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should the county board stick or twist with football management ?

StickFan (Meath) - Posts: 217 - 21/07/2021 10:00:19    2362415


Replying To Blackspot09:  "Ok so Andy is constantly getting criticism for not addressing the goalkeeping situation well and not doing something about it. He then makes a call on the goalkeeping situation and starts a keeper who he says was flying in the lead up to game and now he's getting criticism for throwing the lad in at the deep end..... even though you said it worked out.

But it only work because it was "lucky it worked out"

Surely he should be given credit for finally making a big call on the goalkeeper and getting it right but no apparently it was just a lucky call.

Yous would be the same lads slating him for not addressing the goalkeeping situation if he had gone with Colgan and it had not worked out. Make up your mind lads."
I do have to say I found that one surprising. I was shocked when Hogan was listed to start and I was very apprehensive about it because I didn't think he'd played well against Mayo. But Andy's faith in him was proven correct, I thought he had a brilliant game. This is a good managerial call, not just luck. Likewise Eamon Wallace starting over Devine was a good call. Andy deserves credit for both of these

LeitrimRoyal99 (Meath) - Posts: 1513 - 21/07/2021 11:47:52    2362449


Replying To StickFan:  "should the county board stick or twist with football management ?"
I firmly believe the CB should have a thorough stock take of itself to begin with. Some questions i would pose .DO they really accept that ultimately they are in charge of the future of Meath football ?.As far as i am concerned they are or should be in charge .Therefore there are questions arising... Are they fully tuned in to the requirements of the ROLE of manager?If they say they are then what plans are in place to update and move with modern developments for that role. How will they select a candidate ? TO me attitude goes a long way Attitude meaning the willingness to learn and work with other people. Look at DUBLIN ,you can read the attitude .listen to any of their players ..its all about the team ,its all about continuous improvement . Gilroy startd a culture to be fair to him ,then Gavin proved attitude is what its all about. Look at how he behaved on the side line EVERY time as an example. We have to have the same culture of stock taking and planning for improvements .If not we will go nowhere.
Yes for a large part of the second half against Dublin that old Meath never say die was evident and full credit to all
To bottle that what and how is a keypoint in planning development. Was that a 1 off or was it a conscious decision? Again all about learning .How do we learn from the good as well as the bad ? Any serious stock taking will just include this positive second half as a learning point . No doubt it is not the full picture when considered in the big picture of happenings in the last 2 years.. In a nutshell the CB has to be fully proactive from here , and a lot less passive it seems. Take charge now FIT THE MAN TO THE ROLE OF MANAGER, of couse that person has to accept development as reqd. Noboby is made to measure exactly, but the corner posts must be in his DNA. 1 Willingness to learn and promote learning all around him. 2. strong interpersonal skills always showing respect to others .3. Ruthless when necessary but always motivated by welfare of the team and agreed objectives. 4. willing to take constructive suggestions from fellow management team members
Really an ideal time for real building But the foundation stone is attitude. Accepting that attitude is how you behave because you believe its the correct thing to do at the time. Behaviour is what you do because someone said so! An once of attitude change is worth a ton of behaviour change Attitude change maybe slower we know . It took Dublin years but there is no quick fix!

nobull456 (Meath) - Posts: 1265 - 21/07/2021 13:21:05    2362493


Replying To Ashrules:  "Very proud of the meath team.Wonderful performance. Something should be done about how gaa officials get away with mistreating them. Referee Conor Lane should be retired. What clown picks the referees.

Also we should have insisted on navan as venue..home advantage worth 5 to 7 points.look how decisions were bottled.even clear penalty."
How is home advantage worth 5 to 7 points. Not a chance

VernonSmith (Meath) - Posts: 112 - 21/07/2021 13:26:35    2362495


Replying To LeitrimRoyal99:  "I do have to say I found that one surprising. I was shocked when Hogan was listed to start and I was very apprehensive about it because I didn't think he'd played well against Mayo. But Andy's faith in him was proven correct, I thought he had a brilliant game. This is a good managerial call, not just luck. Likewise Eamon Wallace starting over Devine was a good call. Andy deserves credit for both of these"
I agree but it seems for some people the good calls are actually just lucky where as the bad calls are poor management by him.

Blackspot09 (Meath) - Posts: 973 - 21/07/2021 14:14:18    2362509


Replying To Blackspot09:  "Ok so Andy is constantly getting criticism for not addressing the goalkeeping situation well and not doing something about it. He then makes a call on the goalkeeping situation and starts a keeper who he says was flying in the lead up to game and now he's getting criticism for throwing the lad in at the deep end..... even though you said it worked out.

But it only work because it was "lucky it worked out"

Surely he should be given credit for finally making a big call on the goalkeeper and getting it right but no apparently it was just a lucky call.

Yous would be the same lads slating him for not addressing the goalkeeping situation if he had gone with Colgan and it had not worked out. Make up your mind lads."
Blackspot I wouldn't say it worked tbh. I don't subscribe to getting lucky by selecting Hogan. Hogan had his kick outs broken quite easily by the dubs in the second quarter leading to multiple scores which cost us the game. He proverbially couldn't keep it kicked out to the Dubs without it being returned with interest. Yes Hogan made a great save in the second half but its a save Colgan likely would've made too.

I think people's issue with the Hogan (and goal keeping) selection is two fold

1) that no matter what keeper is used since 2020 Yorke, Dardis, Colgan, Brennan and Hogan our kick outs haven't improved, We've no apparent strategy from them, We lack midfielders to win clean ball or middle eight players who can win breaking ball and the pressure is always on us. Teams know it, press up on our kick out and feast on mistakes. Now tbf to Hogan he did try to adjust and put balls to the opposing 65 at times and at least we could be organised. All of this is done against the back drop of having supposed kick out strategy guru Colm Nally as part of our back room team. For such a guru, how has he not helped improved things for Meath in 3 years working with them.

2) the late selection of Hogan took us all off guard. Did Hogan even know he was starting? Lets be honest, he was dropped into his first meaningful game against Dublin in Croke Park and was serviceable at best. If things had gone south on him you're in a position that 1) Colgan is now likely to leave the panel having been repeatedly been dropped for very little in my eyes and 2) have had your second choice keeper confidence totally ruined. We will now likely enter 2022 with Hogan as #1 but we'll need a new back up and who's that likely to be? I think people's issue was that Hogan's only meaningful action was in a dead rubber v Mayo where he was quite poor and then a surprise inclusion with no back ground as to why when tbf to Colgan has he really done that much wrong this year?

I think the fact that in big championship matches Andy has named Colgan and then started another keeper (brennan and hogan) in the last two years can't inspire confidence in the team as they've no idea who's going to be the last line of defense. How is McGill as full back supposed to know if he can trust the keeper behind him when he's not sure who its going to be before the match starts. How are the middle eight players supposed to know what to be doing on kick outs strategies if they don't know who's going to be kicking the ball to them. Calls like that are on the manager and there's a ripple effect throughout the team and Andy seems oblivious to this.

Look for 2022 I hope Andy will just decide, Harry Hogan or whomever is my #1, they're playing every game no matter what (unless they stink the joint out of it) and at least let them build a relationship and understanding with Conor McGill at full back and his kick out targets. There's 3/4 O'Byrne cup games, 7/8 league matches and at least 3 championship matches, that's 13 matches at least where you allow that to happen. Some certainty at #1 might just help with improving the kick out conundrum.

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1969 - 21/07/2021 14:27:05    2362517


Replying To StickFan:  "should the county board stick or twist with football management ?"
I think it's obvious they were sticking the moment Bernard Flynn walked away.

Andy has all the power he wants, which is a dangerous thing in itself.

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1969 - 21/07/2021 14:28:13    2362519


Replying To LeitrimRoyal99:  "I do have to say I found that one surprising. I was shocked when Hogan was listed to start and I was very apprehensive about it because I didn't think he'd played well against Mayo. But Andy's faith in him was proven correct, I thought he had a brilliant game. This is a good managerial call, not just luck. Likewise Eamon Wallace starting over Devine was a good call. Andy deserves credit for both of these"
Agree the Eamonn Wallace call was correct.

Hogan I don't think was much different to what you would've gotten with Colgan

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1969 - 21/07/2021 14:29:45    2362520


Replying To Blackspot09:  "Ok so Andy is constantly getting criticism for not addressing the goalkeeping situation well and not doing something about it. He then makes a call on the goalkeeping situation and starts a keeper who he says was flying in the lead up to game and now he's getting criticism for throwing the lad in at the deep end..... even though you said it worked out.

But it only work because it was "lucky it worked out"

Surely he should be given credit for finally making a big call on the goalkeeper and getting it right but no apparently it was just a lucky call.

Yous would be the same lads slating him for not addressing the goalkeeping situation if he had gone with Colgan and it had not worked out. Make up your mind lads."
I guess that it worked out, so it was a good call in fairness. But a surprising one none the less. The fact that no one has any clue who will start for Meath 5 years in to Mc Entee time in charge in Meath tells a lot though. if you go back over teams that have won All_Irelands they are settled teams. Most People could name the All-ireland winning teams for meath team in 80's and 90' for example, if they where around back then. (I am not comparing by the way) Or any All- Ireland wining in recent years Tyrone team Donegal Team. Its no coincidence, people will get most players right from memory, players that play week in week in same positions win stuff. this chopping and changing, in general doesn't work in long run. It leads to instability.

bobkarlgees (Meath) - Posts: 1265 - 21/07/2021 14:58:01    2362538


Replying To meathgaa91:  "I think it was an unwarranted call as well. Thrown in at the deep, deep end. Croke Park, semi final, against Dublin. Lucky it worked out.

I missed his save from Fenton actually, I heard it was unreal. Any videos of it knocking about? Or anywhere to watch the full match again?"
Try RTE Sunday game highlights it might be on there.
It was great save all right from memory I didn't see it back. We are lucky to have Harry Hogan he has the makings of great keeper. Hope he sticks round.

bobkarlgees (Meath) - Posts: 1265 - 21/07/2021 15:01:15    2362541


I think for the benefit of Meath football this forum on meath should be stood down until jan .. too many negative and unhelpful comments .. God I would have loved if we had won .. but unfortunately we fell a little bit short .. but by god I am proud of that team and so looking forward to January.

meath1977 (Meath) - Posts: 534 - 21/07/2021 22:39:44    2362691


Replying To meath1977:  "I think for the benefit of Meath football this forum on meath should be stood down until jan .. too many negative and unhelpful comments .. God I would have loved if we had won .. but unfortunately we fell a little bit short .. but by god I am proud of that team and so looking forward to January."
I agree, I think the majority of us are sick of the Andy mcentee bashing and the constant droning on about kick out strategies, bring on next January and I'm really looking forward to the league it should be very competitive, meath galway roscommon derry cork offaly clare and down, lots of good matches there.

Royal.Legend (Meath) - Posts: 678 - 22/07/2021 09:12:11    2362731


Replying To meath1977:  "I think for the benefit of Meath football this forum on meath should be stood down until jan .. too many negative and unhelpful comments .. God I would have loved if we had won .. but unfortunately we fell a little bit short .. but by god I am proud of that team and so looking forward to January."
Cop on. People are allowed discuss opinions. If you don't like it you know where the door is, and don't let it hit you in the **** on the way out. Attitudes like that are what have Meath football in the mess its in,

You have to talk about positives and also the negatives.

I'm sure you view me as one of these negative and unhelpful commentators, you said it before but i think there's a lot of people here who are very passionate about Meath football and want to see things improving and are frustrated by the lack of consistency and the failure to address obvious glaring issues. Everyone has a right to an opinion but we don't all have to be sunshine susan's and extol positives when we know that is not true.

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1969 - 22/07/2021 11:21:30    2362778


Replying To Royal.Legend:  "I agree, I think the majority of us are sick of the Andy mcentee bashing and the constant droning on about kick out strategies, bring on next January and I'm really looking forward to the league it should be very competitive, meath galway roscommon derry cork offaly clare and down, lots of good matches there."
Constant droning... if it was fixed we wouldn't need to "drone on about it"

The man has been in charge for 5 years and hasn't fixed it. Clubs up and down the country have a better idea about them, but our senior inter county manager can't do it correctly.

If after 5 years in a job someone was still making the same glaring errors they would've been trained up, went through improvement plans and been disciplined if they hadn't improved and eventually let go from their position. The county board are the manager in this case and haven't address their employee's issues (Andy McEntee).

Imagine how much better this team, who have talent would be if they had a consistent goalkeeper, a functioning kick out strategy whereby they won 50%+ of their own kick outs and a reliable free taker. They might be a top 6 side??

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1969 - 22/07/2021 11:28:31    2362785


Replying To meath1977:  "I think for the benefit of Meath football this forum on meath should be stood down until jan .. too many negative and unhelpful comments .. God I would have loved if we had won .. but unfortunately we fell a little bit short .. but by god I am proud of that team and so looking forward to January."
Come on. People are allowed discuss opinions. If you don't like it you don't have to participate.

You have to talk about positives and also the negatives.

I'm sure you view me as one of these negative and unhelpful commentators, you said it before but i think there's a lot of people here who are very passionate about Meath football and want to see things improving and are frustrated by the lack of consistency and the failure to address obvious glaring issues. Everyone has a right to an opinion but we don't all have to be sunshine susan's and extol positives when we know that is not true.

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1969 - 22/07/2021 12:07:07    2362798


Replying To brian:  "Constant droning... if it was fixed we wouldn't need to "drone on about it"

The man has been in charge for 5 years and hasn't fixed it. Clubs up and down the country have a better idea about them, but our senior inter county manager can't do it correctly.

If after 5 years in a job someone was still making the same glaring errors they would've been trained up, went through improvement plans and been disciplined if they hadn't improved and eventually let go from their position. The county board are the manager in this case and haven't address their employee's issues (Andy McEntee).

Imagine how much better this team, who have talent would be if they had a consistent goalkeeper, a functioning kick out strategy whereby they won 50%+ of their own kick outs and a reliable free taker. They might be a top 6 side??"
Hes the only man for the job in both ability and availability. Ask any of the first 30 lads on the panel and the majority want him to stay on. You'll always get the few lads that aren't happy, no matter who is in charge. He has brought through a few gems last year in hickey, costello and Morris and there will be more to come. You have to remember the incredibly low base he had to build on from the start, sometimes these things take time..... probably a year or so longer then we would have liked.....but getting rid now would be madness and unsettling. Great backroom team, good squad that'll only get stronger, sure let's go back and start again ??????? Jesus wept

southmeathgael (Meath) - Posts: 933 - 22/07/2021 12:50:15    2362819


Replying To southmeathgael:  "Hes the only man for the job in both ability and availability. Ask any of the first 30 lads on the panel and the majority want him to stay on. You'll always get the few lads that aren't happy, no matter who is in charge. He has brought through a few gems last year in hickey, costello and Morris and there will be more to come. You have to remember the incredibly low base he had to build on from the start, sometimes these things take time..... probably a year or so longer then we would have liked.....but getting rid now would be madness and unsettling. Great backroom team, good squad that'll only get stronger, sure let's go back and start again ??????? Jesus wept"
He's not the only man for the job. This is a very closed off opinion. He's repeatedly failed in the job in my opinion. The last good results in the job were in 2019 when he was promoted. That's two years ago. And in that time he's failed to address two fundamental issues in the game. Not just failed virtually ignored them.

Now as i have repeatedly expressed what weight does Brian on carry. Absolutely not a bit, and I fully expect that Andy is in charge for 2022. But that doesn't mean i won't voice my opinion and suggest how as a county our team could be better. HOw as a manager Andy should be better.

Speaking about bringing through Morris, Costello and Hickey, that's what he's supposed to do. It's not rocket science to bring the best young talent in the county into the senior set up. He's hardly taken someone no body spoke about from obscurity and made them a superstar. Its not like any of those three and Shane Walsh were unknown to us within the county. Mick O'Dowd brought through Newman, Wallace, McGill, Cillian O'Sullivan and many others. That's what managers should do.

Great backroom team, none of who challenge him in any way at all. Boylan always questioned and was pushed to be better by input from Pat Reynolds, Tony, Brennan, Frank Foley and Eamonn O'Brien.

And lets not think ability and availability mean the sum total of anything. lets not forget Eamonn O'Brien was sacked after an all ireland semi final and Leinster title. He was backed by his squad and look what happened.

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1969 - 22/07/2021 14:16:21    2362857


Replying To brian:  "He's not the only man for the job. This is a very closed off opinion. He's repeatedly failed in the job in my opinion. The last good results in the job were in 2019 when he was promoted. That's two years ago. And in that time he's failed to address two fundamental issues in the game. Not just failed virtually ignored them.

Now as i have repeatedly expressed what weight does Brian on carry. Absolutely not a bit, and I fully expect that Andy is in charge for 2022. But that doesn't mean i won't voice my opinion and suggest how as a county our team could be better. HOw as a manager Andy should be better.

Speaking about bringing through Morris, Costello and Hickey, that's what he's supposed to do. It's not rocket science to bring the best young talent in the county into the senior set up. He's hardly taken someone no body spoke about from obscurity and made them a superstar. Its not like any of those three and Shane Walsh were unknown to us within the county. Mick O'Dowd brought through Newman, Wallace, McGill, Cillian O'Sullivan and many others. That's what managers should do.

Great backroom team, none of who challenge him in any way at all. Boylan always questioned and was pushed to be better by input from Pat Reynolds, Tony, Brennan, Frank Foley and Eamonn O'Brien.

And lets not think ability and availability mean the sum total of anything. lets not forget Eamonn O'Brien was sacked after an all ireland semi final and Leinster title. He was backed by his squad and look what happened."
i must declare im in Brian's camp for much of the debate, but differ in my conclusion. My Vote is that he is retained , for a year, or even two, BUT, its on the condition that his backroom Team is end of Year 1 , he & CB identify the successor & the Successor - who could come form current Management Team or could be a new appointee...gets a year working with him or close to the set up
The deciding factor for me in backing Andy, is not entirely a confidence boost to him...its just a horrid fear that the Muppets in PT, would hire a Dud to replace him better the divil you know that the Meglomanic we don't

Thelongwoodslasher (Meath) - Posts: 401 - 22/07/2021 14:44:44    2362870


Replying To Thelongwoodslasher:  "i must declare im in Brian's camp for much of the debate, but differ in my conclusion. My Vote is that he is retained , for a year, or even two, BUT, its on the condition that his backroom Team is end of Year 1 , he & CB identify the successor & the Successor - who could come form current Management Team or could be a new appointee...gets a year working with him or close to the set up
The deciding factor for me in backing Andy, is not entirely a confidence boost to him...its just a horrid fear that the Muppets in PT, would hire a Dud to replace him better the divil you know that the Meglomanic we don't"
Great points Longwood, however i don't think Andy could stomach working with a successor or knowing he has to hand over the reigns. I would find it very difficult to do myself. I think your last line might sum it up best about the hiring of a dud.

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1969 - 22/07/2021 15:28:19    2362889


Replying To brian:  "He's not the only man for the job. This is a very closed off opinion. He's repeatedly failed in the job in my opinion. The last good results in the job were in 2019 when he was promoted. That's two years ago. And in that time he's failed to address two fundamental issues in the game. Not just failed virtually ignored them.

Now as i have repeatedly expressed what weight does Brian on carry. Absolutely not a bit, and I fully expect that Andy is in charge for 2022. But that doesn't mean i won't voice my opinion and suggest how as a county our team could be better. HOw as a manager Andy should be better.

Speaking about bringing through Morris, Costello and Hickey, that's what he's supposed to do. It's not rocket science to bring the best young talent in the county into the senior set up. He's hardly taken someone no body spoke about from obscurity and made them a superstar. Its not like any of those three and Shane Walsh were unknown to us within the county. Mick O'Dowd brought through Newman, Wallace, McGill, Cillian O'Sullivan and many others. That's what managers should do.

Great backroom team, none of who challenge him in any way at all. Boylan always questioned and was pushed to be better by input from Pat Reynolds, Tony, Brennan, Frank Foley and Eamonn O'Brien.

And lets not think ability and availability mean the sum total of anything. lets not forget Eamonn O'Brien was sacked after an all ireland semi final and Leinster title. He was backed by his squad and look what happened."
Jesus ya know an awful lot....fair play tya

southmeathgael (Meath) - Posts: 933 - 22/07/2021 15:35:26    2362892
