Meath Forum

Meath Vs Kildare Promotion Playoff

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Andy McEntee has alleged that one of his players was spat at during the Allianz Football League Division Two semi-final, prompting a mass brawl that marred the closing stages of Kildare's victory.
Maybe see what its all about on Sunday Game, can understand McGills reaction if true.

seadog54 (Meath) - Posts: 2193 - 13/06/2021 21:19:24    2350501


Replying To seadog54:  "Change is necessary if we are to progress, after five years it is hard to argue that Meath are in a better place. No need to go over the long list of errors that have dogged us game after game. We have given blueprint to every other team on how to set up and beat us. It was obviious that f/b line have been way of the pace and gone backwards since last promotion, yet we stuck with them and watched it happen again today without making change. Why was Newman not introduced earlier? James Mac named in panel but no sign of him, if not fit enough then should not be named. We are fit, however physically we are nowhere near required level, knocked off the ball and easily disspossed.
Will we get change? Thought there might be a few rumblings of discontent after last year but powers that be remained silent and seemed happy to keep status quo. From the start there has been a stubbornness around management, a refusal to change, always in belief they and only they know what is right for Meath football. Dont be surprise if we are back disscussing this topic next year."
Agreed.....! we have not really progressed in 5 years. We may even have gone backwards in terms of overall team preparation. F/B line clearly wiped out to day ,and have been on the downward slide this year and last year. Maybe someone on CB may just say enough is enough ,lets clean the slate .What have we to loose? The most annoying part of all this is Andy and co. refusal to learn from mistakes recurring in basic stuff. That alone to me is a red card offence. Passion alone is just not enough .and has been highlighted. Nevertheless ,thanks to Andy and co for your efforts in giving it your best shot ! Meath football needs fresh thinking at this level. Leaders must see the need for a culture change where the attitude and focus has to be on continuous improvement strategies everywhere especially in coaching, and how training sessions are structured just to begin with. Dare i ask that question Whatever happened to the 3 wise men idea ? Come back men your county needs you to give it a go at least. Maybe your shopping list may make a lot of sense now !

nobull456 (Meath) - Posts: 1265 - 14/06/2021 00:00:25    2350590


Replying To seadog54:  "Would not take too much notice of what is posted on main forum, many there are more concerned about knocking other counties and seem oblivious to the failings of their own team. Glad to hear lad is in good form."
Just stay clear of main forum RoyalDunne, it's a cesspit. Stay on Meath one. Please God a speedy recovery to your son.

Crinigan (Meath) - Posts: 1352 - 14/06/2021 08:01:29    2350613


Replying To seadog54:  "Andy McEntee has alleged that one of his players was spat at during the Allianz Football League Division Two semi-final, prompting a mass brawl that marred the closing stages of Kildare's victory.
Maybe see what its all about on Sunday Game, can understand McGills reaction if true."
That should have stayed on the field and been dealt with on the field. No point in bringing that up in interviews, not the Meath way. Use it for fuel for next time we play those bitter minnows.

Crinigan (Meath) - Posts: 1352 - 14/06/2021 08:05:19    2350614


Replying To Crinigan:  "That should have stayed on the field and been dealt with on the field. No point in bringing that up in interviews, not the Meath way. Use it for fuel for next time we play those bitter minnows."
Utter nonsense. Whatever about physical altercations being left on the pitch when the final whistle is blown if McGill was spat at in the face by a kildare player well then Andy was 100% right to address it in his interview afterwards. No place for anything like that and if it transpires its true the player should receive a lengthy ban. No way you should leave something like that on the pitch for the next day.

Blackspot09 (Meath) - Posts: 973 - 14/06/2021 11:16:42    2350688


Replying To nobull456:  "Agreed.....! we have not really progressed in 5 years. We may even have gone backwards in terms of overall team preparation. F/B line clearly wiped out to day ,and have been on the downward slide this year and last year. Maybe someone on CB may just say enough is enough ,lets clean the slate .What have we to loose? The most annoying part of all this is Andy and co. refusal to learn from mistakes recurring in basic stuff. That alone to me is a red card offence. Passion alone is just not enough .and has been highlighted. Nevertheless ,thanks to Andy and co for your efforts in giving it your best shot ! Meath football needs fresh thinking at this level. Leaders must see the need for a culture change where the attitude and focus has to be on continuous improvement strategies everywhere especially in coaching, and how training sessions are structured just to begin with. Dare i ask that question Whatever happened to the 3 wise men idea ? Come back men your county needs you to give it a go at least. Maybe your shopping list may make a lot of sense now !"
first off ….without a doubt , we have moved forward under Andy. That has to be understood. Where we were when he took over was at least 2-3 rungs below where we are now. That said, Those in the Know , hadn't a clue where we sat in the Oder of things then & They are no closer to understanding where we are now....and that is disappointing considering all the various taskforces & Think Tanks that have been set up in the meantime .
Take it back to Andy's Appointment. He had "earned" his right to being the Top Choice to take over. By a county mile ...he was to be the right appointment , and I don't believe any of us should look back & say otherwise....the initial problem occurred at that stage... Andy being the right choice , doesn't mean that from that Appointment would we would get the "Right" results . This is the naivety that drives me crazy about those who are tasked to Run our Development as a County
Why was Andy the right choice?....he had done his time, had taken the minors to an all Ireland final & had toped it with taking Ballyboden to an All Ireland …..
The evidence suggested for sure that Andy had improved his CV & knowledge , but this is the same guy whose face didn't fit many times before, for aload of other reasons .....his stubbornness, his inability to take views onboard, his lack of ability to build bridges with some characters & players , his inability to "bring" certain people along .
So...what happened..... The CB knew the mood of the Members , they gave Andy an "interview"...and said to your magic
But very little had changed with Andy...he was & is still the same guy that was with the Minors & with Donagmore & with why would we not have sat down with him & said...Look have earned the right to take the reigns But lets examine at the start Our Objectives as a County Board , Your objectives, what we see as our strengths & weaknesses & what we see as your strengths & weaknesses, and lets jointly set out a Plan for 5 Years , so that we both get where we want to
Instead .CB appoint there anointed one....and away we go....
The Sharing of a Vision or a Plan , the constant reassessment to see what is need to reach that Goal , the input of resources when they are recognised as required...and constant communication between Board & Management Team , leads , maybe not to success, but it leads to "No Surprises"...and eventually with constant correction does lead to success
I can guarantee to you this morning...there are as many surprised Faces in Navan as there was last Autumn when Dublin walloped the bejazuz out of us
These are the People who need to look at their responsibility in all of this. The constant narrative or thought process that says, if we get the right Guy , and give him what he wants , we will get success pure wishful thinking.

Lets hope we haven't done the same with Flynn & Co. finish off & to put my mouth where my Money is
Our Objective for the next 5 years. ….To be at the end of Year 5, put yourself in a position that your structures, your conditioning, your player coaching & pathway, and your choices in all Management & Coaching appointees make us a perennial Division 1 Team....ala Monaghan, Donegal, Tyrone
The next five years Plan after that would be to take us to a Level of Mayo...Kerry...and ultimately Dublin
There is no shortcut to Success . And the sooner we realise all the complexity to foster success the sooner we can start
Roll on 2031

, atht we can each reassess every 12 months

Thelongwoodslasher (Meath) - Posts: 401 - 14/06/2021 11:56:36    2350706


Replying To royaldunne:  "Ok fans and foes. I will be taking a break from hoganstand for the foreseeable, on the main forum I posted similar as I did here that I missed second half after having to rush to a and e in Mullingar general hospital with my son. I have spoken at various times about my son been born very premature and with lots of medical problems, I even met the dubs and Sam in crumlin after one of their wins. He has a extremely rare blood condition and began to bleed heavily from his nose for no reason. Anyway I just said I was in hospital and had missed a few things in match.
I got a response basically calling me a liar from a bitter nordie (Tyrone to be exact) That level of hatred is not what I ever joined this site for circa 2000, and to disrespect my ill son is the final straw that such a post was allowed, we may have disagreed passionately about things but I hope there is such a thing as common decency among Meath supporters.
I know longer want to be part of a site that would permit such a comment about my son.
He's fine btw and sitting on my lap as I write this.
Good luck to you all and live ur best life.
And as alway.

You're right about the moderator allowing that post in, it should never have been shown on a public forum and completely disrespectful if not insulting, but you're wrong to leave. Never let the haters win. This forum is running short on people who don't go along with the crowd, most of them just try and come up with what will get a few thumbs up. Some of the topics I wouldn't even bother opening.
Anyone who would make such a comment after you showing concern for your young son, obviously has none of his own, or never had child concerns of their own. I probably wouldn't agree with half what you post, and don't agree with your view that McEntee should resign yet. But I respect your right to say it.
Give up something over some hater. NEVER

mhunicean_abu (Monaghan) - Posts: 1050 - 14/06/2021 13:10:51    2350753


I like most of you this morning are pretty deflated and disgusted by what we saw yesterday and how it unfolded but unfortunately I'm not in the least bit surprised by any of what happened. This has been the same scenario which we've seen play out many times in recent years. And ultimately the buck needs to stop now. I got criticised last week for saying a poor performance v Kildare should signal the beginning of the end and ultimately many people are now of the same opinion.

Andy was appointed to this almost unopposed and yes his CV and achievements with Meath minors and Ballyboden show he was the most qualified for the role. But with him being unopposed who was he being compared too. It seems to have boiled down to he was better than the man he replaced and that would do for the county board. As Longwood said previously Andy's face didn't fit but now it seems it did because he couldn't be any worse than Mick O'Dowd and the reasons that he hadn't got the job before were ignored.

Andy without doubt is a good manager and he surrounded himself with good people initially and then better people in 2018 onwards. But in the five years he's been with us we couldn't say that any player has drastically improved under his management. I would say they're all at a similar level but he was able to get a bit more out of them with better structures around them. From 2018 onwards and with Niall Ronan coming on board you could see they were a vastly fitter and better conditioned team but it takes years to develop that and needs to start from teenage years. If there's one take away from this management team its that Niall Ronan needs to be kept on and have him work with every team from underage to senior. If that means making him a full time employee of Meth GAA so be it. I would also give Andy credit in that he has reinstalled some pride into that Meath badge but there's still a ways to go to on that front.

However none of this should detract from Andy's weaknesses and blind spots of which there are many. Man management, goalkeeper issues, kick out strategies, free taker issues and nepotism are but the tip of the iceberg. Several players yesterday shouldn't be on a Meath team. They are playing off a reputation they haven't lived up to across the last couple of years. Seamus Lavin, Conor McGill, Shane McEntee, Brian Menton, Ethan Devine, Thomas O'Reilly, Brian McMahon have all regressed in my opinion in the last two years and I'm almost certain Donal Keoghan is passed his best. Yet time after time these guys have been given jersies almost unchallenged whilst other players have left the set up or didn't want to be involved when invited into the panel. When i looked up the spine of our team yesterday I also felt they're all nice footballers but there doesn't seem to be much steel to them to dominate their opposing player. This is a recurring theme this last decade that there's no meanness within the Meath footballers. I don't mean over the line and boxing the heads off lads but you just feel they don't dominate opposition and tend to back off rather than front up within the rules of the game. There's no enforcer like a John Small within the team, or a tight corner back like a Mick Fitzsimons who'll be breathing down your neck and sticking a foot, arm, hand or head on front of the ball, or a philly McMahon that'll be jersey tight on you and engaging in the dark arts when needed. Our lads seem to go out, play football with their mouths closed and back away from confrontation. That needs to change, within the rules of the game.

This team is lacking in several of the key skills of the game and I don't know if bringing in new management or selectors would change that. We don't have any natural fielders of the ball. Yesterday i saw the Kildare keeper land balls on top of Aaron Masterson in the last 15 minutes almost at will. I can't remember the last time i saw a Meath player consistently dominate the sky's like that. Across the last two managers we've had players take too much out of the ball running down blind alleys and not using there footballing senses. Graham Reilly and Cillian O'Sullivan did/do this almost as a matter of course. Whilst they're likely two of our better players in the last decade they are two players who either took too much onto themselves or ultimately haven't been taught to play as a team mate. They are not alone on this as other players have done it too but they are the main culprits. Kick out strategy and free taking is still the same achilles heel and it came to the forefront yesterday where Colgan didn't have options or players able to get free and make space and we saw him kick ball over the sideline and come right back over his head for points. Every team in the country knows the issues except our manager seemingly. Teams press up on the kick out knowing turnovers are coming and foul us close to goal as they know there's a good chance it won't be converted. When we look back our last consistent and accurate free taker was Cian Ward who's been off the panel over 10 years now.

Where do we go from here I really don't know as I think changing management and bringing in Bernard Flynn now would be a panic move. If the county board are serious about succession planning then bring Andy in front of them and lay it on the line and say you're here til 2023, Bernard Flynn will be a selector in 23 replacing you in 24. Andy needs to be challenged about his blind spots and how he plans to address them. If he doesn't want to deal with them then its time for him to step aside. We also need to bring in some fresh faces on the backroom team. Mick Deegan lives in Ashbourne, why not approach him and ask would he like to get involved. He was Gavin's right hand man and surely has a wealth of knowledge that could help improve things. If not him,why not approach Paul Curran, who has a very good CV in Dublin club management. Stephen Rochford whilst he would be a good choice surely wouldn't fancy traversing the country a couple of times a week. Its time we got some outside opinions that will challenge him if he's staying involved.

I still maintain that Meath are in that of 6 to 13 in terms of where they'd be ranked but they've slipped towards the bottom of that and could continue to slide if something doesn't change.

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1969 - 14/06/2021 13:15:35    2350758


Replying To Crinigan:  "Just stay clear of main forum RoyalDunne, it's a cesspit. Stay on Meath one. Please God a speedy recovery to your son."
RD stay faithful. You are 100% correct all out this shocking behaviour . It must be terrible raw for you, but you did us all a service by highlighting it....this **** needs to be called out every time ….people have got to re learn , respect & realise that a difference of opinion & disrespect ...does not come hand in hand .Sickening

Thelongwoodslasher (Meath) - Posts: 401 - 14/06/2021 13:18:16    2350761


Replying To royaldunne:  "Ok fans and foes. I will be taking a break from hoganstand for the foreseeable, on the main forum I posted similar as I did here that I missed second half after having to rush to a and e in Mullingar general hospital with my son. I have spoken at various times about my son been born very premature and with lots of medical problems, I even met the dubs and Sam in crumlin after one of their wins. He has a extremely rare blood condition and began to bleed heavily from his nose for no reason. Anyway I just said I was in hospital and had missed a few things in match.
I got a response basically calling me a liar from a bitter nordie (Tyrone to be exact) That level of hatred is not what I ever joined this site for circa 2000, and to disrespect my ill son is the final straw that such a post was allowed, we may have disagreed passionately about things but I hope there is such a thing as common decency among Meath supporters.
I know longer want to be part of a site that would permit such a comment about my son.
He's fine btw and sitting on my lap as I write this.
Good luck to you all and live ur best life.
And as alway.

royal dunne i do not know you personally only that you live in westmeath . i was shocked and saddened to read your post regarding your son . all i can wish you and your family is the very best of luck . a person should never be subject to abuse of any kind . best wishes

mickcunningham (Westmeath) - Posts: 1860 - 14/06/2021 14:40:24    2350809


Replying To brian:  "I like most of you this morning are pretty deflated and disgusted by what we saw yesterday and how it unfolded but unfortunately I'm not in the least bit surprised by any of what happened. This has been the same scenario which we've seen play out many times in recent years. And ultimately the buck needs to stop now. I got criticised last week for saying a poor performance v Kildare should signal the beginning of the end and ultimately many people are now of the same opinion.

Andy was appointed to this almost unopposed and yes his CV and achievements with Meath minors and Ballyboden show he was the most qualified for the role. But with him being unopposed who was he being compared too. It seems to have boiled down to he was better than the man he replaced and that would do for the county board. As Longwood said previously Andy's face didn't fit but now it seems it did because he couldn't be any worse than Mick O'Dowd and the reasons that he hadn't got the job before were ignored.

Andy without doubt is a good manager and he surrounded himself with good people initially and then better people in 2018 onwards. But in the five years he's been with us we couldn't say that any player has drastically improved under his management. I would say they're all at a similar level but he was able to get a bit more out of them with better structures around them. From 2018 onwards and with Niall Ronan coming on board you could see they were a vastly fitter and better conditioned team but it takes years to develop that and needs to start from teenage years. If there's one take away from this management team its that Niall Ronan needs to be kept on and have him work with every team from underage to senior. If that means making him a full time employee of Meth GAA so be it. I would also give Andy credit in that he has reinstalled some pride into that Meath badge but there's still a ways to go to on that front.

However none of this should detract from Andy's weaknesses and blind spots of which there are many. Man management, goalkeeper issues, kick out strategies, free taker issues and nepotism are but the tip of the iceberg. Several players yesterday shouldn't be on a Meath team. They are playing off a reputation they haven't lived up to across the last couple of years. Seamus Lavin, Conor McGill, Shane McEntee, Brian Menton, Ethan Devine, Thomas O'Reilly, Brian McMahon have all regressed in my opinion in the last two years and I'm almost certain Donal Keoghan is passed his best. Yet time after time these guys have been given jersies almost unchallenged whilst other players have left the set up or didn't want to be involved when invited into the panel. When i looked up the spine of our team yesterday I also felt they're all nice footballers but there doesn't seem to be much steel to them to dominate their opposing player. This is a recurring theme this last decade that there's no meanness within the Meath footballers. I don't mean over the line and boxing the heads off lads but you just feel they don't dominate opposition and tend to back off rather than front up within the rules of the game. There's no enforcer like a John Small within the team, or a tight corner back like a Mick Fitzsimons who'll be breathing down your neck and sticking a foot, arm, hand or head on front of the ball, or a philly McMahon that'll be jersey tight on you and engaging in the dark arts when needed. Our lads seem to go out, play football with their mouths closed and back away from confrontation. That needs to change, within the rules of the game.

This team is lacking in several of the key skills of the game and I don't know if bringing in new management or selectors would change that. We don't have any natural fielders of the ball. Yesterday i saw the Kildare keeper land balls on top of Aaron Masterson in the last 15 minutes almost at will. I can't remember the last time i saw a Meath player consistently dominate the sky's like that. Across the last two managers we've had players take too much out of the ball running down blind alleys and not using there footballing senses. Graham Reilly and Cillian O'Sullivan did/do this almost as a matter of course. Whilst they're likely two of our better players in the last decade they are two players who either took too much onto themselves or ultimately haven't been taught to play as a team mate. They are not alone on this as other players have done it too but they are the main culprits. Kick out strategy and free taking is still the same achilles heel and it came to the forefront yesterday where Colgan didn't have options or players able to get free and make space and we saw him kick ball over the sideline and come right back over his head for points. Every team in the country knows the issues except our manager seemingly. Teams press up on the kick out knowing turnovers are coming and foul us close to goal as they know there's a good chance it won't be converted. When we look back our last consistent and accurate free taker was Cian Ward who's been off the panel over 10 years now.

Where do we go from here I really don't know as I think changing management and bringing in Bernard Flynn now would be a panic move. If the county board are serious about succession planning then bring Andy in front of them and lay it on the line and say you're here til 2023, Bernard Flynn will be a selector in 23 replacing you in 24. Andy needs to be challenged about his blind spots and how he plans to address them. If he doesn't want to deal with them then its time for him to step aside. We also need to bring in some fresh faces on the backroom team. Mick Deegan lives in Ashbourne, why not approach him and ask would he like to get involved. He was Gavin's right hand man and surely has a wealth of knowledge that could help improve things. If not him,why not approach Paul Curran, who has a very good CV in Dublin club management. Stephen Rochford whilst he would be a good choice surely wouldn't fancy traversing the country a couple of times a week. Its time we got some outside opinions that will challenge him if he's staying involved.

I still maintain that Meath are in that of 6 to 13 in terms of where they'd be ranked but they've slipped towards the bottom of that and could continue to slide if something doesn't change."
I 100% agree that its time we looked outside the county for expertise and I like to see us approach Dubliners who are based in Meath and therefore have some kind of Meath connection. Like it or not, the county as a whole is getting more Dublinised so you either resist or go with the flow. The likes of Paul Curran (father played for Meath), Mick Deegan, Paul Clarke and Davey Byrne are all based for many years in Meath and have been involved in putting together these numerous extraordinary Dublin teams over the past 15 years. They have unique insight into the training and tactics and methodology that created these Dublin teams and we need to tap into that before the likes of Kildare do.

People will say no way, we need a Meath man and we can't lose our Meathness. But, what is Meathness at this point? I had thought that Andy McEntee was the epitome of Meathness and that he would instill that in the team. But is Meathness therefore complaining consistently about referees after most games? Is it appearing unprepared on national television to discuss Dublin's unfair financing only weeks after Meath's greatest ever humilation in Croke Park (it was at this moment he lost my support)? That didn't come across as real Meathness to me. Is it not laying a finger or a shoulder on Dublin for the past 5 years? Is it having no kickout strategy and no free takers in Croke Park on Leinster final day?

So who are we left with with Meathness? Colm O'Rourke? I wouldn't say no but he has hardly revolutionised club football in Meath and his Simonstown teams relied a lot on 3/4 exceptional talents. Put it this way, he had the best players at his disposal and so he won. Same with St Pats when they had great players available. Nothing extraordinary.

Personally Id love to see a team of Paul Clarke, Mick Deegan, Paul Curran and an up and coming Meath coach like Kevin Reilly involved. I don't particularly like Kevin Reilly (was a nasty lad to play against) but he is a clever guy and has some good ideas and a decent track record.

Crinigan (Meath) - Posts: 1352 - 14/06/2021 14:47:15    2350813


Replying To Crinigan:  "I 100% agree that its time we looked outside the county for expertise and I like to see us approach Dubliners who are based in Meath and therefore have some kind of Meath connection. Like it or not, the county as a whole is getting more Dublinised so you either resist or go with the flow. The likes of Paul Curran (father played for Meath), Mick Deegan, Paul Clarke and Davey Byrne are all based for many years in Meath and have been involved in putting together these numerous extraordinary Dublin teams over the past 15 years. They have unique insight into the training and tactics and methodology that created these Dublin teams and we need to tap into that before the likes of Kildare do.

People will say no way, we need a Meath man and we can't lose our Meathness. But, what is Meathness at this point? I had thought that Andy McEntee was the epitome of Meathness and that he would instill that in the team. But is Meathness therefore complaining consistently about referees after most games? Is it appearing unprepared on national television to discuss Dublin's unfair financing only weeks after Meath's greatest ever humilation in Croke Park (it was at this moment he lost my support)? That didn't come across as real Meathness to me. Is it not laying a finger or a shoulder on Dublin for the past 5 years? Is it having no kickout strategy and no free takers in Croke Park on Leinster final day?

So who are we left with with Meathness? Colm O'Rourke? I wouldn't say no but he has hardly revolutionised club football in Meath and his Simonstown teams relied a lot on 3/4 exceptional talents. Put it this way, he had the best players at his disposal and so he won. Same with St Pats when they had great players available. Nothing extraordinary.

Personally Id love to see a team of Paul Clarke, Mick Deegan, Paul Curran and an up and coming Meath coach like Kevin Reilly involved. I don't particularly like Kevin Reilly (was a nasty lad to play against) but he is a clever guy and has some good ideas and a decent track record." gona say this from the off.....I've no clue who it should be. Nor should I. As a supporter if I do throw out a name , its from an un informed armchair position.
What I do know when I see one is a Supporters Appointment ……..And all im asking for is that there is some more analysis & science to the next appointment than most of the appointments in the past
Do you know what si truly depressing? ..Those in Charge of our Game cant even take credit for getting it right the last time we enjoyed national one wanted the job then , and Boylan was the last chance saloon

so our track records Boys & Girls in picking & staying with the right horrendous!!!....why would we think that has got better?
has any County Board official stood up in the last 20 years and said part of why we are were we are today is down to us...Apologies to all.

Thelongwoodslasher (Meath) - Posts: 401 - 14/06/2021 15:07:41    2350820


Replying To Thelongwoodslasher:  " gona say this from the off.....I've no clue who it should be. Nor should I. As a supporter if I do throw out a name , its from an un informed armchair position.
What I do know when I see one is a Supporters Appointment ……..And all im asking for is that there is some more analysis & science to the next appointment than most of the appointments in the past
Do you know what si truly depressing? ..Those in Charge of our Game cant even take credit for getting it right the last time we enjoyed national one wanted the job then , and Boylan was the last chance saloon

so our track records Boys & Girls in picking & staying with the right horrendous!!!....why would we think that has got better?
has any County Board official stood up in the last 20 years and said part of why we are were we are today is down to us...Apologies to all."
" gona say this from the off.....I've no clue who it should be. Nor should I. As a supporter if I do throw out a name , its from an un informed armchair position".

An uninformed armchair position? As opposed to all the Mensa Harvard MBA graduates running the County Board is it???

Crinigan (Meath) - Posts: 1352 - 14/06/2021 15:24:23    2350832


If looking for a replacement for mcentee do we need to confine ourselves to ex meath footballers?

Wouldnt mind looking at a wildcard from another sport...ex hurling managers (e.g. Martin Ennis), basketball, rugby etc

we seriously need to look at doing something radical and at least try something different to shake things up.

bert09 (Meath) - Posts: 1804 - 14/06/2021 15:25:14    2350833


After yesterdays shambolic performance. Its hard to know where to go from here. It might a good thing that we not are not back in Div 1. Kildare fully deserved there win. But we never fired a shot. We coughed up possession, time and time again basic errors it was awful stuff we made them look ten times better that they where. And still could have got a draw at the death. Thats not saying much for our performance.
After 5 years in charge to much in a totally disjointed like that is poor to say the least. Same failings as people have said frowards afraid to shoot (Although when we threw cation to the wind and started a few more pot shoots we got back in the game) Now there a novel idea give forwards for freedom to shoot.
Midfield and we got wiped out, and on there kick outs. Defense was really poor.
As I said I was really worried after Mayo game defensively, second team or not, it was the system that was the problem not so much personal.
I said Jason Scully should have started that game with his first touch he ran at kildare and created a goal chance for Fionn Reilly. And looked really threatening on the ball. Meanwhile another player in the half backs passes the ball side ways and moans at the ref for after the poor tackles he makes.
Personally I think its time to let someone else have a crack at management at this stage. Its not all doom and gloom there is a promising players coming through Moris, Devine, Hickey walsh Scully F reilly etc. Hopefully we can build on them.

bobkarlgees (Meath) - Posts: 1265 - 14/06/2021 15:27:24    2350835


Replying To Crinigan:  "" gona say this from the off.....I've no clue who it should be. Nor should I. As a supporter if I do throw out a name , its from an un informed armchair position".

An uninformed armchair position? As opposed to all the Mensa Harvard MBA graduates running the County Board is it???"
trie even Todays Spuds will be ruined, totally depressed again

Thelongwoodslasher (Meath) - Posts: 401 - 14/06/2021 16:18:53    2350847


Replying To mickcunningham:  "royal dunne i do not know you personally only that you live in westmeath . i was shocked and saddened to read your post regarding your son . all i can wish you and your family is the very best of luck . a person should never be subject to abuse of any kind . best wishes"
Well here !!

nobull456 (Meath) - Posts: 1265 - 14/06/2021 16:51:07    2350861


Replying To bert09:  "If looking for a replacement for mcentee do we need to confine ourselves to ex meath footballers?

Wouldnt mind looking at a wildcard from another sport...ex hurling managers (e.g. Martin Ennis), basketball, rugby etc

we seriously need to look at doing something radical and at least try something different to shake things up."
Good idea! Basketball or Olympic Handball coaches. What's Jason Sherlock at these days?

Crinigan (Meath) - Posts: 1352 - 14/06/2021 17:20:22    2350872


Some great food for thought in all of todays posts lads, great reading.

I dont think any of us or anyone else has any of the answers right now. Some people are calling for new management and some are calling for calm heads. Im not really sure myself anymore if I'm honest, Im open to the debate. I think yesterday was a red letter day. Even after a poor league campaign last year, and the two Leinster finals, I think people still retained a modicum of hope and faith - but I fear that has evaporated now or is in the process of it as I write. There is a great deal of dissilusionment with the team and management after that game yesterday.

In relation to Longwood slasher - I agree wholeheartedly with your assessment that success for Meath must be a long term plan and a long-term goal. Ultimately constant change and constant development is the only way to explore that possibility with an eye to the minor and U-20 grade almost as priority. It means, as you alluded to when you mentioned 2031 (ten years away), that for the time being we have to accept where we are. That does take foresight, and its all well and good for us to discuss it here, but people in power need to take a serious reality check, sit down and decide what we're trying to do here and what we want for the future. It's entirely in their hands. More of the same will see us stay where we are or slowly decline.

I agree with the idea that Niall Ronan should be kept on interminably also, and his work ahould only be extended further into our squads. Fantastic work. The idea of bringing in rugby coaches and boxing coaches, and people of different backgrounds should be explored also. A fresh approach using different methods of training.

The Meathness debate that Brian mentioned: I think this is the saddest aspect of where we are. We just aren't ourselves anymore. Everytime I see that green jersey with its yellow squares and I see players take to the field donning that jersey, our jersey, I feel something within me. I think we all do. Every county in GAA terms is special. Every county has a story - ours is being the toughest, most ignorant yet skillful, resilient, and hated county in football. Even in the baddest of times, Meath were a force. Teams came to Navan and they limped home, win, lose or draw. Dont get me wrong im opposed to thuggery of course, but we are who we are lads and this team just isn't "it". Meath should be just different to how these lads play, and at this stage im just at a point where I have to spit that out. I'm not buying this short, sprinter, off the shoulder player mould any more. We've had this player for 6/8 years and we've stangnated as a decent division 2 team, which we always should be at minimum. We need to explore the idea of getting some proper old school Meath men back onto our team. Im not saying go out and shop for 15 meat heads who'd kick their mothers and have as much subtlety as a brick to the face, but you catch my drift. We just aren't ourselves anymore. Many teams of all standards can bully us. Genuinely good teams can push us around and dispossess us, and funnel us into turnovers constantly. We've become a very soft touch indeed.

Lastly on the issue of selection, I always said we needed to constantly keep the panel fresh to keep standards high - fitness and skills, especially when we are at the level we are at. I dont think stacking the panel with guys just out of minor is a good idea (even if they are talented). Like I said earlier we need to start pressing on in the u-20 grade. I'd agree that some lads are keeping their places based on reputation at this stage, and perhaps one or two of our greatest stalwarts are coming near the end of their time. A handful of others are very lucky to be where they are. After championship we need a massive review. No matter what the outcome we need a fresh approach.

Young_gael (Meath) - Posts: 596 - 14/06/2021 17:22:48    2350874


Replying To Thelongwoodslasher:  "trie even Todays Spuds will be ruined, totally depressed again"
We are where we are and its hardly a major surprise. ANY manager who refuses to take stock, repair basic PROLONGED weaknesses, through structured coaching sessions to meets the needs makes himself redundant. That's what happened! This has gone on for far too long it seems without challenge from CB.
So the CB are ultimately responsible for where we are now. In fairness to Andy who has given it his best shot i assume he will go anyway.
I just wonder why the CB appear not to look at what seems like best practise that will in turn bring results .Some people seem to think we should not compare ourselves against the best ......Dublin. I absolutely .believe the opposite What have they got that we have not ? They have managed to install and maintain a culture and attitude of continuous improvement. We have proven by neglecting to repair well documented weaknesses that we are simply not at the races. What CULTURE have we got now in Meath.?? HOW do we appoint the manager anyway ? Why do we not define the key skills required for the role of manager? Then a real interview process where the candidate understands what is wanted with agreed objectives reviewed yearly. Simply find a man to fit the role even if development is required for the candidate. If the candidate is not agreeable to this then next please!
Two examples to prove the point our own Sean Boylan hardly played football at a high level. As a manager well we know the answer to that. outstanding different era YEH YEH..... man management hasn't changed Jack o Shea Kerry outstanding footballer a manager not for him as he said himself after giving a go at inter county. We need a culture change .No disrespect to the man but it seems Bernard Flynn is marked in as successor Why? I s that not premature . Why should he not prove himself with u20s first and the move up if proven . CB need to freshen up and keep up with the play . That's why i thought their decision regarding the 3 wise men was the start of fresh thinking........ I wonder what happened there.? Those men and their terms of reference for the roles has a currency now!

nobull456 (Meath) - Posts: 1265 - 14/06/2021 17:46:09    2350885
