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Meath Vs Kildare Promotion Playoff

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Replying To DMman:  "Mickey is best in the full-forward line and will be more effective in there. He is injury prone and we need to protect him as much as possible so don't really see him playing anywhere but there. He also lacks the fitness or pace to play in Andy's version of our half forward line who are expected to play a running game.

I have to disagree I don't think James Conlon could play there and is not a strong runner but great at creating a little bit of space and shooting from a tight angle in the full forward line. Kick outs or defensively he wouldn't add anything out there.

Yep I agree that none of them have shown enough but while Devine and Campion have been trialled in the half forward line O'Reilly hasn't. Just could be an option. O'Connor deserves a chance though bases off his performances."
Lavin, McGill Keoghan
Hickey Harnan Menton
Costelloe & Devine
O Sullivan, McMahon, O Connor
Morris O Reilly

Thelongwoodslasher (Meath) - Posts: 401 - 09/06/2021 17:34:29    2349255


I think the start of this game could be important. Alot of Meath players might be a bit brittle or lacking in confidence after the Mayo fiasco. Some players got game time, but chasing shadows for most the game was'nt fun of much experience of any new players. Andy played a lot of new players, But then seen quiet surprised shocked even after how poor we played.
What did he not think this was a possibility ? Anyway its going to be tough task to beat Kildare in Newbridge. We are going to get hit with the kitchen sink I hope we are ready for it. I hope we can get in to the game good and early and settle into the game. And we are a lot tighter in defense than we have been so far in the league. Some wanted Clare some Kildare its 6 of one and half dozen of another. Its Kildare so let hope we can get the job done on Sunday.

bobkarlgees (Meath) - Posts: 1265 - 10/06/2021 11:41:57    2349344


Replying To bobkarlgees:  "I think the start of this game could be important. Alot of Meath players might be a bit brittle or lacking in confidence after the Mayo fiasco. Some players got game time, but chasing shadows for most the game was'nt fun of much experience of any new players. Andy played a lot of new players, But then seen quiet surprised shocked even after how poor we played.
What did he not think this was a possibility ? Anyway its going to be tough task to beat Kildare in Newbridge. We are going to get hit with the kitchen sink I hope we are ready for it. I hope we can get in to the game good and early and settle into the game. And we are a lot tighter in defense than we have been so far in the league. Some wanted Clare some Kildare its 6 of one and half dozen of another. Its Kildare so let hope we can get the job done on Sunday."
Agreed, we need to keep it tight early on, if this means dropping men back so be it, full back line have been inconsistent of late and need protection. Its a tight pitch so management should be able to put plan in place, somewhat like Clare, who set up well in defence and Kildare became frustrated which led to mistakes. We have finished well in games over last year ( obvious exception) and this will be in the minds of players as clock ticks down, so keep in the game and we can scrape home.

seadog54 (Meath) - Posts: 2193 - 10/06/2021 20:32:37    2349454


squeaky Bu*m time for all those associated with Meath Football Development this weekend ....a bad defeat Could cause another re-think from the Great Minds who are at the forefront of our Long term Football Development Plan …….My first appeal to that august body is...please lads don't panic based on this Game
The Reality is ….One defeat, any defeat shouldn't be the guiding factor or basis of assessment of How we are progressing with our Football Development Plan
Its totally different to us as supporters….we will invariably throw all sorts of rattle if we are beaten...and if we win...we will invariably be all Ireland contenders....buts that's our want , as supporters
You guys Know better
My Hope for the weekend ahead is a really positive performance building on the performances of Westmeath, & Down
I would dearly love to see one or two of the lads that where thrown to the wolves in the mayo shambles rehabilitated in the game, that includes Young Flynn, & Campion to mention two. I would love us to consistently secure our own kick-outs, and im not saying that the responsibility for that lies primarily with Colgan, I'd love to see us nail every scorable dead ball that one would reasonably expect a county Player to nail . Id like to see the Line react to challenges that are presented to us on Sunday that we had or hadn't thought off and id really like to see that when a Sub comes off , its only because he is "spent" and can do no more ….and Finally , and this is the bit that i'm probably reaching a bit far on.... td love to see a smile on Andy's face …& a really engaging interview , lose or draw t

Thelongwoodslasher (Meath) - Posts: 401 - 11/06/2021 14:55:58    2349603


Replying To Thelongwoodslasher:  "squeaky Bu*m time for all those associated with Meath Football Development this weekend ....a bad defeat Could cause another re-think from the Great Minds who are at the forefront of our Long term Football Development Plan …….My first appeal to that august body is...please lads don't panic based on this Game
The Reality is ….One defeat, any defeat shouldn't be the guiding factor or basis of assessment of How we are progressing with our Football Development Plan
Its totally different to us as supporters….we will invariably throw all sorts of rattle if we are beaten...and if we win...we will invariably be all Ireland contenders....buts that's our want , as supporters
You guys Know better
My Hope for the weekend ahead is a really positive performance building on the performances of Westmeath, & Down
I would dearly love to see one or two of the lads that where thrown to the wolves in the mayo shambles rehabilitated in the game, that includes Young Flynn, & Campion to mention two. I would love us to consistently secure our own kick-outs, and im not saying that the responsibility for that lies primarily with Colgan, I'd love to see us nail every scorable dead ball that one would reasonably expect a county Player to nail . Id like to see the Line react to challenges that are presented to us on Sunday that we had or hadn't thought off and id really like to see that when a Sub comes off , its only because he is "spent" and can do no more ….and Finally , and this is the bit that i'm probably reaching a bit far on.... td love to see a smile on Andy's face …& a really engaging interview , lose or draw t"
You're not looking for much at all there Longwood ;)

Look in all seriousness a loss on its own on Sunday shouldn't determine anything, but a loss and a poor display on Sunday, and an early exit in Leinster would be the death knell for me. I'll not go over old ground, its been well and truly trampled on at this stage.

A good and solid performance where we're in the match until the final whistle is a must and any failure here is a failure too many
A solid gameplan building on how they have been developing the team over the last couple of years
Yes winning 50%= of our kickouts would be a success, 60 - 70% would be a bonus
One or two designated free takers converting 65%+ of our free kicks would be a bigger bonus

Anything else would be in addition to this.

I think you're right a good performance from Devine or Campion who will be picked regardless of what I or other think would be really great to see. One or both of them really nailing down their place in the first 15. I don't see Jack Flynn getting a sniff of action. We could almost all predict who the subs will be and when they will be made.

The two Wallaces, Banty and McMahon will 100% be introduced between the 45 to 60 minute mark. Jack O'Connor in the last 5 minutes with the other two subs depending on injuries or a defender not doing well.

I would never doubt these players and their commitment, you can see they do empty the tank for Andy and management and that's great to see because there were guys coasting under previous managers.

brian (Meath) - Posts: 1969 - 11/06/2021 15:28:39    2349615


Struggling to see us winning this one. Kildare likely to dominate the kickout and midfield. We need our defence to seriously tighten up and get back to pre-covid levels of performance. Our scoring peecentages are consistently low so need to really slog to win this. Hope mcentee puts cos up closer to full forward line.

Half hoped the covid break would bring back a revitalised team but its the hope that kills ye...

bert09 (Meath) - Posts: 1804 - 11/06/2021 20:47:04    2349668


Team announced. One or two surprises, that been said the likes of hickey Costello and Reilly are hugely exciting prospects. The one surprise to me anyway is no James Conlon on either team or bench , so I guess that's down to a injury (hopefully not a bad one ) as his pace and abilities to get a score from a impossible angle makes himnot been available a worry. Newman is obviously not going to get 70 mins of what will be championship football pace and intensity, the only question I guess is us as supporters have is whether it's better to start him for 35 mins or bring him on for the last 35, the game needs to be still up for grabs at that stage. So it leaves jordon Morris as our sole free taker (and since he can only take from one side it's a worry tbh)
Our main scoring threats have to be on song, Morris will look to get a early goal, O'Sullivan has to have a on day (thankfully he's been having more of them these days than not) McMahon will be the link man with the half back line doing the running..
my fear ? There's not a obvious plan b with the starting team, it's all about the running game and moving the ball fast (mostly through the hands) if Kildare do their marking right it leaves us open to turn overs and open spaces at the back with keoghan harnan mcentee etc up the field, a turn over a well kicked long pass and we in trouble for concession of goals and game over I'm afraid.
This is often said , but I really do believe this is the biggest game of mcentee management so far, I believe O'Connor will remain with Kildare win or not, Meath are supposed to be a year or two ahead of Kildare and a failure to return immediately to division one along with the inevitable loss of not winning a Leinster will spell the end of the current management, and we have been copying the dubs in putting in a succession plan (Flynn, graham Reilly, graham geraghty) over u20s ,and McCarthy, neither are ready for another 2 years, so a loss COULD throw us into turmoil again.
As the game gets closer I am hell lot more nervous than I was, the starting team needs to hold it tight for the first 35 mins, a point or two down at halftime will suit us fine, I'm not been disrespectful to Kildare but I believe our bench is stronger, with the inclusion of Newman, the wallace's James mcentee (great to see him back) we will have enough firepower to win. However more than a couple of points down and we in serious trouble. Anyway that's my take on the game from a Meath perspective (my own)

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 12/06/2021 08:37:48    2349716


Just want to wish Shane and Andy and all the Meath team the best of luck. No doubt about it its gonna be a tough, tough game. This being played in Newbridge on a tight pitch would really suit a powerhouse of a midfielder and we don't have anyone like that now young Flanagan is no longer on the Squad. Tailor made game for him. But looking at who we do have I just don't think it's enough. These games v Kildare usually follow a pattern. Meath win 1 or 2 unexpectedly and then just when we think we are favourites we tend to get a hammering. With that I'm gonna say a Kildare win and a comprehensive one at that - 11 points. I hope to god I'm wrong. Anyways we could be worse we could be Cavan. Hon the Royal

Evernal (Meath) - Posts: 74 - 13/06/2021 01:25:22    2350056


Best wishes to Andy Shane and all the players and management today.
Huge game.
Hon the royal

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 13/06/2021 07:56:19    2350061


Decent team named you'd have to say with some good options off the bench.

Crinigan (Meath) - Posts: 1352 - 13/06/2021 08:30:44    2350066


It's an evenly matched game. I think Kildare have the more talented team on paper, but our level of performance is far more consistent than there's. Discipline is a big thing. I think we've had 4 black cards in the last 2 games. One of them today could be trouble because they are the type of team that could make hay if they get their tails up. Bench looks better than the past few weeks. Think we'll just about do it

LeitrimRoyal99 (Meath) - Posts: 1513 - 13/06/2021 10:35:52    2350111


Game today a good indication of where we are. No problem if we are beaten by a better team, as long as we give it our best and its not down to our self inflicted mistakes. In todays heat subs will play a big part, both teams have good options to bring on.

seadog54 (Meath) - Posts: 2193 - 13/06/2021 13:01:46    2350169


Half time and we're an absolute shambles. Embarrassing. We don't deserve to get to div 1 playing like this. We'd get destroyed

Selwyn (Meath) - Posts: 380 - 13/06/2021 14:45:53    2350202


Replying To Selwyn:  "Half time and we're an absolute shambles. Embarrassing. We don't deserve to get to div 1 playing like this. We'd get destroyed"
Only half time but I agree, i keep saying it that this group of players are not in the top 8 or 10 in the country.

Don't think either of these two teams will last in division one.

Not trying to put them down , its just too many Meath supporters think we are better than we are.

We are still ten points off the top 5 or 6 teams in the country.

thelutch (Meath) - Posts: 1061 - 13/06/2021 14:53:37    2350204


Half time checking in. Not looking good - a poor game all in all. I think the tightness of the pitch, the claustrophobia of it really suits Kildare. We look like we cant win ball in the middle, our passing/running game isnt coming together and the usual suspects are getting snuffed out in possession by bigger men. Simple really- cant score. You can also see frustration setting in. We need a change of tact over the half time interval or this game is over. A few dodgy goals like last time could do it! Its a hard watch - have the utmost of respect for Kildare but they arent up to much. This type of game, when they occur, really encapsulates all of Meath's weaknesses.

When I come back in another hour I hope I can be more positive. As things stand a Kildare win.

Young_gael (Meath) - Posts: 596 - 13/06/2021 14:54:02    2350205


Same Management, same players, same tactics, same goalkeeper, same problems. Probably lucky to be still a div. 2 team if I'm honest.

winatallcost (Meath) - Posts: 568 - 13/06/2021 15:31:08    2350214



Began to play when 9 points down.

Same old story. Wiped out in midfield. Forwards afraid to score. Running down blind alleys. Defence at sea.

Meath appeared to be oblivious to what was at stake today.

Royalio11 (Meath) - Posts: 763 - 13/06/2021 15:49:29    2350220


Decent second half display the fighting was just pathetic take the beating like men fight for the ball instead. There's a decent few players to build around but for me Andy mc should step aside has had long enough with little progress. His decision making during games it's suspect how he watched kildare long ball without making a change is beyond me.

username.if (Meath) - Posts: 67 - 13/06/2021 16:01:02    2350234


I've written enough about Andy McEntee and his back room team and no point in showing further disrespect to a decent man.

Time for fresh approach.

I'd be happy with Bernard Flynn (serious back room team he has and he picked an u21 squad after a genuine talent search without any bias to big clubs or players already on development panels) or Colm o Rourke (proven to be a good manager).

Dream outside manager would be Jim McGuinness (I'd say he'd be interested, is big fan of Meath football).

Crinigan (Meath) - Posts: 1352 - 13/06/2021 16:06:27    2350237


Replying To winatallcost:  "Same Management, same players, same tactics, same goalkeeper, same problems. Probably lucky to be still a div. 2 team if I'm honest."
Spot on, we got a break with short season. Inability of this management to act and make changes is hard to take. Full back line once again all at sea. All the same failings of last five years in full view today. Kildare full value for win and a better all round team.

seadog54 (Meath) - Posts: 2193 - 13/06/2021 16:14:11    2350240
