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Meath V Dublin

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Replying To seadog54:  "We see the same on here year after year, unless you surrender to the notion that Meath will somehow produce a preformance from nowhere you will be shouted down by a small minority, with absolutly nothing to back up their claims, in reality since Dublin beat us in Leinster Final last year we beat Clare by one point then lost our three super 8 games. Managed one draw in division one. Beat a very poor Wicklow and were let off the hook by a clueless Kildare, I,m all for a bit of optism and will, as always, be fully behind Meath when we take the field Saturday. Having a realistic view does not make you any less of a Meath supporter."
Well said........could not agree more ........ offering constructive critisism still makes you a real supporter nevertheless.

nobull456 (Meath) - Posts: 1265 - 16/11/2020 19:08:17    2310312


Replying To ratlag:  "And the same old arguments start again:
Type 1: "This is the year, if we get stuck into them, give them a rattle we can win"
Response: " Your delusional"

Type 2: "Dublin are to strong and will win comfortably by 7+"
Response: " You'd only love that so you can come back on and gloat, some Meath supporter you are"

Jesus lads change the record.

That facts are that Dublin are still the strongest and best team in the country, and until they are beaten that isnt changing. They are still stronger than Meath in almost every department as they have shown over the last 5 years or so.


There is a quiet optimism about this Meath team that hasn't been there for almost a decade.
We are now a 70+ minute team fitness wise and have finished the last 4 games extremely strongly.
We have a bench that make a serious impact in every game which we haven't had this decade, which all top teams have had (Example in chief, the Dubs we are now facing)
We seem to be taking goal chances and this is a must if we are to have any hope of competing with Dublin, let alone beating them.

Personally I think this will be a tight game, similar to the league game and if we take our goal chances who knows what might happen, but lads on here need to take a chill pill in attacking each other for having different points of views.

Side comment on a previous comment about who from the Meath team makes the Dublin one:
J Small
O Sullivan/Scully
O Callaghan
I agree with that, they are the 3 Meath players I think would make Dublin team. McGill would be on the panel.

Crinigan (Meath) - Posts: 1352 - 16/11/2020 20:30:10    2310364


If you look at last year's final, Meath kept Dublin's score right down in single figures until the 50th minute or so but we just couldn't take any of our own chances. The one thing we've definitely shown in the last few games is that we're learning how to be clinical. That Dublin team will give us chances. We put it up to them in the league as well and the group will have learned a lot since then. I dont see how anybody could look at this game and think Meath don't have a chance. A good defence will be the platform to compete in the game but we need to take the chances when they come.

meathfan1 (Meath) - Posts: 231 - 16/11/2020 20:42:40    2310379


Replying To seadog54:  "We see the same on here year after year, unless you surrender to the notion that Meath will somehow produce a preformance from nowhere you will be shouted down by a small minority, with absolutly nothing to back up their claims, in reality since Dublin beat us in Leinster Final last year we beat Clare by one point then lost our three super 8 games. Managed one draw in division one. Beat a very poor Wicklow and were let off the hook by a clueless Kildare, I,m all for a bit of optism and will, as always, be fully behind Meath when we take the field Saturday. Having a realistic view does not make you any less of a Meath supporter."
I agree seadog, I just dont understand why certain posters get so upset with optimistic views of our chances, show optimism and your delusional and you havnt a clue, is that not shouting down on others, I've witnessed far bigger sporting shocks in my lifetime, and I'll witness many more.

Royal.Legend (Meath) - Posts: 678 - 16/11/2020 22:16:12    2310437


Replying To Crinigan:  "I was positive enough about next Saturday until I heard Cian Ward's review of Meath's performance - he's an excellent pundit so I respect his opinion. Basically he was of view that it was our worst performance since Longford."
Heard the pod and I'd have to agree. We scored 5-9 while 5 goals is unbelievable it isn't reliable especially against Dublin. I can't remember us missing any guilt edge chances. Sure O'Sullivan had a goal shot saved, Walsh missed a scoreable shot in the first half albeit not an easy one. Maybe you could say we were clinical but another way to look at it is that we only created 17 or 18 chances. Dublin average 20+ scores so obviously this won't cut it. Now maybe we just are goal getters and if we get 2 or 3 on Saturday I'll happily eat humble pie. I do get the argument of winning ugly but it would be nice to get a 70 min good championship performance. Last year in none of the championship wins did we hit the heights of our Armagh, Cork and even Kildare from the league. Same this year our performances in the last 5 league games were better than our first 2 championship games. Maybe it's just a case that we are better playing as underdogs and are fully tuned in because we know we'll have to be. Saturday will tell the story further I guess

LeitrimRoyal99 (Meath) - Posts: 1513 - 16/11/2020 23:20:37    2310454


Meath realistically have a very little chance of getting a result against the dubs , meath are very poor in the middle third and struggle to Keep playing for 70 mins I think they will be lucky to lose by at least 10 under 10 is a achievement

Pintsandpoints (Meath) - Posts: 12 - 16/11/2020 23:40:25    2310458


Replying To Crinigan:  "I was positive enough about next Saturday until I heard Cian Ward's review of Meath's performance - he's an excellent pundit so I respect his opinion. Basically he was of view that it was our worst performance since Longford."
Wow- I must check out his thoughts for myself. I like his punditry myself. I personally wouldn't have went that far in my summations of the game but it was a mental game of football. I rewatched it twice and if anyone told me we'd be relatively dissapointing after scoring 5 goals against a solid division 2 Kildare side managed by Jack O'Connor nonetheless in a Leinster semi, id have said they were mad. But it really is a very bizarre game. The goals were all freakish, one or two were good, direct running but really and truly all of them were very poor defending. Kildare were very, very wasteful and seemed to quite literally run out of steam around the 55 minute mark, when the game was still in the balance. It was like watching a game from 30 or 40 years ago in its tone, with the fluky nature of the goals. Kildare performed like a team pulled straight out of the early 2000s. Take that with the completely dead atmosphere and its all a very, very strange phenomenon. I mean we should be chuffed to bits with a 9 point win over Kildare any day. I guess the days of covid have affected completely the whole buzz and aura of the championship. It just felt surreal. In my view our strength in depth, superior fitness, hunger for goal, and better all-round athleticism won the day but as Ive seen another poster or two say; anyday you play badly and win is a good day. Perhaps we're simply not accustommed to seeing Meath teams win in this manner anymore?

Young_gael (Meath) - Posts: 596 - 17/11/2020 06:26:39    2310479


Replying To Royal.Legend:  "I agree seadog, I just dont understand why certain posters get so upset with optimistic views of our chances, show optimism and your delusional and you havnt a clue, is that not shouting down on others, I've witnessed far bigger sporting shocks in my lifetime, and I'll witness many more."
I think seadog is dead right too royal legend, and I think that there seems to be two camps on these forums at the minute. In fact theyve silently existed for years; The optimists and the pessimists. Now Im easily one of the pessimists and Ive been very quick to jump down people's throats in the past when I think they're deluded, and the reason Ive done this is because I truly think these delusions of grandeur seeped into Meath teams and their surroundings in the past and they have always been a source of pressure on this county. The optimists will say that people like me are apologists or we are negative, or half-fans, I was even compared to a bootlicker for the dubs on the national forum lately. But all of this is ok. No harm done. Sticks and stones. I agree with your post as well in relation to bigger sporting shocks. I think we all need to start sticking together a bit more, us Meath posters are high in numbers here but we're too quick to argue and bicker, instead of finding common ground where we can; to the endless joys of posters from other counties. We're stronger together. We have a Leinster final to look forward to now; on the anniversary of bloody sunday 1920. Another piece of history that our team is a part of. Lets all look forward to that. Meath and Dublin. The old enemy. It doesent get any bigger.

Young_gael (Meath) - Posts: 596 - 17/11/2020 06:44:25    2310481


Replying To Royal.Legend:  "I agree seadog, I just dont understand why certain posters get so upset with optimistic views of our chances, show optimism and your delusional and you havnt a clue, is that not shouting down on others, I've witnessed far bigger sporting shocks in my lifetime, and I'll witness many more."
Totally agree

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 17/11/2020 07:44:03    2310483


Replying To Royal.Legend:  "I agree seadog, I just dont understand why certain posters get so upset with optimistic views of our chances, show optimism and your delusional and you havnt a clue, is that not shouting down on others, I've witnessed far bigger sporting shocks in my lifetime, and I'll witness many more."
But yet its ok for certain posters to get upset and shout down anyone who doesn't have as optimistic view as them. Major Double Standard there. Posters who deal in facts and reality when they have said over the past few championship games v Dublin that we have no chance of winning. And have be proven right each time. And then being accused of not being proper supporters because we don't believe meath can beat Dublin at the moment. Somehow being realistic about our chances means we want Meath to lose.

Blackspot09 (Meath) - Posts: 973 - 17/11/2020 09:51:47    2310513


Anybody know is harnan is in contention to make the squad Saturday? I heard he has been training the last month, surely if he's anyway fit he's worth the risk

redser123 (Meath) - Posts: 404 - 17/11/2020 12:45:05    2310585


Can we move lot this to uurt feelings column.
And on the game itself lets bout teams tactics and who picks up ciaran kilkenny.

Borderroyal (Meath) - Posts: 494 - 17/11/2020 13:11:52    2310612


Replying To Pintsandpoints:  "Meath realistically have a very little chance of getting a result against the dubs , meath are very poor in the middle third and struggle to Keep playing for 70 mins I think they will be lucky to lose by at least 10 under 10 is a achievement"
Clearly your a Dub using a fake Meath profile?...

Selwyn (Meath) - Posts: 380 - 17/11/2020 13:18:53    2310615


Lads the negative attitude on here is appalling to look at. Meath men should never say they have no chance of beating Dublin, or how many meath players make the Dublin team. Going back to the 80s and 90s we always believed we could win. When they gve us no chance in 96 we sent the dubs packing. I have the same feeling for Saturday. We need to believe it, get the flags up. Go out and take them on from the start. If we win the midfield battle nd let the ball in early we can cause damage

LoyalRoyal66 (Meath) - Posts: 85 - 17/11/2020 13:24:15    2310619


Replying To LoyalRoyal66:  "Lads the negative attitude on here is appalling to look at. Meath men should never say they have no chance of beating Dublin, or how many meath players make the Dublin team. Going back to the 80s and 90s we always believed we could win. When they gve us no chance in 96 we sent the dubs packing. I have the same feeling for Saturday. We need to believe it, get the flags up. Go out and take them on from the start. If we win the midfield battle nd let the ball in early we can cause damage"
Mcstays article is well wroth a consideration on this topic. Fine balance between being realistic and accepating your faith. No one is saying that we should accept our faith. Big question that Mcstay raises for me is what is Andy's ambition for this game....beyond winning ,

Thelongwoodslasher (Meath) - Posts: 401 - 17/11/2020 13:50:08    2310633


Replying To LoyalRoyal66:  "Lads the negative attitude on here is appalling to look at. Meath men should never say they have no chance of beating Dublin, or how many meath players make the Dublin team. Going back to the 80s and 90s we always believed we could win. When they gve us no chance in 96 we sent the dubs packing. I have the same feeling for Saturday. We need to believe it, get the flags up. Go out and take them on from the start. If we win the midfield battle nd let the ball in early we can cause damage"
There we go. Negative attitude because we don't think we can beat the dubs at this moment in time. I believe we will fare much better than the last few championship games v Dublin but i just don't think we can win . Not being negative being realistic. I 100% believe we are closing the gap and will continue to close the gap over the next few years but as it stands for for at the moment we are not in a position to beat them . You can spout all the nonsense cliches you want about having to believe and fighting for every ball as well as referencing 90s Meath teams who were never anywhere close to the underdogs we are at the moment to beat Dublin but its all just words. I'll be looking for us to match them physically which on seeing how we look the last few games we can definitely do that and to cause them some problems up front which i believe we can but they will wear us down and I'd expect them to win between 5-7. I would be more than happy at 9.30 on Saturday night if the game played out like that.

Blackspot09 (Meath) - Posts: 973 - 17/11/2020 13:54:07    2310635


Back to the game! I think Meath will compete quite well with Dublin and cause them problems and defensively cope better than most.

I think one big boost to all teams vs Dublin is the loss of the Swiss Army knife McCaffrey, in Leinster last year we coped very well until mccaffrey sliced thru us on more than one occasion and created overlaps and space. They have others that will do that but he was special.

I think there are plenty of positives since the Leinster for Meath.


Are all good additions Altho young. When we look at the subs that day we have more depth now with the bench adding legs and scores.

I think there are two fundamental weaknesses in this Meath team that will cost us today and against all the top sides.

1) kick outs are not near the required level and we are prone to giving away cheap scores or even goals.

2) free taking, we won't hit the % success rate that Dublin, kerry, Mayo or Donegal.

Until we sort above out we will look competitive and produce good performances but those two factors will cause a 7 point swing in most games.

Thejoeshow (Meath) - Posts: 687 - 17/11/2020 14:27:06    2310645


Replying To Thejoeshow:  "Back to the game! I think Meath will compete quite well with Dublin and cause them problems and defensively cope better than most.

I think one big boost to all teams vs Dublin is the loss of the Swiss Army knife McCaffrey, in Leinster last year we coped very well until mccaffrey sliced thru us on more than one occasion and created overlaps and space. They have others that will do that but he was special.

I think there are plenty of positives since the Leinster for Meath.


Are all good additions Altho young. When we look at the subs that day we have more depth now with the bench adding legs and scores.

I think there are two fundamental weaknesses in this Meath team that will cost us today and against all the top sides.

1) kick outs are not near the required level and we are prone to giving away cheap scores or even goals.

2) free taking, we won't hit the % success rate that Dublin, kerry, Mayo or Donegal.

Until we sort above out we will look competitive and produce good performances but those two factors will cause a 7 point swing in most games."
Very good post. Nail on head regarding our 2 biggest issues.

Big fan of Andy Mc but can't for life of me understand why he doesn't pick a free taker. Thomas O Reilly a very good footballer but he's not that much better than a few other forward options we could have that we know can take frees and 45s (thinking Dardis for eg who is big and strong and has a similar game). We won't beat Dublin unless we can convert frees and I think Dublin will be happy to concede frees knowing this.

Crinigan (Meath) - Posts: 1352 - 17/11/2020 14:45:10    2310648


Replying To Crinigan:  "Very good post. Nail on head regarding our 2 biggest issues.

Big fan of Andy Mc but can't for life of me understand why he doesn't pick a free taker. Thomas O Reilly a very good footballer but he's not that much better than a few other forward options we could have that we know can take frees and 45s (thinking Dardis for eg who is big and strong and has a similar game). We won't beat Dublin unless we can convert frees and I think Dublin will be happy to concede frees knowing this."
I think the issue is Thomas is big and strong but he is also very quick and covers a lot of ground, the other would not have his engine or speed. The work rate that TOR has makes him important as you want walsh and Morris to stay in close.

Thejoeshow (Meath) - Posts: 687 - 17/11/2020 15:10:30    2310662


Replying To Crinigan:  "Very good post. Nail on head regarding our 2 biggest issues.

Big fan of Andy Mc but can't for life of me understand why he doesn't pick a free taker. Thomas O Reilly a very good footballer but he's not that much better than a few other forward options we could have that we know can take frees and 45s (thinking Dardis for eg who is big and strong and has a similar game). We won't beat Dublin unless we can convert frees and I think Dublin will be happy to concede frees knowing this."
who should andy be piciking as a "free-taker"......I can tell ya If dean Rock didn't improve his overall game ability Jim gavin would not have had him in his match day clearly evidenced by the splinters Deano got in his **** from sitting on the bench 2-3 years back. ….so im going out on a limb here...But I suspect Andy & the lads would love to have a truly gifted freetaker who also had all the other requisite characteristics to make it at county level today....but he hasn't got that . In the hoping that he has kicking coach in to improve Thomas, Shane & Jordon & anyone else on their free taking skills....

Thelongwoodslasher (Meath) - Posts: 401 - 17/11/2020 15:54:34    2310688
