Meath Forum

Where Do We Go From Here?

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Well lads. Maybe I'm being over dramatic but I'm not sure we can come back from that defeat yesterday unless some draconian measures are taken. Posters will say let's regroup and while we can't beat Dublin maybe we'll get promoted or tip along in Div 2 getting annual humiliations off Dublin.

The GAA don't care about Dublin's dominance and the destruction (including cultural) it wreaks on our county. So what are we to do? Any ideas? Here are some ideas, not related to eachother, just random notons:

- create an underage union with Louth, West Meath, Offaly and Kildare where resources can be pooled for underage coaching and coaches and knowledge can be shared. Each county would throw in certain amount of cash to pay for the coaches. We are all in same boat against the GAA's super anointed ones so would be good idea to team up scarce resources. This is not saying that we form one underage team, it's just a pooling if resources.

- on that...lot of banter and craic about the reunification of Westmeath and Meath online after a petition was launched in WH county council What would people think about joining up with our long lost Westmeath brothers at intercounty level? Afterall, it was the British rule that decided to divide us.

- pull out of championship altogether and put our resources into improving our club championship and having as good an underage coaching system as possible. Annual humiliations in croke park do nothing for the development of the game in the county. If we just focused on our club scene for 5 years it could reinvigorate football in the county while putting structures in place for a very successful team in the future.

- simply replace current management team and give someone else a go as there is no way back I think with current players and management, it's not working.

Crinigan (Meath) - Posts: 1352 - 22/11/2020 12:06:24    2312631


Replying To Crinigan:  "Well lads. Maybe I'm being over dramatic but I'm not sure we can come back from that defeat yesterday unless some draconian measures are taken. Posters will say let's regroup and while we can't beat Dublin maybe we'll get promoted or tip along in Div 2 getting annual humiliations off Dublin.

The GAA don't care about Dublin's dominance and the destruction (including cultural) it wreaks on our county. So what are we to do? Any ideas? Here are some ideas, not related to eachother, just random notons:

- create an underage union with Louth, West Meath, Offaly and Kildare where resources can be pooled for underage coaching and coaches and knowledge can be shared. Each county would throw in certain amount of cash to pay for the coaches. We are all in same boat against the GAA's super anointed ones so would be good idea to team up scarce resources. This is not saying that we form one underage team, it's just a pooling if resources.

- on that...lot of banter and craic about the reunification of Westmeath and Meath online after a petition was launched in WH county council What would people think about joining up with our long lost Westmeath brothers at intercounty level? Afterall, it was the British rule that decided to divide us.

- pull out of championship altogether and put our resources into improving our club championship and having as good an underage coaching system as possible. Annual humiliations in croke park do nothing for the development of the game in the county. If we just focused on our club scene for 5 years it could reinvigorate football in the county while putting structures in place for a very successful team in the future.

- simply replace current management team and give someone else a go as there is no way back I think with current players and management, it's not working."
Like the pooling of resourses.we have good young lads coming so it'll take time for them coming thru.getting ghe best coaches in ti the schools is what ya need to do.nor just any lad thats there till gets something better.have a course or requirement for club managers that have to pass certain criteria. Our club football needs revamping more edge or bite to it.that divisional champ there trying to get goin might help jnr football to get skills and s/c at higher levels.pie in the sky for our co board but thats where were at at the minute.

Borderroyal (Meath) - Posts: 494 - 22/11/2020 13:40:04    2312694


The outcome of Leinster aside, Cavan taking Donegal this evening really puts it into perspective where we are.

bert09 (Meath) - Posts: 1804 - 22/11/2020 17:53:10    2313009


Firstly, I think that Andy should stay on another year. Its too close to the start of next year to be chopping and changing at this stage.

Not sure if the O'Byrne Cup will go ahead but we probably should field a second team in that to give new players a chance to impress.

Regarding the goalkeeping position I think Andy should ask Brendan Murphy would he come in as a goalkeeping coach. Brendan has finished as manager of Trim and he should be given the task of identifying and developing a goalie for next season. Trying 11 goalies and ending up with the kickout performance we had yesterday is just not good enough and puts all the other good work in jeopardy.

Probably a freshening up in the backroom team needed also.

stillaroyal (Meath) - Posts: 224 - 22/11/2020 18:13:32    2313068


Replying To Borderroyal:  "Like the pooling of resourses.we have good young lads coming so it'll take time for them coming thru.getting ghe best coaches in ti the schools is what ya need to do.nor just any lad thats there till gets something better.have a course or requirement for club managers that have to pass certain criteria. Our club football needs revamping more edge or bite to it.that divisional champ there trying to get goin might help jnr football to get skills and s/c at higher levels.pie in the sky for our co board but thats where were at at the minute."
Good post. Club championship definitely needs revamping. In general, standard of club football not great in Meath atm. Divisional championship would help if given proper resources. Divisional teams would have to be taken seriously and be seen as a possible route to country football for the players. Perhaps its time to start amalgamating the smaller clubs to add a bit more bite to it.

Thebantersauras (Meath) - Posts: 8 - 22/11/2020 18:27:40    2313094


Where do we go from here?

That is a very difficult question to answer. As a county we need a serious amount of introspection. Last night was calamitous. We can point out how Dublin are this,that, and the other... we can point out they've won 15/16 Leinsters in a row, looking at 6 All-Ireland's in a row, we can look at their incredible natural talent and athleticism. We can talk about their finances and facilities and professional setup and blah blah, But that is all a distraction.

The cold, hard facts are that since League 2019 Meath have defeated Offaly, Carlow, Laois, Clare, Wicklow, Kildare, and a draw with Monaghan. We have been defeated in 11 consecutive games against Division one oppostion including two pummelings by Dublin. In saying that AMcEntee has tried out 80 or 90 players or whatever the figure is, and blooded dozens of good footballers. We have improved under him, but not in the way we all would like to. The whole thing was a house of cards.

From last night's game and from many games from the last few years I simply have to ask:
1) where is the passion? Where was the physicality against Dublin? Lads stood yards off their men. Allowed players to run into space at will. They didnt square up at all. And this Meath team does not do that at all and is a team that can be bullied as we've seen numerous times. I guarantee you all that Cavan will not do what Meath did. I guarantee you that Tipperary or Cork wouldnt do it either. These are basic prerequisites and they werent there, and for a Meath team playing Dublin in a Leinster final that is not good enough. It simply isnt acceptable.

2) kick-outs/keeper. Enough said.

3) Style of play: If this Meath team cannot win ball at midfield, which is more than often the case, they are forced to try and work from deep to create scores. If the passing game through the centre of the pitch doesent work because of physical teams and tight marking, we are beatable by teams such as the well drilled Longford team that beat us three years ago or the Offaly team that should have beat us last year. We are extremely limited in how we work up our scores and last night we couldnt put together a sonnet because of the quality of the oppostion.

4) we need to drop the charade act in this county. There are too many people who are uncomfortable with reality and instead knit a false one to make themselves feel better. Meath is a million miles off of where we would like to be. We got a lucky break last year due to the high level of fitness and conditioning of our panel and as a result we got results to reach division one. We then beat the also rans of Leinster and Clare to reach the super 8's. Now the chickens are coming home to roost. In order to move forward this county needs to get real, and after seeing the pure passion of the Cavan and Tipp boys today it puts a lot of things into perspective for me as to where we are, and where our county team is at: Lost.

5) McEntee has to stay on. He's the best man for the job and if be wants it, should stay. My heart drops when I think of the other names likely to be thrown around. If people want to entertain an experiment with Mickey Harte, id also consider that an option, but for now, McEntee is our guy. No question about it.

6) the squad has talent, theyre good footballers. They also need a lot of work and a lot of guidance. Things have to change in that dressing room. I have great admiration for our team but they need a lot of work. As things stand their limitations are very obvious.

7) where do we want to be? This is a serious question and it has to asked. The occassion seemed to be lost in them yesterday. In many games over the last year or two they looked like they missed the bus.

All in all, we need a look in the mirror. 3-21 to 0-9 is woeful for any Meath team in any game, under any circumstances and I really feel like we've taken two or three steps backward. Thats my honest answer to your question.

Young_gael (Meath) - Posts: 596 - 22/11/2020 18:44:05    2313135


Replying To stillaroyal:  "Firstly, I think that Andy should stay on another year. Its too close to the start of next year to be chopping and changing at this stage.

Not sure if the O'Byrne Cup will go ahead but we probably should field a second team in that to give new players a chance to impress.

Regarding the goalkeeping position I think Andy should ask Brendan Murphy would he come in as a goalkeeping coach. Brendan has finished as manager of Trim and he should be given the task of identifying and developing a goalie for next season. Trying 11 goalies and ending up with the kickout performance we had yesterday is just not good enough and puts all the other good work in jeopardy.

Probably a freshening up in the backroom team needed also."
Andy needs to step aside . 37 points defeat over 2 years is just not good enough

meath1977 (Meath) - Posts: 534 - 22/11/2020 18:49:04    2313145


Replying To stillaroyal:  "Firstly, I think that Andy should stay on another year. Its too close to the start of next year to be chopping and changing at this stage.

Not sure if the O'Byrne Cup will go ahead but we probably should field a second team in that to give new players a chance to impress.

Regarding the goalkeeping position I think Andy should ask Brendan Murphy would he come in as a goalkeeping coach. Brendan has finished as manager of Trim and he should be given the task of identifying and developing a goalie for next season. Trying 11 goalies and ending up with the kickout performance we had yesterday is just not good enough and puts all the other good work in jeopardy.

Probably a freshening up in the backroom team needed also."
I think you have hit the nail on the head with this one - Brendan Murphy would be perfect to help solve the goalkeeping issue.

Fionn (Dublin) - Posts: 3943 - 22/11/2020 18:55:37    2313161


I think we need to step back and realise that we have been competitive and a match for pretty much any Division 1 county in Ireland except Dublin, we are not on our own in that regard. Dublin are nailed on for 6 and possibly 7 in a row from what I see. Kerry, Donegal, Cork, Galway at present I don't believe are much better than we are and with some sharpening up we could on our day beat any of them and this year alone should have based on chances not taken, and none of those teams are any closer to beating Dublin now than they were last year either unless Mayo pull something spectacular out of the bag but they will also have their hands full with Tipp I believe too. Whilst last night was being honest an embarrassment we need to put into context that we were playing a beast that has been created, one that shows no sign of its hunger being satisfied, and much as it pains me to say it Ciaran Whelan was right, the whole of Leinster and many outside it are psychologically flatlining by the time they run into the pitch, our headspace is more a liability than our skill or conditioning.

Richieq (Meath) - Posts: 3735 - 22/11/2020 19:28:35    2313235


Replying To Young_gael:  "Where do we go from here?

That is a very difficult question to answer. As a county we need a serious amount of introspection. Last night was calamitous. We can point out how Dublin are this,that, and the other... we can point out they've won 15/16 Leinsters in a row, looking at 6 All-Ireland's in a row, we can look at their incredible natural talent and athleticism. We can talk about their finances and facilities and professional setup and blah blah, But that is all a distraction.

The cold, hard facts are that since League 2019 Meath have defeated Offaly, Carlow, Laois, Clare, Wicklow, Kildare, and a draw with Monaghan. We have been defeated in 11 consecutive games against Division one oppostion including two pummelings by Dublin. In saying that AMcEntee has tried out 80 or 90 players or whatever the figure is, and blooded dozens of good footballers. We have improved under him, but not in the way we all would like to. The whole thing was a house of cards.

From last night's game and from many games from the last few years I simply have to ask:
1) where is the passion? Where was the physicality against Dublin? Lads stood yards off their men. Allowed players to run into space at will. They didnt square up at all. And this Meath team does not do that at all and is a team that can be bullied as we've seen numerous times. I guarantee you all that Cavan will not do what Meath did. I guarantee you that Tipperary or Cork wouldnt do it either. These are basic prerequisites and they werent there, and for a Meath team playing Dublin in a Leinster final that is not good enough. It simply isnt acceptable.

2) kick-outs/keeper. Enough said.

3) Style of play: If this Meath team cannot win ball at midfield, which is more than often the case, they are forced to try and work from deep to create scores. If the passing game through the centre of the pitch doesent work because of physical teams and tight marking, we are beatable by teams such as the well drilled Longford team that beat us three years ago or the Offaly team that should have beat us last year. We are extremely limited in how we work up our scores and last night we couldnt put together a sonnet because of the quality of the oppostion.

4) we need to drop the charade act in this county. There are too many people who are uncomfortable with reality and instead knit a false one to make themselves feel better. Meath is a million miles off of where we would like to be. We got a lucky break last year due to the high level of fitness and conditioning of our panel and as a result we got results to reach division one. We then beat the also rans of Leinster and Clare to reach the super 8's. Now the chickens are coming home to roost. In order to move forward this county needs to get real, and after seeing the pure passion of the Cavan and Tipp boys today it puts a lot of things into perspective for me as to where we are, and where our county team is at: Lost.

5) McEntee has to stay on. He's the best man for the job and if be wants it, should stay. My heart drops when I think of the other names likely to be thrown around. If people want to entertain an experiment with Mickey Harte, id also consider that an option, but for now, McEntee is our guy. No question about it.

6) the squad has talent, theyre good footballers. They also need a lot of work and a lot of guidance. Things have to change in that dressing room. I have great admiration for our team but they need a lot of work. As things stand their limitations are very obvious.

7) where do we want to be? This is a serious question and it has to asked. The occassion seemed to be lost in them yesterday. In many games over the last year or two they looked like they missed the bus.

All in all, we need a look in the mirror. 3-21 to 0-9 is woeful for any Meath team in any game, under any circumstances and I really feel like we've taken two or three steps backward. Thats my honest answer to your question."
Good post.

My biggest issue with last night apart from the kickouts and place kicking is that Dublin didn't even have likes of a Brogan or Connolly kicking amazing scores where you hold your hands up and go "what can we do, they are just too good". What we saw were new and young Dublin players slotting over easy points from 20 yards with Meath players nowhere near them.

I'll put kickout and freetaking on management but Jesus lads, what ever happened to just marking your man? He might be faster or fitter or better or have more money pumped into him but just follow him ffs, he has 2 arms and 2 legs like you! There was barely any pressure at all on so many of their scores. That's what has me furious with the players as well a management (and I always try to appreciate players sacrifices etc). This was a Leinster final, it was time to step up. A few of those players from last night I don't want to see in a Meath jersey again.

Crinigan (Meath) - Posts: 1352 - 22/11/2020 19:30:36    2313241


Replying To Fionn:  "I think you have hit the nail on the head with this one - Brendan Murphy would be perfect to help solve the goalkeeping issue."
He was the GK for McEntees first 2 years was he not?

Crinigan (Meath) - Posts: 1352 - 22/11/2020 19:48:15    2313275


Replying To Crinigan:  "Well lads. Maybe I'm being over dramatic but I'm not sure we can come back from that defeat yesterday unless some draconian measures are taken. Posters will say let's regroup and while we can't beat Dublin maybe we'll get promoted or tip along in Div 2 getting annual humiliations off Dublin.

The GAA don't care about Dublin's dominance and the destruction (including cultural) it wreaks on our county. So what are we to do? Any ideas? Here are some ideas, not related to eachother, just random notons:

- create an underage union with Louth, West Meath, Offaly and Kildare where resources can be pooled for underage coaching and coaches and knowledge can be shared. Each county would throw in certain amount of cash to pay for the coaches. We are all in same boat against the GAA's super anointed ones so would be good idea to team up scarce resources. This is not saying that we form one underage team, it's just a pooling if resources.

- on that...lot of banter and craic about the reunification of Westmeath and Meath online after a petition was launched in WH county council What would people think about joining up with our long lost Westmeath brothers at intercounty level? Afterall, it was the British rule that decided to divide us.

- pull out of championship altogether and put our resources into improving our club championship and having as good an underage coaching system as possible. Annual humiliations in croke park do nothing for the development of the game in the county. If we just focused on our club scene for 5 years it could reinvigorate football in the county while putting structures in place for a very successful team in the future.

- simply replace current management team and give someone else a go as there is no way back I think with current players and management, it's not working."
Seems I'm not the only person proposing to withdraw county teams from the Leinster Championship. Barrister and former Westmeath captain John Connellan has sent this outstanding letter to Leinster county boards.

Time to take teams out unless this farce is stopped and equal treatment given...

Crinigan (Meath) - Posts: 1352 - 22/11/2020 20:07:45    2313320


A Meath man made a very valuable contribution to Cavan's win today. Had one or two run outs with Meath Juniors but never got a chance with Seniors and was not considered when playing for his small North Meath club. There are lots of good players in Meath in clubs of various sizes and areas but as we saw this weekend can only put 15 out at a time. Game plan, selection, tactics and motivation all vital and looks like we were bottom of the pile in that aspect this weekend. Extremely disappointing and maybe its time for change if the right people are available.

winatallcost (Meath) - Posts: 568 - 22/11/2020 20:09:27    2313325


Replying To Richieq:  "I think we need to step back and realise that we have been competitive and a match for pretty much any Division 1 county in Ireland except Dublin, we are not on our own in that regard. Dublin are nailed on for 6 and possibly 7 in a row from what I see. Kerry, Donegal, Cork, Galway at present I don't believe are much better than we are and with some sharpening up we could on our day beat any of them and this year alone should have based on chances not taken, and none of those teams are any closer to beating Dublin now than they were last year either unless Mayo pull something spectacular out of the bag but they will also have their hands full with Tipp I believe too. Whilst last night was being honest an embarrassment we need to put into context that we were playing a beast that has been created, one that shows no sign of its hunger being satisfied, and much as it pains me to say it Ciaran Whelan was right, the whole of Leinster and many outside it are psychologically flatlining by the time they run into the pitch, our headspace is more a liability than our skill or conditioning."
Richie, I think you're making good points but I also think youre accomodating the deluded element of our base. Kerry, Donegal, Galway, Mayo etc are all top sides. They are all sides (particularly the Connacht teams and Kerry) who'll allow their oppositions to play, so long as they can still score themselves and win the major aspects of the game, ie; the last 10/15 minutes to come out on top.

Meath, being a proper traditionalist county, produces skillful players. Therefore we go out and put up a good score and play a nice game against these teams and are made look good, but yet we are at arm's length all game. Dont be fooled by flippant and flattering remarks being made from other county managers about Meath.

Forget about league categorization: We are in the same category as Roscommon, Kildare, Cork, Tipp, Clare, and most of Ulster, and in my view we are in the middle of that pile as we are mentally the most fragile of all of the traditional big counties, and one of the most hamstrung in our on-field issues.

Young_gael (Meath) - Posts: 596 - 22/11/2020 20:20:24    2313349


Replying To Crinigan:  "He was the GK for McEntees first 2 years was he not?"
Do you not think it has got worse since then.?

There are plenty of free takers in Meath football - just reassess in the off season and league - then come Leinster championship next year there will be an improvement.

Fionn (Dublin) - Posts: 3943 - 22/11/2020 20:23:52    2313353


Replying To bert09:  "The outcome of Leinster aside, Cavan taking Donegal this evening really puts it into perspective where we are."
Think it puts the overreacting of some posters (many not seen in a long time or only show up after a defeat) and I'm not alluding to the op. Donegal get beat by a div 3 team, cork who beat Kerry get beat by a div 3 team and all is good. I'd put money on us winning either of those provinces this year. But we stuck in Leinster. So we do regroup. We move along with what Andy is trying to do, yes we need a gk and need to be more physical. All that is a given.
We focus on getting promotion , as really that should be our only goal this year. After a short break we should be back in training for league. Where to now ?? Fully focused on league and use championship as a blooding experience. Might be drastic but for the next couple of years that is what we should concentrate on. Getting back to div 1, and more importantly staying there

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 22/11/2020 20:33:10    2313371


Replying To Young_gael:  "Where do we go from here?

That is a very difficult question to answer. As a county we need a serious amount of introspection. Last night was calamitous. We can point out how Dublin are this,that, and the other... we can point out they've won 15/16 Leinsters in a row, looking at 6 All-Ireland's in a row, we can look at their incredible natural talent and athleticism. We can talk about their finances and facilities and professional setup and blah blah, But that is all a distraction.

The cold, hard facts are that since League 2019 Meath have defeated Offaly, Carlow, Laois, Clare, Wicklow, Kildare, and a draw with Monaghan. We have been defeated in 11 consecutive games against Division one oppostion including two pummelings by Dublin. In saying that AMcEntee has tried out 80 or 90 players or whatever the figure is, and blooded dozens of good footballers. We have improved under him, but not in the way we all would like to. The whole thing was a house of cards.

From last night's game and from many games from the last few years I simply have to ask:
1) where is the passion? Where was the physicality against Dublin? Lads stood yards off their men. Allowed players to run into space at will. They didnt square up at all. And this Meath team does not do that at all and is a team that can be bullied as we've seen numerous times. I guarantee you all that Cavan will not do what Meath did. I guarantee you that Tipperary or Cork wouldnt do it either. These are basic prerequisites and they werent there, and for a Meath team playing Dublin in a Leinster final that is not good enough. It simply isnt acceptable.

2) kick-outs/keeper. Enough said.

3) Style of play: If this Meath team cannot win ball at midfield, which is more than often the case, they are forced to try and work from deep to create scores. If the passing game through the centre of the pitch doesent work because of physical teams and tight marking, we are beatable by teams such as the well drilled Longford team that beat us three years ago or the Offaly team that should have beat us last year. We are extremely limited in how we work up our scores and last night we couldnt put together a sonnet because of the quality of the oppostion.

4) we need to drop the charade act in this county. There are too many people who are uncomfortable with reality and instead knit a false one to make themselves feel better. Meath is a million miles off of where we would like to be. We got a lucky break last year due to the high level of fitness and conditioning of our panel and as a result we got results to reach division one. We then beat the also rans of Leinster and Clare to reach the super 8's. Now the chickens are coming home to roost. In order to move forward this county needs to get real, and after seeing the pure passion of the Cavan and Tipp boys today it puts a lot of things into perspective for me as to where we are, and where our county team is at: Lost.

5) McEntee has to stay on. He's the best man for the job and if be wants it, should stay. My heart drops when I think of the other names likely to be thrown around. If people want to entertain an experiment with Mickey Harte, id also consider that an option, but for now, McEntee is our guy. No question about it.

6) the squad has talent, theyre good footballers. They also need a lot of work and a lot of guidance. Things have to change in that dressing room. I have great admiration for our team but they need a lot of work. As things stand their limitations are very obvious.

7) where do we want to be? This is a serious question and it has to asked. The occassion seemed to be lost in them yesterday. In many games over the last year or two they looked like they missed the bus.

All in all, we need a look in the mirror. 3-21 to 0-9 is woeful for any Meath team in any game, under any circumstances and I really feel like we've taken two or three steps backward. Thats my honest answer to your question."
You correctly list many faults with Meath yet say McEntee should be kept on, management have been in place for four years and our basic faults remain, goalkeeper/kickouts, midfielders who cannot field ball, freetaking, inability of sideline to read game and make changes in real time, lack of any real game plan and never a plan B. Players introduced over last two years have failed to progress and some especially our full back line have regressed at alarming rate. Unless there is a management change the current set up will just squeese the life out of them in the endevour to mould them into the Andy way. Its not just yesterday, alarm bells were ringing loudly after Kildare game, this management have been living off our promotion from a poor division two for way too long and a more accurate measurement of progress is what happened since. Two Leinster Finals. Div 2 Final. super 8s, Division One. Longfort, scraping past Offaly and Clare, This cannot be allowed to continue without at least making the effort.

seadog54 (Meath) - Posts: 2193 - 22/11/2020 20:41:39    2313390


Replying To Crinigan:  "He was the GK for McEntees first 2 years was he not?"
No, he was goalkeeping coach during Mick O'Dowd's time - not sure if he was there the whole time.

stillaroyal (Meath) - Posts: 224 - 22/11/2020 20:46:30    2313397


Replying To Crinigan:  "Seems I'm not the only person proposing to withdraw county teams from the Leinster Championship. Barrister and former Westmeath captain John Connellan has sent this outstanding letter to Leinster county boards.

Time to take teams out unless this farce is stopped and equal treatment given..."
Thanks for the link Crin.
Will be interesting to see if this turns into a movement of any kind.
This kind of initiative will require very outspoken and well-known voices to join in to gain any momentum.

I fear that too many will not want to subvert the status quo that serves them well enough as is. A lot of heads in the sand and a lot of people in denial across the board too.

Too much pride in county boards and panels at stake as well to make this rash a move. The GAA is the most stridently conservative sporting organisation in our country. Nothing ever changes too quickly.

Young_gael (Meath) - Posts: 596 - 22/11/2020 20:54:24    2313411


Replying To seadog54:  "You correctly list many faults with Meath yet say McEntee should be kept on, management have been in place for four years and our basic faults remain, goalkeeper/kickouts, midfielders who cannot field ball, freetaking, inability of sideline to read game and make changes in real time, lack of any real game plan and never a plan B. Players introduced over last two years have failed to progress and some especially our full back line have regressed at alarming rate. Unless there is a management change the current set up will just squeese the life out of them in the endevour to mould them into the Andy way. Its not just yesterday, alarm bells were ringing loudly after Kildare game, this management have been living off our promotion from a poor division two for way too long and a more accurate measurement of progress is what happened since. Two Leinster Finals. Div 2 Final. super 8s, Division One. Longfort, scraping past Offaly and Clare, This cannot be allowed to continue without at least making the effort."
Dont get me wrong Im with you on all those points, every aingle one, but personally I dont see the credible alternative to McEntee. The only credible alternative in my eyes would be a prominent manager from outsude the county and im not sure people are prepared for that conversation.

Young_gael (Meath) - Posts: 596 - 22/11/2020 21:09:11    2313433
