Meath Forum

Meath V Dublin

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Replying To Richieq:  "To say I'm deflated, annoyed, frustrated, angry, upset etc etc would be an understatement but we must try and look at the realities of tonight. Firstly Dublin were awesome, they played with a relentless intensity and football flair that no one would live with let alone a young team like ours, they also played like a team that knew Kerry, the one team they would look at with a raised eyebrow, were out of the championship and that realistically no one else left in the field has a chance of beating them, they know 6 in a row is now firmly in their grasp and their play tonight showed that belief. We needed a good confident start but fluffed our lines in front of goal, too slow and taking too much out of the ball led to giving up decent goal chances in the early going, Dublin get a goal to go 1-2 to 0-2 up and the blue wave rises and we are drowned beyond saving in the 10 or so minutes thereafter. Dublin are not Kildare or Wicklow and you will not retrieve a situation against them when you give them a sufficient lead in championship football. Now we done ourselves no favours, we gave them oceans of room and never put any intensity into out tackles and at times our ball handling was terribly poor, our kick outs were a disaster and we lost/gave away possession far too easily, I expected to see fight and determination but by the 20 minute mark we were a sinking ship and confidence was shot, to say it was sobering viewing was an understatement. So where now? Change management? Personally I don't think so, the one grace is that we have a short off season, the league will start in some shape or form in late January or early February, you won't feel it coming, and training will I presume continue towards that date, changing management would be no benefit now in fact I think it would be a detrimental move. We can either wallow in self pity or continue working and the importance of our league campaign in 2021 now takes on even more importance, promotion is a must and is achievable, Division 2 is a dog of a division as always but look there are no world beaters in there either and we must pick ourselves up for that challenge, Dublin are just different gravy right now and I think the other 5 teams left in the race will be reassessing their opinions after tonight, Donegal included, yes our own performance level was a long way off what we wanted but Dublin were utterly outstanding tonight and are a unique and possibly a one off team, we must bear that in mind. Lastly let us not kick our own, these players have sacrificed a lot to play for the county, through normal and abnormal times, I don't doubt their work rate, effort or desire for one minute nor do I doubt it of management either, they will collectively be physically and mentally drained tonight and they do not need us to inflict more pain upon them via a keyboard, that is not the right thing to do, they need support and encouragement to keep working, keep training and keep believing that they will see reward of some sort for their efforts, it's very hard to have any optimism tonight I know but there is a squad there that I still believe can bring us to a more competitive level with Dublin, we as supporters must encourage that also."
Dublin are not a one off team. Not the same 15 every year. New management this year. Development squad competes in O'Byrne Cup while other Counties try to compete with them!. 6, 7, 8, 9 in a row...... Gaelic Football is an elite sport in Dublin and played brilliantly by them. GAA have really created a monster. They might lose one Championship game in the next 3 or so years but they'll probably win 15-20 All Irelands in the next 20 years. When will GAA take their heads out of the sand. After the 10 in a row!

Evora (Meath) - Posts: 4 - 22/11/2020 00:55:19    2312451


Some hard reality tonight. Meath humbled by an absolute machine. Dublin could do that to anyone bar maybe 1 or 2. Meath are chasing but until we address the following it's a waste

1) kickouts- horrific

2) free taking - horrific

These are basics.

Today has done damage to the county, we must hope that the current panel recommit to the cause but who could blame them not to?

I am a big fan of andy and the current panel but we need a change somewhere.

No real positives tonight let's not sugar coat but the year was positive but there are clear fundamental areas we need to improve.

I hope we see the key players back again next year but I fear we may lose a few and then it is back to square one

Thejoeshow (Meath) - Posts: 687 - 22/11/2020 00:57:17    2312453


Replying To LeitrimRoyal99:  "You said it very professionally run because they have a full-time professional CEO and a full-time marketing manager in their commercial department. You mention the mess we have with Dunganny and Pairc Tailteann and you are right they are financial nooses around our necks. Now wouldn't it be handy if we got to train in a taxpayer-funded centre of excellence like DCU's sports campus. Or if we got to play in a beautiful stadium with an immaculate pitch where we not only got to play our league games but if we were lucky enough would also get to be at home for every championship game bar 1 or 2. It's not a cop-out. Our county board does do a lot wrong. But it's wrong to compare a professional county board gift wrapped massive assets and having the advantage of 25% of the country as their target market (plus a lot of invaders in counties like our own) to our county board which is a bunch of volunteers"
Well why are they so professional and us so amateur. We are bordering Dublin with lots of big industries and some multinational companies in the county. We should have no problem attracting funding. As for the county board being volunteers. Try getting onto it, it's a closed shop, musical chairs. So we'll not change until they are changed. We need leadership and there's none.

latouche25 (Meath) - Posts: 523 - 22/11/2020 01:06:53    2312455


That was as disappointing defeat as I've ever witnessed, not the result so much, although I had talked myself into thinking we'd do it!
The failings were so consistent nothing has improved or changed? Other than lots and lots of money being spent on the senior team coaching what has improved since Andy has come in?
At least with the previous regime there was some synergy with the county board rather than moaning about resources. We should never have changed. So sad Andy has taken us backwards.

pauk123 (USA) - Posts: 189 - 22/11/2020 02:59:19    2312463


Replying To Evernal:  "I was sneered at a few weeks ago when I suggested Joe Sheridan should be begged back to go in goals and I stand by that. Joe could have got the ball 68.5 yards up the field and stopped us inviting the Dubs upon us.

Again I was proved right some awful awful refereeing decisions. Second goal was a throw pass for the Dubs but as usual let it go. Some very late hits on Meath lads let go too. Of course Dublin Joe Mc Quillan on the line so that was never a good omen, at one stage you could see him interfere through the mic with the ref and umpires when there was an incident with one of the Dub players but Joe got him off it.

Some anonymous performances tonight from our so called Leaders on the pitch. We could have done with Mickey Burke there today and Biggy to help keep the heads after the first 15 min onslaught. But we'll learn , same as we learnt from the last 4 or 5 complete and utter humiliating hammerings we received by Dublin.

Anyways we regroup and go again for the Qualifiers. If we get a good draw this year could still end up doing something in the Super Eights.

Hon the Royal,
Keep the Faith!"
Are you joking about most of your comments?

winatallcost (Meath) - Posts: 568 - 22/11/2020 07:40:06    2312476


Replying To dickie10:  "dont think we need any real change in management , need to keep unearthing forwards, graham reilly a huge loss so we need to replace him, i think the moral for all leinster counties is to aid developmemnt in football avoid playing dublin at all costs, even if that means throwing games. stick out u20 team v longford or carlow owhoever next summer get put out of leinster and go backdoor and develop a team. maybe leinster teams shouldnt fulfill the dublin fixture it would actually be hugely more benefical than playing them"
Agree with graham we have no one to kick a long range point since he's gone.

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 22/11/2020 07:44:43    2312479


Replying To Harnan6:  "The bottom couple of lines covers what level he has brought us to. In other words not getting by westmeath limerick fermanagh and wexford . Hope that's clear?"
You honestly think that is good enough after 4 years work?

winatallcost (Meath) - Posts: 568 - 22/11/2020 07:49:53    2312482


Replying To Crinigan:  "What went wrong tonight?

1. Farcical kickout strategy and a goalkeeper with no shot stopping ability or presence.

2. We took to the field in a Leinster final with no free taker whatsoever yet presumably expected to compete.

3, Tactically set up all wrong seemingly, huge gaps down the middle of the pitch and Dublin destroyed us on their kickouts.

4. Zero aggression. No hits, no belts, no fights. Paid huge respect and were very very passive.

At least 3 of the above lie at managements door ( I've no idea what Colm Nally does but the evidence of his work isn't encouraging).

We can talk about good young players coming through and teams developing but don't they deserve a manager who gives them a chance with the above basics in place? McEntee can be very hard on his players and is very intense... don't see why we can't ask him serious questions.

For me the goalkeeping and free taking situation after 4 years means it's the end of the road, I'm sorry to say. It's simply unacceptable.

Any ideas who should take over?"
Agree on questions he needs to be brought out on his tactics.our running game was shown up there last night.every team will see this now.when we tried kivking ball the 50/50 type it just came back down the you cant blame him for that.
But no tackling from our team and to see the dubs like dogs after us.they had our number and our sideline looked completely lost for ideas.subs used by dubs at halftime we used 4 i think when getting hammered.why not get them on sooner.clearly our fullback line which had been poor this year was getting cleaned out.lot to do with no pressure out the field on ball.this is not something new.last 2 gamed blind man could see it.dubs def had it sussed.
Now we will get the usual soft questions from the we are meath crew andy licking will prevail.
Blaming linesmen again trying to throw the blame elsewhere theres no hiding from our inadequacies our weaknesses are there to be seen.5 years in now where are we goin.2 points after 8 mins then no score till 45 mins i think thats unreal be honest.

Borderroyal (Meath) - Posts: 494 - 22/11/2020 07:56:11    2312484


Replying To jacktheDub:  "Wow...lose by 21pts and all you take from it is mcquillan on the line?, Regroup for super 8's, qualifiers!!! Joker.."
Think the players started believing all the hype about how brilliant this young Meath team and their goal scoring prowess were.
Take a bow RD and ....,,

Mates of mine in Meath had lost the run of themselves.
Like I said before the game - the worst thing for ye was running us so close in that league game. Any hope of Dubs taking ye for granted went out the window then.

Hard luck but ye will learn from it and be back stronger next year.

Fionn (Dublin) - Posts: 3943 - 22/11/2020 08:42:02    2312495


Replying To Borderroyal:  "Agree on questions he needs to be brought out on his tactics.our running game was shown up there last night.every team will see this now.when we tried kivking ball the 50/50 type it just came back down the you cant blame him for that.
But no tackling from our team and to see the dubs like dogs after us.they had our number and our sideline looked completely lost for ideas.subs used by dubs at halftime we used 4 i think when getting hammered.why not get them on sooner.clearly our fullback line which had been poor this year was getting cleaned out.lot to do with no pressure out the field on ball.this is not something new.last 2 gamed blind man could see it.dubs def had it sussed.
Now we will get the usual soft questions from the we are meath crew andy licking will prevail.
Blaming linesmen again trying to throw the blame elsewhere theres no hiding from our inadequacies our weaknesses are there to be seen.5 years in now where are we goin.2 points after 8 mins then no score till 45 mins i think thats unreal be honest."
Did you notice the difference in power between both sets of players. No disrespect to anybody involved but the gap in power/strength was massive. We need to go to Croke park and request the same level of funding (pro rata) that Dublin GAA got. Thereafter all sponsorship money goes into a full 32 county pot and is divided pro rata amongst all counties. Once we get out fair and appropriate slice of the cake we need to do the following
1. Implement a proper coaching structure all over the county.
2. Promising players as young as 12/13 identified and put on an S&C/ coaching/nutrition programme. (Dublin have been doing this for years). The body shape and physicality differences between Meath and Dublin was huge.
3. Hire full time S&C coaches/ Nutrition professionals and roll out best practice across both codes from u12 upwards.

NOTE: It will take time to catch up. I would say at least 10 years. The Leinster championship is dead due to a mixture of Dublin's football ability/ organisation skills and last their assistance from Croke park. We can talk all day about tactics/ kickouts , but until there is a level playing field we might as well concentrate on the league and hopefully qualify for the Super 8s ( if and when they are re-started).

meath87889699 (Meath) - Posts: 41 - 22/11/2020 08:59:10    2312501


I was genuinely embarrassed looking at that performance. Could not believe how naive we were. Andy like other managers before him has to accept responsibility. I don't think this group of players will ever recover from this hammering unless the manager changes. With a new man in place at least the new manager can say lets do it a different way and players can think it will be different next time.

Poormouth (Meath) - Posts: 204 - 22/11/2020 09:16:03    2312506


Replying To winatallcost:  "You honestly think that is good enough after 4 years work?"
What happened last night wasn't good enough, it wasn't a performance it was a non-performance, I don't think there's anything to even analyse. As soon as the first Dublin goal went in (which was one of the easiest I've seen them score), every single Meath player lay down their arms.

It was one of the worst days in living memory as a Meath fan.

Both management and players have to take responsibility for that, no one person is to blame. It's all too easy to simply point the finger at the manager after a historically bad defeat but Andy McEntee can only do so much with the players.

He can't hold their hand on the pitch and kick points for them, nor jump up and catch ball for them nor god forbid put in a meaningful tackle for them. They have to do those things themselves and they know that.

At this point I think a good sports psychologist might do us no harm, because addressing physical, techincal and tactical weaknesses won't matter a jot if our team is so mentally fragile.

Htaem (Meath) - Posts: 8657 - 22/11/2020 09:23:04    2312509


Replying To Htaem:  "What happened last night wasn't good enough, it wasn't a performance it was a non-performance, I don't think there's anything to even analyse. As soon as the first Dublin goal went in (which was one of the easiest I've seen them score), every single Meath player lay down their arms.

It was one of the worst days in living memory as a Meath fan.

Both management and players have to take responsibility for that, no one person is to blame. It's all too easy to simply point the finger at the manager after a historically bad defeat but Andy McEntee can only do so much with the players.

He can't hold their hand on the pitch and kick points for them, nor jump up and catch ball for them nor god forbid put in a meaningful tackle for them. They have to do those things themselves and they know that.

At this point I think a good sports psychologist might do us no harm, because addressing physical, techincal and tactical weaknesses won't matter a jot if our team is so mentally fragile."
Not one tackle was been made around the field you cant tell me that one team is tackling likedogs.the other is shadowing players.this had to be coming from line to have a complete malfunction on team on this.has to go back to was in the game plan did it work no.was it changed no.did we have any other plan fir this no.

Borderroyal (Meath) - Posts: 494 - 22/11/2020 09:40:42    2312524


Replying To Borderroyal:  "Not one tackle was been made around the field you cant tell me that one team is tackling likedogs.the other is shadowing players.this had to be coming from line to have a complete malfunction on team on this.has to go back to was in the game plan did it work no.was it changed no.did we have any other plan fir this no."
Absolutely management have to take a lot of responsibility for the non-perfromance yesterday.

But again, Andy can't put the tackles in for the players they have to do that themselves. This isn't FIFA, the manager doesn't have complete control over every single players movements.

Htaem (Meath) - Posts: 8657 - 22/11/2020 09:49:19    2312531


Replying To meath87889699:  "Did you notice the difference in power between both sets of players. No disrespect to anybody involved but the gap in power/strength was massive. We need to go to Croke park and request the same level of funding (pro rata) that Dublin GAA got. Thereafter all sponsorship money goes into a full 32 county pot and is divided pro rata amongst all counties. Once we get out fair and appropriate slice of the cake we need to do the following
1. Implement a proper coaching structure all over the county.
2. Promising players as young as 12/13 identified and put on an S&C/ coaching/nutrition programme. (Dublin have been doing this for years). The body shape and physicality differences between Meath and Dublin was huge.
3. Hire full time S&C coaches/ Nutrition professionals and roll out best practice across both codes from u12 upwards.

NOTE: It will take time to catch up. I would say at least 10 years. The Leinster championship is dead due to a mixture of Dublin's football ability/ organisation skills and last their assistance from Croke park. We can talk all day about tactics/ kickouts , but until there is a level playing field we might as well concentrate on the league and hopefully qualify for the Super 8s ( if and when they are re-started)."
Sorry to burst the bubble, but no the Super 8s won't be happening next year. They were just a 3 year trial

FoolsGold (Cavan) - Posts: 2792 - 22/11/2020 09:51:16    2312532


Replying To Fionn:  "Think the players started believing all the hype about how brilliant this young Meath team and their goal scoring prowess were.
Take a bow RD and ....,,

Mates of mine in Meath had lost the run of themselves.
Like I said before the game - the worst thing for ye was running us so close in that league game. Any hope of Dubs taking ye for granted went out the window then.

Hard luck but ye will learn from it and be back stronger next year."
Back stronger next year? No chance.

Its game over my friend. Dublin have won the gaa. Its all yours to keep at this stage.

bert09 (Meath) - Posts: 1804 - 22/11/2020 09:57:47    2312537


Replying To Borderroyal:  "Not one tackle was been made around the field you cant tell me that one team is tackling likedogs.the other is shadowing players.this had to be coming from line to have a complete malfunction on team on this.has to go back to was in the game plan did it work no.was it changed no.did we have any other plan fir this no."
Would you not agree that that's the way the game is played at club level in Meath? The senior clubs are vastly inferior to other counties when they compete in the Leinster club championship. Only a few referees allow high intensity tackling and the county has suffered as a consequence.

round_ball_99 (Meath) - Posts: 19 - 22/11/2020 10:14:12    2312549


Just glancing over the posts this morning and the majority of them are far more embarressing then last nights performance. I wonder do some of yee actually follow or even understand Gaelic football. I would summarise our current standing as a terribly dissapointing performance last night, bet by a superb team, but we are managed by a very driven guy that has clearly made massive strides and will continue to do so if let. Getting rid of Andy would set the whole thing back years, maybe if he was brought in when he first applied we'd be 3 years further on and in a better place. Of course he has made mistakes, like they all do bar Dublin management it would seem, but I shudder to think of who the alternative would be..... no doubt all the meath club journeyman will be suggested. All this, he's to blame, get rid of him, we need change is clueless mob rule talk...... we need to continue what we are doing, bringing through young talent, working hard, trying to develop them, keep our manager and his set up, sort out keeper situation and aim to bounce back to div 1 at the first attempt.

southmeathgael (Meath) - Posts: 933 - 22/11/2020 10:23:16    2312553


Replying To Poormouth:  "I was genuinely embarrassed looking at that performance. Could not believe how naive we were. Andy like other managers before him has to accept responsibility. I don't think this group of players will ever recover from this hammering unless the manager changes. With a new man in place at least the new manager can say lets do it a different way and players can think it will be different next time."
This is my concern.

Will Keoghan etc keep on? Will our youngsters decide to travel now next summer post Corona? What's keeping them here, another hammering? Can they still believe in setup that put them out (with seemingly no plan, no kickout and free takers) to be like lambs to the slaughter?

Thing is who do we have to come in as manager? Unfortunately many of our more astute ex players are v disinterested these days. No Giles or Cian Ward etc interested in managing. Kevin Reilly? Very little standout candidates. In any case, the backroom setup is as important these days.

If going outside I'd love Jim McGuinness personally as he has great admiration for Meath football as well being an extraordinary manager ... but he's following a soccer career now.

Crinigan (Meath) - Posts: 1352 - 22/11/2020 10:28:21    2312555


Replying To Crinigan:  "This is my concern.

Will Keoghan etc keep on? Will our youngsters decide to travel now next summer post Corona? What's keeping them here, another hammering? Can they still believe in setup that put them out (with seemingly no plan, no kickout and free takers) to be like lambs to the slaughter?

Thing is who do we have to come in as manager? Unfortunately many of our more astute ex players are v disinterested these days. No Giles or Cian Ward etc interested in managing. Kevin Reilly? Very little standout candidates. In any case, the backroom setup is as important these days.

If going outside I'd love Jim McGuinness personally as he has great admiration for Meath football as well being an extraordinary manager ... but he's following a soccer career now."
micky harte

meath1977 (Meath) - Posts: 534 - 22/11/2020 11:04:07    2312573
