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Meath V Dublin

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Replying To MillerX:  "Good display overall but tremendous second half display. Too much to clawback in that second period, would have been more manageable had the same criteria been applied to Meath's penalty claim, as to Dublin's in the first half, that is assuming it was converted. Not all together happy with our sideline. I thought Fionn Reilly's withdrawal was a bit premature while at least two others in defence and a midfielder were struggling to a greater degree. Also bringing on Devine, not a noted scorer, deep in the second half was the wrong call. Assuming that Newman was fit, I thought that he was the man to spring as scores were required in the final push for the finishing line. Finally, if Hogan is to be the goalkeeper of the future, why was he not given championship experience against Longford? And please, please develop SOME SORT of kickout strategy."
Miller I agree with some of what you say there re the clawback, kick out strategy and Hogan well said. I'd be critical of management but i think the Fionn Reilly and Devine calls were right. Rewatching the highlights i noticed Fionn got caught out of position on the penalty and for Con O'Callaghan's goal, he was a yard off where he needed to be. Look its his first time v Dublin and in Croke Park so he'll live, learn and hopefully prosper. Devine was needed as another catching option to the ball into the forwards. I think you need to have that option in the half forward line too. I would say though I don't understand why Newman wasn't brought in too, it did baffle me.

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1969 - 19/07/2021 11:27:11    2361573


Has anyone heard from Crinigan or know if he's okay?

dunboynelad (Meath) - Posts: 227 - 19/07/2021 11:36:55    2361585


What really sticks in my craw about Dublin is the Croke Park factor. Its a home venue for them. It is a monstrous pitch that they know every blade of grass in it, and it suits them down to the ground with their athletic players and especially when they are holding possession for upwards of five minutes.

Also, why do both teams not get entrance music when they are coming back out onto the field for the second half? I know its a petty thing, but why when Meath came back out onto the field yesterday there was nothing, and then when Dublin are coming back out there is a big loud entrance song being played? It happens to every team that plays Dublin in Croke Park!

BigJoe14 (Meath) - Posts: 987 - 19/07/2021 11:51:23    2361593


I was lucky enough to be at the game yesterday and I've seen watched some of it back. My belief in this group had wavered a bit after the Kildare game but that second-half performance changed my mind. I don't really like the comparison but it's sort of an obvious one, look back at 2015 and 2016, the first hint of adversity, and those Meath teams folded, they didn't believe and they didn't play for their manager. If the second half went like the first half there's a good chance Andy's neck would have been on the line. And the players came out and played for their manager. The first attack of the half, magnificent tackle on Cormac Costello by Lavin, a brilliant run by Keoghan, and a very composed finished by Costello. (Somebody I forget who on this forum said a few weeks ago that Meath now only produces big strong guys and have no skill and named Matt Costello as an example, 1-1 from play yesterday all with his weak foot after great solo dummies). Then for the rest of the half, there were more inspirational moments, Costello flattening Byrne and Howard off a kick out to set up a point for Joey Wallace. Shane McEntee with as good a shoulder as you'll ever see, inspiring stuff and what you want from your captain. The Dubs top players still came to the fore in the last few minutes and they seen it out. But the best part for me is that it's not like we played 10/10 and still lost by 6. We missed two goal chances, one in each half. Morris kicked a lot of wides, and we made some basic errors. But I thought Harry Hogan done quite well in goal, and I was very nervous when I seen the selection because he was poor against Mayo in the league, but I thought his kick outs were quite good, fair enough we lost a few but they were mostly because we lost breaking ball, very few of our kickouts hurt us with the Dubs turning us over and starting quick attacks. Having been lucky enough to get a ticket I could see quite a few moves to get men free. There were a few where one of the full back line would come as a very late runner bursting down the sideline into space, and a clever idea of keeping Shane McEntee off the pitch on the second half water break and then having him run on late where he'd be unmarked, in fairness this Dubs were wise to this and picked him up, but it was a clever move. The Dubs still have better players than we do but their aura is wearing off a little and their bench isn't nearly what it was. The age profiles of the two teams tell a story too, Dubs only had 3 guys 24 or underplay yesterday, and one was a sub, and the other was taken off at half time having played poorly. We had Harry Hogan, Matt Costello, Cathal Hickey, Jordy Morris, Jones, Thomas, Ethan and Banty. Maybe the future isn't so bleak after all, lets not hope it's a false dawn

LeitrimRoyal99 (Meath) - Posts: 1513 - 19/07/2021 12:00:34    2361603


Replying To brian:  "I'll take my dose of humble pie and eat it. Well done to everyone involved yesterday. They got a lot of things right on the day but they're not immune from criticism either.

Meath fighting spirit on display - 11 points down and worked their way back to 3 points. Took an immense effort and everyone to a man put their shoulder to the wheel. Well done and let's see more of this
Meath aggression and physicality - lads hunted in packs during the second half, they smashed Dublin lads with tackles, bordering on illegal but that's what we need to see versus all the top teams. There was a spirit in them that's not been seen for years.
Meath pride - the row that broke out at 65 minutes, our lads got stuck into it. In recent years we've cowered away and let Dublin dominate us physically and almost intimidate us. Those lads finally said no, you're not doing it to us this time, they fronted up and didn't take a step back. More of this please.
Work rate - lads emptied the tank and more. You couldn't ask for much more.
Build up play - they worked scores and avoided getting swallowed up in the tackle. That's the style they need to adopt versus those top teams.

Kick Outs - different keeper, same issues. Think after the first water break we lost 6/7 kick outs in a row and that was almost the end of the game for us. We couldn't proverbially keep it kicked out to Dublin. That's not to blame Harry Hogan he was a late inclusion (more on that) and your first championship game in Croke Park v Dublin...
Keeper change - If they planned to start Harry Hogan why not just say it. Colgan hasn't done much wrong tbf to him, so it seems odd they brought in Hogan from nowhere. His goalkeeping can't be faulted but Dublin broke his kick out with ease. He'll need to work on that but what a sight to see a meath keeper kicking long and hitting the opposing 65 a couple of times in a game.
Free taking - Jordan Morris missed a couple of free's that were a killer in the second quarter. One straight in front of the posts was badly needed and was sent wide. We needed that to break Dublins momentum. Can we please get someone working with him on this over the summer or maybe allow Costello take over the free's. Costello's 2 45's along with 1 v Longford looked a lot better, there was a style and technique about him which he seems to have worked on. Fair play to the lad
Lack of subs - why the lack of running the bench? 1 change in the last 10 minutes when several lads were out on their feet. Fresh legs were needed.
Tactical cuteness - we gave dublin the ball for the last 8 or so minutes when we needed to score. We lacked the nous to pull them down or give away a free. Dubin will win a match 0-01 to 0-00 and keep the ball for 70 minutes if needed. You need to not allow them have the ball for minutes at a time. Look at the incident with McCarthy and Thomas O'Reilly, Dublin needed a bit of a stall and they got it.
Slow starts - Our slow starts are killing us against the better teams. We've given Mayo, Kildare and Dublin huge leads this year and clawed them back but never looked like winning. We're giving ourselves too much to do in the second half and teams could keep us at arms length.

Knew we were goosed from the moment i saw him appear. Meath don't have a great history with Cork referee's Michael Collins i believe was another one in the last 20 years who's screwed us over repeatedly. Look he got our penalty decision wrong. It should've been a penalty and black card for Fenton. Unfortunately those decision's rarely go against Dublin. Their penalty call was correct but Fenton shouldn't have been on the pitch to make that run and foul.

I don't think Dublin were ever in danger of losing yesterday and when needed they hit the accelerator again. They looked like a team with sugar in their engine in the second half and couldn't get out of stall mode until the end.

After the game I still have more questions than answers and have no idea where we stand. Was yesterday a 1 off from us or can we replicate it? I would hope it is the later but with 6 months until our next game it's difficult to say where we are. Why couldn't we perform like we this against Kildare. The performances were like night and day so again I'm not sure what is the real Meath.. And this is the quandry for me, are this team even sure of what they are capable off. When they want they can be a joy to watch but they're so infuriatingly inconsistent that it's hard to know what you'll get on a given day. Ultimately I can't decide if yesterday was the start of something or the last kick in this team.

I'm on record about how i feel about Andy McEntee, that hasn't changed and I'm realistic enough to say my opinion means nothing and he will be in charge for 2022, if he wants to be. If he can work on the 2 area's of kick outs and free taking for 2022 and the team performs like they did yesterday consistently there's no reason they can't get promotion back to division 1 and get to the super 8's but its about maintaining the consistency all through the season that is needed, not intermittent high spots.

I'm still sick to my stomach to have lost that match, losing to Dublin will always have that effect on me."
Well we are not really shocked about the ref bottling the peno decision. We knew this before the game, happens every time v Dublin only difference it was a lot more oblivious than normal.

bobkarlgees (Meath) - Posts: 1265 - 19/07/2021 13:32:43    2361695


Replying To redser123:  "Not sure i agree, I thought that Fionn Reilly was taken off a bit too early until i watched it back again and he was getting roasted, it was fionns first game in croke park he just didnt look ready for it, still think he will be a brilliant player for meath, He was subbed for Ronan Jones who definitely had an impact, Andy said after the game Harry Hogan was going so well in Training recently that he had to pick him, I thought Harry played very well. Andy also started Eamon wallace which was another really good decision. I like you was dying for Newman to come on with 20 mins to go, not sure whats going on there but all in all Andy got nearly everything right yesterday and won the sideline battle."
Before pressing the substitute button I would have switched Fionn Reilly and Brian Menton. I think a more forward role might suit Fionn. Yes if Newman was at all fit he should have been on even before Devine came on. Andy probably did win the sideline battle but bringing on Devine was an attempt to shore things up whereas if he brought on Newman it would at least have been an attempt at going for the jugular.

MillerX (Meath) - Posts: 1071 - 19/07/2021 13:55:46    2361708


Was at the game yesterday and delighted with second half performance. I watched Wexford v Dublin and and could see how much it bothered the Dubs when Wexford did not stand off them and instead matched the physicality and aggression which are the hallmarks of the Dublin set up. When Meath did the same in the second half we saw what could be achieved. Meath are streets ahead of Wexford in footballing quality but attitude and bloody mindedness are hugely important when matched with skill and athleticism. This is a relatively young Meath team with some serious underage talent waiting in the wings so the future is bright. Very little mention of Joey Wallace on here but he was extraordinary yesterday, the amount of ground he covered and his willingness to take responsibility allied with his pace and skill showed what a talent he is. Take the positives out of this and take the Dubs out of Croke Park and we may even find a Leinster championship that is alive and well again.

woodside (Wexford) - Posts: 12 - 19/07/2021 16:04:36    2361774


Replying To brian:  "Miller I agree with some of what you say there re the clawback, kick out strategy and Hogan well said. I'd be critical of management but i think the Fionn Reilly and Devine calls were right. Rewatching the highlights i noticed Fionn got caught out of position on the penalty and for Con O'Callaghan's goal, he was a yard off where he needed to be. Look its his first time v Dublin and in Croke Park so he'll live, learn and hopefully prosper. Devine was needed as another catching option to the ball into the forwards. I think you need to have that option in the half forward line too. I would say though I don't understand why Newman wasn't brought in too, it did baffle me."
big sigh of relief is my overall response to yesterday . At half time, I have to admit I was dreading the "collapse" .
Now in fairness to the Management, they came out on the pitch after the half time break, and each spoke to a number of Guys individually, restating messages from half time I it looked strange...but the body language looked to be "positive" despite the half time score- line
So something or somebody was responsible for that attitude change...and at this stage im going to give equal credit to the management & Players
Finally, I can dispel that dreaded feeling , and we can for a moment consider taking our place again among the top Bit of Pride & self respect it happened I will think about later
like any result, we should not over react just to one day......I do think the powers that be will see it as a clear message that Andy stays on.....I don't agree or disagree...except to say, that THEY have to sit down with him & his management team & assess the last 12 months & then see can they agree a common set of gaols for 2022 beyond ….At least the future does not look as bleak as it has done for many an occasion over the last 6 months
PS...Bernie a real big loss !!!!!!. Please can whoever has to sit down to plan the future of where we go form here, can we rule out any more meglomaniacs

Thelongwoodslasher (Meath) - Posts: 401 - 19/07/2021 16:12:49    2361779


What is it with Cork referees and Meath? First Michael Collins and now Conor Lane.

The decision not to award the penalty to Meath probably had a profound effect on the game. In addition to the potential goal there is the chance that Fenton would have received a black card and thus not in a position to get the penalty up the other end.

Dublin players looked quite scared when Meath came at them in the second half and had to fall back on the keep ball tactics and really only got the insurance points when they had then time run down.

I never thought that I would be saying this but I really hope that Kildare win the final. That Dublin team don't deserve to stagger to a Leinster title. I would never have been a Kildare supporter but I think they deserve it more.

stillaroyal (Meath) - Posts: 224 - 19/07/2021 23:00:44    2361974


Having digested the game from sunday it struck me that we gave a accomplished 2nd half of football.bad decisions made against us tackling was apparent in the 2nd half.
But i cant get my head round why newman wasnt used and mcentee was clearly out on his feet for last ten minutes.conlon im sure would have done job and freshen things up.that final pass when it was needed for goals just wasnt that coaching or player decisions jury out on that one.but something to work on im sure.

Borderroyal (Meath) - Posts: 494 - 20/07/2021 10:24:31    2362034


Replying To Borderroyal:  "Having digested the game from sunday it struck me that we gave a accomplished 2nd half of football.bad decisions made against us tackling was apparent in the 2nd half.
But i cant get my head round why newman wasnt used and mcentee was clearly out on his feet for last ten minutes.conlon im sure would have done job and freshen things up.that final pass when it was needed for goals just wasnt that coaching or player decisions jury out on that one.but something to work on im sure."
my take on Sunday & my end of Year assessment on Senior Squad/Management.

To take BRs point on Newman & others.....I am going to assume that The Non use of subs on Sunday was either one or tow things . Lack of on the Managerial decision making by either Andy and/or Andy's assistant who is responsible for tracking Output of Players . I personally thought Menton, Keoghan, Harnan, McEntee , O Sullivan were all visibly suffering.

The other explanation is that Andy has found himself boxed into a corner, whereby he carried 5-6 Guys in the panel for a period of time where he wasn't Sure of them & hence he had Guys on the bench on Sunday that he really didn't trust
Either of the two reasons above for a lack of injecting new legs on Sunday are "x"s for Andy & Co.
So end of Year assessment , mimics Sundays game. Some real good positive stuff, mixed with the usual obstinate, hot headed, lack of vision & planning every detail .
To me ...IF...Andy stays....He needs to recognise his Weaknesses and Supplement those Weaknesses by bringing in good quality guys around him who will Question him,
Andy, is very Much in the mould of the classic Manager, but that role over the last few years has moved on significantly, and while I think Andy understands that - to some extent0- I still think he naturally resents & rejects it. he has to embrace being Challenged internally...and in addition he needs to recognise that his "here & now policy/view" leads to exactly the situation that he found himself on Sunday...either with no bench...or with a bench & no one to tell him what changes are needed.
So Teachers comments at end of year are. Still believe in this Guy, for no other reason is that he is committed to the cause beyond question. BUT....needs to surround himself with equally strong minded individuals who are dedicated to Coaching, Structure, Game Plan & Culture . We went back to "Green" on Sunday...lets stay there


Thelongwoodslasher (Meath) - Posts: 401 - 20/07/2021 11:57:57    2362071


Replying To stillaroyal:  "What is it with Cork referees and Meath? First Michael Collins and now Conor Lane.

The decision not to award the penalty to Meath probably had a profound effect on the game. In addition to the potential goal there is the chance that Fenton would have received a black card and thus not in a position to get the penalty up the other end.

Dublin players looked quite scared when Meath came at them in the second half and had to fall back on the keep ball tactics and really only got the insurance points when they had then time run down.

I never thought that I would be saying this but I really hope that Kildare win the final. That Dublin team don't deserve to stagger to a Leinster title. I would never have been a Kildare supporter but I think they deserve it more."
As a meath supporter we must admit that Dublin are by far the best team that has ever played the game . To be beaten by just 6 points is no great dis raise but no great surprise either . This will also happen next year unless the manager and his crew are jettisoned in the. Ext few weeks . Why would it be any different that it has been for the last number of years . Dublin will alsk beat Kildare by as much and go on their merry way but we can patronise our own lads by saying well done on not been beaten by more !

noluso (Meath) - Posts: 166 - 20/07/2021 13:55:26    2362135


Replying To MillerX:  "Before pressing the substitute button I would have switched Fionn Reilly and Brian Menton. I think a more forward role might suit Fionn. Yes if Newman was at all fit he should have been on even before Devine came on. Andy probably did win the sideline battle but bringing on Devine was an attempt to shore things up whereas if he brought on Newman it would at least have been an attempt at going for the jugular."
Thinking about it I am not sure why he started Hogan either ? Was Colgan injured if not it was a massive call and one that was not really warranted IMO. I think Hogan did well, lucky enough, but it was tough on Hogan giving his lack of game time and inexperience. Strange call. No Newan was another strange one.

bobkarlgees (Meath) - Posts: 1265 - 20/07/2021 14:29:31    2362151


Replying To BigJoe14:  "What really sticks in my craw about Dublin is the Croke Park factor. Its a home venue for them. It is a monstrous pitch that they know every blade of grass in it, and it suits them down to the ground with their athletic players and especially when they are holding possession for upwards of five minutes.

Also, why do both teams not get entrance music when they are coming back out onto the field for the second half? I know its a petty thing, but why when Meath came back out onto the field yesterday there was nothing, and then when Dublin are coming back out there is a big loud entrance song being played? It happens to every team that plays Dublin in Croke Park!"
Entrance music ? Really ? Now I know why supporters are being so patronising to our boys about yet another defeat on Sunday ! Listen ,we were just not up to it . I think the lads would appreciate a bit of honesty rather than this well done in defeat garbage

noluso (Meath) - Posts: 166 - 20/07/2021 15:17:48    2362169


Replying To noluso:  "Entrance music ? Really ? Now I know why supporters are being so patronising to our boys about yet another defeat on Sunday ! Listen ,we were just not up to it . I think the lads would appreciate a bit of honesty rather than this well done in defeat garbage"
You had to be in Croke park to get how out of line the Entrance Music is. It is a super loud booming encore to 'welcome the heroes' type of thing. It would give anyone not expecting it a jump. It has a purpose which is to gee up Dublin players and supporters and tell the others they don't belong here and to emphasise that this is a show for Dublin people to come along and see Dublin win.
We do not complain enough about things like this. It is an affront to the countrywide (32 County) Gaa people who built the place as owned by the GAA as a whole. Fine in Parnell park. Someone with an influential job in Croke park stadium either does not know what the GAA and Croke park are about or bullies over it. Either way he/She should have to give a satisfactory answer as to why they should not be removed

Ashrules (Dublin) - Posts: 548 - 20/07/2021 15:35:44    2362176


Replying To noluso:  "Entrance music ? Really ? Now I know why supporters are being so patronising to our boys about yet another defeat on Sunday ! Listen ,we were just not up to it . I think the lads would appreciate a bit of honesty rather than this well done in defeat garbage"
The lads got brutal honesty in this same fixture last year….and fair dues to everyone one of them , they got back on the horse...heaven knows how they did,...but they did, and they all (or most of them ) signed up for another year (or in this case 6 months of slogging) with the end result most likely being another tanking from Dublin
So reality?!!!! quite certain that squad knows what the reality is
That said , their Job is to believe in every little chink of light they can see on their side, and every sign or what looks like a sign of weakening in Dublin
I don't think anyone is being in any way patronising to either players or Management on here.
There is far too much put in, by these lads, far too much sacrificed to do that
If you want to call relief & gratitude ….patronising ….

Thelongwoodslasher (Meath) - Posts: 401 - 20/07/2021 15:36:14    2362177


Replying To Ashrules:  "You had to be in Croke park to get how out of line the Entrance Music is. It is a super loud booming encore to 'welcome the heroes' type of thing. It would give anyone not expecting it a jump. It has a purpose which is to gee up Dublin players and supporters and tell the others they don't belong here and to emphasise that this is a show for Dublin people to come along and see Dublin win.
We do not complain enough about things like this. It is an affront to the countrywide (32 County) Gaa people who built the place as owned by the GAA as a whole. Fine in Parnell park. Someone with an influential job in Croke park stadium either does not know what the GAA and Croke park are about or bullies over it. Either way he/She should have to give a satisfactory answer as to why they should not be removed"
I completely agree with you. Only reason it is allowed is the GAA omerta about anything seen as begrudgery or giving away a psychological advantage by being seen to moan.

It should be called out for what it is.

Crinigan (Meath) - Posts: 1352 - 20/07/2021 19:07:40    2362238


Well done to the team for giving me something to shout about against the dubs for the first time in a long time. Now I feel that winning Leinster is a realistic goal over the next year or two, and not just some nebulous pipe dream. We can do it for sure. They were running scared in the last 10 minutes, time wasting, taking their time getting up, getting involved in fights, playing keep-ball. If we had stayed closer to them by halftime it was there for us, and it will be our day soon. By the way I fully believe this game should have been played in Navan. Why croke park when you can't even have that many spectators. Plus it wasn't on RTÉ just GAA go. If it is possible to insist on something, Meath should have insisted it be played in Navan. We have played Dublin in their home too many times to count.

cabbage (Meath) - Posts: 162 - 20/07/2021 20:57:35    2362280


Replying To bobkarlgees:  "Thinking about it I am not sure why he started Hogan either ? Was Colgan injured if not it was a massive call and one that was not really warranted IMO. I think Hogan did well, lucky enough, but it was tough on Hogan giving his lack of game time and inexperience. Strange call. No Newan was another strange one."
I think it was an unwarranted call as well. Thrown in at the deep, deep end. Croke Park, semi final, against Dublin. Lucky it worked out.

I missed his save from Fenton actually, I heard it was unreal. Any videos of it knocking about? Or anywhere to watch the full match again?

meathgaa91 (Meath) - Posts: 48 - 20/07/2021 22:20:36    2362318


Replying To meathgaa91:  "I think it was an unwarranted call as well. Thrown in at the deep, deep end. Croke Park, semi final, against Dublin. Lucky it worked out.

I missed his save from Fenton actually, I heard it was unreal. Any videos of it knocking about? Or anywhere to watch the full match again?"
Ok so Andy is constantly getting criticism for not addressing the goalkeeping situation well and not doing something about it. He then makes a call on the goalkeeping situation and starts a keeper who he says was flying in the lead up to game and now he's getting criticism for throwing the lad in at the deep end..... even though you said it worked out.

But it only work because it was "lucky it worked out"

Surely he should be given credit for finally making a big call on the goalkeeper and getting it right but no apparently it was just a lucky call.

Yous would be the same lads slating him for not addressing the goalkeeping situation if he had gone with Colgan and it had not worked out. Make up your mind lads.

Blackspot09 (Meath) - Posts: 973 - 21/07/2021 09:35:18    2362402
