Meath Forum

Meath V Dublin

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Replying To seadog54:  "No, think team played for their pride, if as you say they were playing for to keep hlm in job, then by that reasoning the first half display suggests they wanted him gone. Cherry picking to suit your theory. Andy was quick enough to lay the first half display on the players."
Yeah but coming out with a statement such as first halves are management led and 2nd halves are player led like it is some sort of fact is pure nonsense. This is not a fact it just suits Crinigans agenda. In my opinion the manager and players should take flak for the first half performance and also both should get credit for the 2nd half performance.

If Meath had of put in that fantastic performance in the first half and then capitulated in the 2nd half he'd be on blaming McEntee for the 2nd half performance.

Blackspot09 (Meath) - Posts: 973 - 23/07/2021 11:08:20    2363108


Replying To Blackspot09:  "Yeah but coming out with a statement such as first halves are management led and 2nd halves are player led like it is some sort of fact is pure nonsense. This is not a fact it just suits Crinigans agenda. In my opinion the manager and players should take flak for the first half performance and also both should get credit for the 2nd half performance.

If Meath had of put in that fantastic performance in the first half and then capitulated in the 2nd half he'd be on blaming McEntee for the 2nd half performance."
100% agree and that's my point. The first half had gone badly, the two penalty decisions didn't help but overall we were being outclassed. This groups of players has been hammered by Dublin almost all their career, including underage for most of them. But they showed courage, passion, they dug deep and made a real game of it. That's what I mean by playing for their manager. If they didn't believe in their manager, the easy thing is to let your head drop and coast through the second half in the knowledge that the game is up

LeitrimRoyal99 (Meath) - Posts: 1513 - 23/07/2021 11:31:46    2363115


Replying To LeitrimRoyal99:  "100% agree and that's my point. The first half had gone badly, the two penalty decisions didn't help but overall we were being outclassed. This groups of players has been hammered by Dublin almost all their career, including underage for most of them. But they showed courage, passion, they dug deep and made a real game of it. That's what I mean by playing for their manager. If they didn't believe in their manager, the easy thing is to let your head drop and coast through the second half in the knowledge that the game is up"
LR i'd take a slightly different slant on this and It's not a dig at andy per se

Maybe these players as you say said they'd had enough, they were sick of these defeats and went out with a die with their boots on attitude. Doing it for themselves more than anything and taking some personal accountability for their individual performances. Look at the skirmish at 65 minutes, those lads all said we're not accepting being dominated and demeaned by Dublin any more. They're (the dubs) men too and they're no better than me. That can only start from within. Yes Andy can say that's what you need to do but it takes each individual as a person to stand up and do it. Andy can't do it on the pitch for them, they need to do it themselves and that's what several of our boys did in that skirmish. In recent years too many lads shied away and didn't want to get involve but many of them stood up and said I'm not stepping back. That rattled Dublin because they've not been used to it in recent years from Meath. There was a look on James Mccarthy's face as if to say what's going on we're not used to this from Meath...

Now as i say we'll not know as there's no back door if this was a once off or its something new. Let's hope its the latter.

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1969 - 23/07/2021 12:21:31    2363140


Replying To LeitrimRoyal99:  "That's as stupid a statement on this forum as we've seen from Crinigan. Blame the first half on Andy and give the second half credit to the players. Having his cake and eating it too with the Andy criticism. If the second half was player led then it was a group of players really playing for their manager and playing for him to keep his job because that's the reality of the situation"
Didn't Andy himself blame the players for the first half performance? Players sort themselves out on the field but all the preparation by management usually shows in the first half of the game. We were unlucky with the penalty but there was still huge holes in our defense. Dublin had a goal on nearly every time they attacked.

Maybe you are willing to accept annual beatings from Dublin. I'm a proud Meath man and I will not tolerate them. Says a lot about you and your comfort with mediocrity that you will however.

Crinigan (Meath) - Posts: 1352 - 23/07/2021 14:49:28    2363191


Replying To Royal.Legend:  "Surprised newman didn't come on myself but he's far from being our best player."
He's our best forward, by a long way.

Crinigan (Meath) - Posts: 1352 - 23/07/2021 14:51:13    2363193


Replying To brian:  "LR i'd take a slightly different slant on this and It's not a dig at andy per se

Maybe these players as you say said they'd had enough, they were sick of these defeats and went out with a die with their boots on attitude. Doing it for themselves more than anything and taking some personal accountability for their individual performances. Look at the skirmish at 65 minutes, those lads all said we're not accepting being dominated and demeaned by Dublin any more. They're (the dubs) men too and they're no better than me. That can only start from within. Yes Andy can say that's what you need to do but it takes each individual as a person to stand up and do it. Andy can't do it on the pitch for them, they need to do it themselves and that's what several of our boys did in that skirmish. In recent years too many lads shied away and didn't want to get involve but many of them stood up and said I'm not stepping back. That rattled Dublin because they've not been used to it in recent years from Meath. There was a look on James Mccarthy's face as if to say what's going on we're not used to this from Meath...

Now as i say we'll not know as there's no back door if this was a once off or its something new. Let's hope its the latter."
my views on Andy's regime have been out there , so wont repeat them. I did add a negative comment yesterday which was a REAL fear that the Muppets would replace him with a lot worse. And the reality is , that is a real possibility. So I don't think this should be forgotten
The other thing I would say about Andy's period, I think that if he leaves , he leaves something to build on for the next person in. With the greatest respect to the previous two Management Teams , I think they took us down two Roads that we had a huge amount fo work to back up form. Yes , It is disappointing that , for whatever reasons we didn't sort out reliable Goalkeeping option....and same for freetaking….but those two areas can be fixed by the next in.
I think , when Andy does move on...I think we wont have to back up a long winding path to nowhere before we move forward again , and I absolutely give him credit for that

Thelongwoodslasher (Meath) - Posts: 401 - 23/07/2021 15:32:59    2363206


Replying To Thelongwoodslasher:  "my views on Andy's regime have been out there , so wont repeat them. I did add a negative comment yesterday which was a REAL fear that the Muppets would replace him with a lot worse. And the reality is , that is a real possibility. So I don't think this should be forgotten
The other thing I would say about Andy's period, I think that if he leaves , he leaves something to build on for the next person in. With the greatest respect to the previous two Management Teams , I think they took us down two Roads that we had a huge amount fo work to back up form. Yes , It is disappointing that , for whatever reasons we didn't sort out reliable Goalkeeping option....and same for freetaking….but those two areas can be fixed by the next in.
I think , when Andy does move on...I think we wont have to back up a long winding path to nowhere before we move forward again , and I absolutely give him credit for that"
Think you make fair points there Longwood, and maybe i'm being slightly unfair to Andy in terms of what he'd leave if he was gone tonight. I think he's benefited from some nice minors teams and he or the next man in will also have this 2020 minor team coming through. Yes there's more green shoots there than when MOD departed and hopefully as you say if its Andy or someone else that the goal keeping and free's could be worked on.

If there's one thing i think we'd all like to see its this team being consistent all the time. Its not big surprise our best spell under Andy was the 2019 league when he'd a settled team and they prospered in Division 2. If they could get that sorted in 2022 along with keeper and free taking issues, i think we'd all be a lot happier about where Meath football is heading.

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1969 - 23/07/2021 16:08:42    2363216


Gutted and very frustrated about the result last Sunday.First of all I hate losing any game but to lose to Dublin again is hard to take.At half time I was thinking here we go again but we came out in the second half and had a go stood up to them and rattled them for the first time in ages.I really do think that was a good chance to beat Dublin with their lads that walked away and the couple of injuries they had, they were there for the taking. But you cant be giving any team an 11 point lead and hope to claw it back.Its so frustrating to see how we can play (most of the second half)in their faces,hit them hard, super workrate but most of all playing so lovely football and taking sweet scores.Why cant we do this every match.Now whether it was Andy giving them the hair dryer treatment at half time or the players finally saying enough is enough we cant be given another hiding I dont know(maybe a bit of both)but that has to be the benchmark from now on in every game,playing like that you would fancy our chances v anyone.They have to believe they are good enough unless they believe it they will keep falling short.Dublins experience at the end got them over the line keeping the ball for 3/4 mins and getting that crucial score (plus a few of our lads out on their feet)to see the game out.I really think the green seeds are starting to grow make no mistake the second half performance could be massive in terms of development of this team and younger lads coming through.If we took another hiding I think it would knock football back in the county a few years no doubt but this gives a bit of hope, now I'm not one to take moral victories at all oh we only lost by 6 points no we lost and that's not good enough never will be but now maybe(and I stress maybe)we can see light at the end of the tunnel.On the kickouts yeah we all know it's not working but maybe with the couple of young lads coming through who look to be very good fielders of the ball will help that cause, now it wont fix it on it's own but say we had a Fenton I dont think lads would be knocking the keeper as much.We need to bring in a free taking coach and work with a couple of lads its vital v top teams you take most of your chances.I think andy probably should get next year I know we were poor v Kildare but Kildare aren't a bad side a clever coach but maybe we had an off day a tough win v Westmeath (could have went either way I know) a good win v Down, Mayo game i wouldn't judge,a very convincing win over Longford and last Sunday.its a hard one to call 1st half performance littered with mistakes,way off their men taking poor options and second half standing up to them,running at them making good decisions it's hard to put a finger on it why so chalk and cheese.Is the second half a one off?I'd like to believe not and now they know what they can do so this has to be benchmark going forward.It was great to see us hunt in packs and bring serious intensity in the second
half just like we had under Boylan it's key to any success.i said already I dont do moral defeats all or nothing for me and we lost and are gone now untill next year gutted but what I will take is the fight and heart we showed in the second half to get me through the long winter and hope and believe that things are starting to look brighter.

Proudroyal (Meath) - Posts: 284 - 23/07/2021 20:31:37    2363267


Ok had a extremely busy few weeks. I've called herself my wife for a long time (been together 20 years) with 4 children, I have two adult children (who are amazing) from a previous relationship. We decided with all going well that we'd eventually tie the knot. The date was set last year , covid hit and we had 3 postponements, so we went ahead on 19th July. Yep the day after this match. She must love me as while she thought I was totally bonkers going to a match the day before we got married she understood how much Meath football means to me. I even brought our eldest daughter with me (one of the bridesmaids) she was to ensure I didn't loose my voice for the next day. A job in itself.
Anyway the match. A clearer cut penalty on McMahon you could not see, not given. Fenton penalty was at best soft and more often than not they would not be given. So that's a huge 6 point flip in a short time. I thought we did well enough in first quarter (hate using the American terms, but it's a way to condense it ) second quarter Dublin upped their game helped by dodgy peno calls. Got to say at that stage there was little hope of me loosing my voice and I said that to my girl. Then the lads came fired up, I think there was a mixture of this ain't gonna happen again, with knowing that their manager neck was on the line, and put in one of the toughest and hardest performances I have seen from a Meath team in a long long time. Dublin players were stunned, dubs supporters in pods around us were silent and shocked, by the time we had gotten back to 3 points not only was my voice just about gone but so was my daughters :). The dubs were nervy and silent , could it happen? Could this be the day ? Unfortunately cuteness and experience won the day.
Harry hogans save was one of the best ever seen in Croke park and moving forward I think he has to be our number 1, mcentee shoulder on Costello (I think it was him). Was brilliantly timed and executed magnificent, if a Tyrone or mayo player had done it it would fill up the sports pages.
I have said all year that promotion was the objective and I am still annoyed we didn't get that. And I believed that Andy should move on if that wasn't achieved. I am happy to state I may have been wrong. The players played for Andy aswell as themselves in second half. And if the team believes that. Then he should get another year. And I will happily support him. I do think when it was back to 3 points we should have done something drastic throw on Newman and let long balls in, one catch and to the ground and I honestly think lane in front of a empty hill 16 would have given a penalty to even things up.
Anyway it was a surreal atmosphere leaving Croke's the Meath supporters while not celebrating were happy while the dubs were very downbeat.
Kildare played a totally different game v dubs and to be honest were doing a Westmeath on it in trying to keep score respectable. At least we went and had a cut. I don't do moral victories but pride was restored in the jersey.
Roll on January.
Hon the royal.

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 06/08/2021 09:47:37    2368184


Good man RD, congrats on your nuptials. Muted celebrations but better late than never i suppose

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1969 - 06/08/2021 15:58:22    2368273


Replying To brian:  "Good man RD, congrats on your nuptials. Muted celebrations but better late than never i suppose"
Cheers. Yeah we had 50. Actually better as we didn't have to invite the relatives on either side that we don't actually know that well. And unfortunately she is originally from Dublin so glad to keep the numbers low :).

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 06/08/2021 20:38:01    2368317


Replying To royaldunne:  "Ok had a extremely busy few weeks. I've called herself my wife for a long time (been together 20 years) with 4 children, I have two adult children (who are amazing) from a previous relationship. We decided with all going well that we'd eventually tie the knot. The date was set last year , covid hit and we had 3 postponements, so we went ahead on 19th July. Yep the day after this match. She must love me as while she thought I was totally bonkers going to a match the day before we got married she understood how much Meath football means to me. I even brought our eldest daughter with me (one of the bridesmaids) she was to ensure I didn't loose my voice for the next day. A job in itself.
Anyway the match. A clearer cut penalty on McMahon you could not see, not given. Fenton penalty was at best soft and more often than not they would not be given. So that's a huge 6 point flip in a short time. I thought we did well enough in first quarter (hate using the American terms, but it's a way to condense it ) second quarter Dublin upped their game helped by dodgy peno calls. Got to say at that stage there was little hope of me loosing my voice and I said that to my girl. Then the lads came fired up, I think there was a mixture of this ain't gonna happen again, with knowing that their manager neck was on the line, and put in one of the toughest and hardest performances I have seen from a Meath team in a long long time. Dublin players were stunned, dubs supporters in pods around us were silent and shocked, by the time we had gotten back to 3 points not only was my voice just about gone but so was my daughters :). The dubs were nervy and silent , could it happen? Could this be the day ? Unfortunately cuteness and experience won the day.
Harry hogans save was one of the best ever seen in Croke park and moving forward I think he has to be our number 1, mcentee shoulder on Costello (I think it was him). Was brilliantly timed and executed magnificent, if a Tyrone or mayo player had done it it would fill up the sports pages.
I have said all year that promotion was the objective and I am still annoyed we didn't get that. And I believed that Andy should move on if that wasn't achieved. I am happy to state I may have been wrong. The players played for Andy aswell as themselves in second half. And if the team believes that. Then he should get another year. And I will happily support him. I do think when it was back to 3 points we should have done something drastic throw on Newman and let long balls in, one catch and to the ground and I honestly think lane in front of a empty hill 16 would have given a penalty to even things up.
Anyway it was a surreal atmosphere leaving Croke's the Meath supporters while not celebrating were happy while the dubs were very downbeat.
Kildare played a totally different game v dubs and to be honest were doing a Westmeath on it in trying to keep score respectable. At least we went and had a cut. I don't do moral victories but pride was restored in the jersey.
Roll on January.
Hon the royal."
You married a Dub?Call yourself a real Meathman?How could you do it Royaldunne?Only joking congrats to you both hope yee had a good one.Its all downhill from here( lol).

Proudroyal (Meath) - Posts: 284 - 11/08/2021 08:38:31    2369717


Replying To Proudroyal:  "You married a Dub?Call yourself a real Meathman?How could you do it Royaldunne?Only joking congrats to you both hope yee had a good one.Its all downhill from here( lol)."
I've questioned myself many times lol.
It's alright though even on the day of the match she had the younger kids in Meath jerseys and wore a old one of mine herself. So I think the brainwashing has worked :)

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 11/08/2021 16:40:02    2369905
