54:  "Absolutely, its down to management, without a kickout strategy in the modren game it is almost impossible to put a game plan in place, we give away 3/4 scores each game and this is compounded by missing 3/4 scores at other end. If we do not have reliable free taker then stop taking pot shots and giving possession away. As you say MN was never top class at frees, his stats were in low 70% at best. Cannot understand why DL was not given more game time and understand why he walked away. Will never forget the Mayo league game (div one) when only down a point or two and a strong wind to our back we played most of second half with no one able to kick a free and a good marksman sitting in the stand. Hard to identify any player who has progressed under this management, however a few have regressed. Fitness has improved, but surely thats a minimum requirement?
On a more positive note it will be interesting to see outcome of tomorrows vote at Congress, would like to see option B given a chance, on plus side more games, however will also favour counties who can select a strong panel of 25/30 players.
Progress next year may depend on what John McCloskey can bring to Meath football."
Cillian O'Sullivan has improved massively since Covid in particular in his consistency and his accuracy, Seamus Lavin has improved hugely since Andy took over and became a quality corner back who we will miss next year. Conor McGill became an all star nominee. I would also say Bryan McMahon and Joey Wallace have improved. They were on the panel pre Andy and weren't ready for inter county football and they're now serviceable inter county players. What's problem more impressive is how young guys have hit the ground running. Costello, Hickey and Jordy Morris in particular. They are now players of real senior inter county quality. You could say they were good underage players but so are a lot of guys. They look mature and aren't bullied at all, so I would say those guys have improved massively as footballers also from being on the Meath panel

LeitrimRoyal99 (Meath) - Posts: 1513 - 27/10/2021 09:16:07    2387530


Replying To LeitrimRoyal99:  "Cillian O'Sullivan has improved massively since Covid in particular in his consistency and his accuracy, Seamus Lavin has improved hugely since Andy took over and became a quality corner back who we will miss next year. Conor McGill became an all star nominee. I would also say Bryan McMahon and Joey Wallace have improved. They were on the panel pre Andy and weren't ready for inter county football and they're now serviceable inter county players. What's problem more impressive is how young guys have hit the ground running. Costello, Hickey and Jordy Morris in particular. They are now players of real senior inter county quality. You could say they were good underage players but so are a lot of guys. They look mature and aren't bullied at all, so I would say those guys have improved massively as footballers also from being on the Meath panel"
Hi LR, I would disagree with you on some of those players especially McMahon who ran a muck v Westmeath in 2015 scoring 2-02 in the first half and was well able for senior football. I would agree that the rest have improved marginally but I would say maybe 5-10% better. But I accept that's an eye test based on individuals opinions. And we're all entitled to on.

You say we'll miss Lavin next year? Is there something that hasn't come out that he's not playing next year? I hadn't heard anything so that's why I ask?

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1969 - 27/10/2021 09:49:55    2387537


Replying To brian:  "Hi LR, I would disagree with you on some of those players especially McMahon who ran a muck v Westmeath in 2015 scoring 2-02 in the first half and was well able for senior football. I would agree that the rest have improved marginally but I would say maybe 5-10% better. But I accept that's an eye test based on individuals opinions. And we're all entitled to on.

You say we'll miss Lavin next year? Is there something that hasn't come out that he's not playing next year? I hadn't heard anything so that's why I ask?"
Just going away travelling for the year. I'd imagine with COVID restrictions now looser we will see more of it across Ireland with guys who wanted to travel in 2020 or 2021 but were unable

LeitrimRoyal99 (Meath) - Posts: 1513 - 27/10/2021 11:39:22    2387564


Replying To LeitrimRoyal99:  "Just going away travelling for the year. I'd imagine with COVID restrictions now looser we will see more of it across Ireland with guys who wanted to travel in 2020 or 2021 but were unable"
Agh fair enough. Couldn't really blame him either and same for Hickey I'm hearing from one of the other threads. Shane also supposed to be missing time due to work. They'll be losses and will need a reshuffle of the team a little.

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1969 - 27/10/2021 11:55:45    2387568


Replying To Borderroyal:  "Ive heard he s/c coach have we not niall ronan for that chatting armagh lad he say more fitness than football coach."
Also a skills coach in both codes,(football and RU) in addition to his time with Armagh and Cross. spent time with Derry footballers in or around 2000, seems to be a man more than willing to embrace change . Described in one article I read "as credited with modernising how Gaelic football is taught and coached" so comes with a good -if outdated - CV. No idea if NR is still involved with Meath.
Link gives a good insight into J McCloskey

seadog54 (Meath) - Posts: 2193 - 27/10/2021 17:27:47    2387633


Replying To seadog54:  "Also a skills coach in both codes,(football and RU) in addition to his time with Armagh and Cross. spent time with Derry footballers in or around 2000, seems to be a man more than willing to embrace change . Described in one article I read "as credited with modernising how Gaelic football is taught and coached" so comes with a good -if outdated - CV. No idea if NR is still involved with Meath.
Link gives a good insight into J McCloskey"
Seadog, I might be wrong on this but was Niall Ronan not recently appointed on a full time basis as head of S&C for Meath GAA. May be wishful thinking on my part. I think McCloskey whilst having an S&C background was more of a coach and tactics person with Big Joe Kernan in the Armagh glory days. Given that Murtagh and Curtis stepped away its a very good appointment by Andy.

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1969 - 27/10/2021 17:55:47    2387644


Replying To brian:  "Seadog, I might be wrong on this but was Niall Ronan not recently appointed on a full time basis as head of S&C for Meath GAA. May be wishful thinking on my part. I think McCloskey whilst having an S&C background was more of a coach and tactics person with Big Joe Kernan in the Armagh glory days. Given that Murtagh and Curtis stepped away its a very good appointment by Andy."
He was involved in both, but assume it will be more tatics and general team prep with Meath. Good to hear NR is still part of set up. Could turn out a very good move, years of experience to call on.

seadog54 (Meath) - Posts: 2193 - 28/10/2021 10:53:29    2387683


Replying To brian:  "Seadog, I might be wrong on this but was Niall Ronan not recently appointed on a full time basis as head of S&C for Meath GAA. May be wishful thinking on my part. I think McCloskey whilst having an S&C background was more of a coach and tactics person with Big Joe Kernan in the Armagh glory days. Given that Murtagh and Curtis stepped away its a very good appointment by Andy."
Does Andy have a panel at the moment or will he name a new one for O'Byrne Cup and league in the next few weeks?

With Murtagh and Curtis departed and McCloskey joining does that meant that there is a vacancy for another selector?

trim1 (Meath) - Posts: 162 - 28/10/2021 13:54:39    2387718


Replying To trim1:  "Does Andy have a panel at the moment or will he name a new one for O'Byrne Cup and league in the next few weeks?

With Murtagh and Curtis departed and McCloskey joining does that meant that there is a vacancy for another selector?"
Collective training ban in place until November 1 i believe so not yet. But i'm sure he's reached out to most of those likely to be involved already and they are working on fitness and S&C plans. As for a final squad I'm not sure if or when that might come out. I know there was an initial 40/41 player squad made available early last season. Article from Examiner here

I don't think he plans to bring anyone else is. Think Nally, McCloskey, Paul Nestor and Mark/Marcus Brennan are all there so that's likely enough?? And Niall Ronan as your S&C guy.

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1969 - 28/10/2021 14:11:07    2387720
