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Meath V Dublin

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Like most fans, absolutely disgusted with Saturday night and the whole county is a laughing stock. All this talk we'll be closer this year etc.etc. well and truly shot to pieces. I totally appreciate players and management give up all their free time for this but to put it simply it's not good enough. But I have to ask some serious questions....with all the training, preparation, video analysis, S&C, diets, rest etcetc. and everything else being done to make us as good as we can, it seems some of the basics cant even be done right. It's all in the previous posts...

Kicks out to a 1v1 and not a Meath player anywhere around the breaking ball - unacceptable at any level, never mind senior championship.

Half hearted, medicore tackling - no excuse for not giving more intensity in trying to overturn the ball

Marking your man - exactly what it says, breathing down your opponents neck with massive intensity and not letting him have time and space to win his own ball - it's not rocket science.

I'm a big fan of the Management team but I have to ask when all these great drills and stern words in dressing rooms are said and done, are the fundamentals, the absolute basics you nearly take for granted before taking to pitch being done as best as they could be ? Doesn't look like it to me. And no big sponsorship or county board funding overhaul is going to convince me that you cant make a defender give absolutely everything he has to mark a forward better than the shambles we saw on Sat night. Someone said it's the coaching and not the management itself and I'd tend to agree, Great setting up wonderful drills and all that but can you teach a player how to mark and tackle properly, how a keeper can kick accurately so the team can retain possession ??

Laytown Legend (None) - Posts: 424 - 23/11/2020 11:11:16    2313783


Replying To Irish_downunder:  "The most annoying thing for me in the middle was that when we did kick it long our men are standing under the ball waiting for it to drop down while the Dublin players were always coming onto the ball at a run which nearly guarantees them to win in the jump or palm it to the side to the waiting man. A man running will always out jump a static jumper. That's just the basic mechanics of jumping and tells me that they are not being coached properly, or they dont have the intelligence to realise this.

Go to one of the basketball matchs in dublin and from under 17 level there will be kids hanging off the rim. Thats 10ft in the air. Thats nothing to do with size, just proper mechanics and coaching.

The other thing dublin forwards are superb at that our men just could not handle was they sauntered around with our men 5 yards off them thinking all is good. They then run in close to our man to engage him then give him a shove and tear off in the opposite direction which meant in the space of 2 or 3 seconds our guys are 10-15 yards off where they should be.

But this is the same old story. I don't know if management just cant see the obvious that every other person in the county could see for years now, keeper, kickout strategy. I would far rather the keeper put the ball in the dugout all night and give us a chance to get set defensively than try the short kicking as it was atrocious to watch. Can anyone argue that any progress has been made here in 4 years?"
Ciaran Kilkenny at one stage in first half by the corner at Nally stand had nobody around him as he bent to pick up the ball. He picked it up and immediately pirouetted as he presumed a Meath lad would be on him (like he'd experience in training no doubt), when he lifted his head he saw nobody near him so he did a dummy hop and kicked it over. I presume the dummy hop was so he had to use his imagination to imagine there was a Meath defender to beat so that he didn't get into bad habits before his next training session where he'd have Philly McMahon and co hanging off him. It was like a child playing in the back garden imagining opponents to beat. That's how ******* bad we were!

Crinigan (Meath) - Posts: 1352 - 23/11/2020 11:12:47    2313788


Replying To Crinigan:  "100%. Kildare would've given them a much better game in hindsight. Any chance ye would give us the gk Aaron O'Neil since ye aren't using him?!"
HAHA i doubt ye would get him to cross the border. Aaron is an excellent keeper alright and its a pity hes not in with the county this year. He plays midfield for the club. some Athlete

Caoimhog88 (Kildare) - Posts: 82 - 23/11/2020 11:18:38    2313798


Replying To Caoimhog88:  "HAHA i doubt ye would get him to cross the border. Aaron is an excellent keeper alright and its a pity hes not in with the county this year. He plays midfield for the club. some Athlete"
Best gk since my namesake ;)

Crinigan (Meath) - Posts: 1352 - 23/11/2020 11:32:51    2313811


I have to say I am still in shock from the game on Saturday night. It is not that I expected us to beat Dublin but I did expect us to push them for at least the first half.

I looked back at the game and what is clear is that so many of our players played below themselves. We watch these guys play in our club championships and they are stand out but maybe we need to realise that the standard of our championships are not great.

In my opinion, we totally froze against the Dubs. This was our worst performance in a long long time. Even though we lost 6 games in the league we did at least show some element of competitiveness. So, is it a psychological thing? The level of performance, in particular from some of our more established players, was way below what we expect and way below the standards they set themselves. Have the more established players gotten too used to been beaten by the Dubs?

I really feel for the young guys - Costello, Morris, Walsh, Hickey, Harkin in particular are all 21 or less - something needs be done to get their heads right after this game. They are the future for Meath. I thought Morris in particular and Costello and Hickey really showed what they can do during the year - but despite a few flashes from Jordi and Matt on Saturday, they too were enveloped in the blue wave!

In terms of McEntee - I still think he is the best man for the job - unless we go outside the county. (Jim mcGuinness?) Perhaps he needs to look at his backroom team and strengthen that. In terms of free takers - some of the lads are regular free takers for their teams - Walsh, McMahon and Morris (from right side). You can't just bring in a guy to take frees in my view! Rock brings so much more to the Dubs than just his free taking. I think it is a head thing with some of the lads! It was only a few weeks back that Thomas Reilly was knocking the lights out from frees - (funnily though he is not a regular free taker with Tones - especially when Cian Ward is playing) Maybe the likes of Ward should be brought in to work with the free takers!

In terms of goalkeepers and the kickouts - someone please tell me who is the best keeper in the county who is eligible for Meath? (Duffy from Ratoath is a Monaghan man!) We are complaining about this position endlessly but very little real alternatives are being put forward. If I were involved in the management - I would put together a goalkeeper academy and bring in the 5/6 best keepers out there and work relentlessly with them over the next 2 months. Agree a kick out strategy - apply a plan A and plan B and also have a plan C in place! Bring in someone like Conor Martin to work alongside them and include the under 20 keeper - at least you couldn't be accused of not working on it.

It brings a sad end to the year - but I will remain positive. I think there are young lads coming through that if handled properly can move past this psychological damage of Saturday! Lets start with getting out of division 2!

Royalblufill (Meath) - Posts: 504 - 23/11/2020 11:53:05    2313833


Well I tuned into the match with low expectations but even they were surpassed. Match was over after 20 mins, absolute shambles. I think McEntee and co have learned nothing from last year at all, in actual fact this was worse (if that's possible). I really think it's time for him to go to be honest, people say we made progress but I don't see much progression - how could any management team not have some sort of plan to stop Fenton and have some sort of kick out strategy against the Dubs is beyond me, oftentimes in the game it was 3 Vs 1 against in a Meath kick out. Think we really needs some brains behind the scenes - data analysts, kick out strategists , and proper coaching, surely much more important than spending millions on a new stadium.

AthboyCelt (Meath) - Posts: 148 - 23/11/2020 12:17:55    2313854


Replying To brian:  "GK coach is one Marcus/Mark Brennan"
Gary Rogers was the coach according to this. Maybe that was just for a season.

If it is Marcus that is the coach then this needs to be looked at. I suggested on the other thread that Brendan Murphy could be approached but I am sure other options out there also.

stillaroyal (Meath) - Posts: 224 - 23/11/2020 12:19:38    2313859


Still in shock after Saturday. The only player IMO that played well was Marus Brennan. Surely a Meath keeper will never have to make that many kick outs again. But giving the pressure he did a great job.
There was massive holes in defense, Not only could you drive a bus though it, you could have time to turn it around and reverse it down the pitch. Was there a plan to stand back and let Dublin have the ball. Seemed like it. All very rabbit in headlights stuff.
I think management have to share the blame here. I know management don't kick the balls but the set out the plan and to me it failed massively. the game was effectively over after 15 minutes.

On a side note I taught Cathal Hickey did well when he came on. To me without doubt should have started. I am not why why it did'nt start all championship. And blood him in. Also he and Joey Wallace etc the changes should have made way earlier. I am guessing Hickey will start on the team next year.

bobkarlgees (Meath) - Posts: 1265 - 23/11/2020 12:39:31    2313874


Replying To stillaroyal:  "Gary Rogers was the coach according to this. Maybe that was just for a season.

If it is Marcus that is the coach then this needs to be looked at. I suggested on the other thread that Brendan Murphy could be approached but I am sure other options out there also."
In fairness in terms of the kickout strategy, its not the goalkeeper coach's remit to be deciding what the outfield players should be doing on the kickouts. That responsibility has to lie in the hands of McEntee and Nally.

Is marcus a bad shotstopper, no, but his kickouts are not consistant or accurate for that matter for this level and coaching is not going to fix that. For starters i think he uses a cone as kicking tee which i think sets the ball too high so when he tries to go short he is focusing so much on keeping it low he is not watching the play develop in front of him in the miliseconds before he kicks.

Cluxton uses a tee but it barely sets the ball up(albeit it helps when you play on a carpet like croker every game) at all which allows him to keep it low easily to ping a pass short or long. For me the basics and finer details and lessons that can be learned from the better teams are not getting through and i think its a stubbornness or intelligence issue.

Irish_downunder (Meath) - Posts: 640 - 23/11/2020 12:46:06    2313886


Replying To Irish_downunder:  "In fairness in terms of the kickout strategy, its not the goalkeeper coach's remit to be deciding what the outfield players should be doing on the kickouts. That responsibility has to lie in the hands of McEntee and Nally.

Is marcus a bad shotstopper, no, but his kickouts are not consistant or accurate for that matter for this level and coaching is not going to fix that. For starters i think he uses a cone as kicking tee which i think sets the ball too high so when he tries to go short he is focusing so much on keeping it low he is not watching the play develop in front of him in the miliseconds before he kicks.

Cluxton uses a tee but it barely sets the ball up(albeit it helps when you play on a carpet like croker every game) at all which allows him to keep it low easily to ping a pass short or long. For me the basics and finer details and lessons that can be learned from the better teams are not getting through and i think its a stubbornness or intelligence issue."
I agree entirely here that it's not a goalkeeping problem as in shot blocking etc. but there does not appear to be any strategy to have a variety of options giving him the chance to get a kickout to an unmarked outfield player. Now I know against Dublin they will press up but it should be possible then to pop a kick to runners further outfield but the weight and accuracy of this kick is very important. This is a role for the coach as much as it is for a goalkeeping coach. I am totally mesmerized by this as Nally has actually published articles on this very aspect of Gaelic Football.
As far as I can remember the last out and out actual goalkeeping howler was in the Div 2 league match in Ballybofey and as matters transpired it was not too costly as we still were promoted at the end of the season.

MillerX (Meath) - Posts: 1071 - 23/11/2020 13:34:43    2313942


Replying To seadog54:  "Yes younger lads need encouragement and proper coaching, if we avoid changing entire management setup I think they will just squeese the life out of them.This is plain to see in case of Walsh and Reilly (who both have potential) have not improved since introduced to the squad, Walsh at present is not a ball winning full-forward, too slow when in possession and very weak when competing for ball.He can improve but only with right coaching. Same weakness runs throughout team. We seemed to get defence right last year, but McGill and Lavin especially, have gone backwards at alarming rate. Two comments made on TV today that really apply to Meath. COR at Tipp match said the basic for any team is a good keeper and two forwards who can kick frees (not sure if this was dig at Meath) Tipp manager said this win will insure a generation of young lads will want to pull on Tipp football jersey. Thats a big problem we have young lads who have little interest in Meath football and who can blame them. The young lads who joined panel this year deserve better."
I think the keypoint now is for serious stocktaking of the situation by the relevant person/people..
The County Board should be leading here. Things cannot continue as they are . Completely agree re. coaching needs Walsh and O Reillying perfect examples. Leadership from the very top firstly to accept that a major problem exists here and evident for a long time ,Then a plan to deal with the problem. I will not hold my breath on that happening though . I fear things will continue as they are just pretend we are making real progress. We got the real answer to that on Saturday night. I agree some players have gone backwards also especially in full back line.. in the last few games

nobull456 (Meath) - Posts: 1265 - 23/11/2020 13:56:16    2313970


Replying To Crinigan:  "Best gk since my namesake ;)"
Great club they are both from lol ;)

Caoimhog88 (Kildare) - Posts: 82 - 23/11/2020 14:16:50    2314002


Problems that need solving for this Meath team to compete with and beat the teams below Dublin (We can't even say we can compete with Dublin never mind beat them). I think this Meath team can beat the teams below Dublin (Donegal/Tyrone/Mayo etc) but a lot of internal issues need resolving.

1. Goal keeper situation
2. Half back line
3. Forwards with physicality who can tackle and harry opposition, not just run around pretending to look busy.

A few players that come in and solve some of our problems:

1. Paddy O'Rourke (Get him back, needs must, I don't care what happened in the past)
2. Jimmy Corcoran (Young goalkeeper with Dundalk from Drumbaragh, a big man who is currently 3rd choice in Dundalk)
3. Gavin McGowan (Best half back in the club championship last year, needs to be brought it. Staggering that he wasn't in already)
4. Padraig Harnan (Get him fit on a consistent level. Hasn't been available for a full season yet)
5. James McEntee (Huge loss from our half back line)
6. David McGowan (Surely worth a shot at full forward/wing forward on this team. Shane Walsh doesn't do enough for me)
7. Shane Gallagher (A big loss this year. As tiger'sh a corner back as we have had)

A possible team with the above names included:

1. Paddy O'Rourke
2. Seamus Lavin
3. Conor McGill (Very poor this year but can improve)
4. Shane Gallagher
5. James McEntee
6. Gavin McGowan
7. Donal Keogan
8. Bryan Menton
9. Ronan Jones
10. Cillian O'Sullivan
11. Matthew Costello
12. Padraig Harnan (Our link man ala Niall Scully/Brian Howard)
13. Jordan Morris
14. David McGowan
15. Shane Walsh/Thomas O'Reilly (Both need to seriously improve)

We cant let what happened on Saturday night destroy the work that has been done. I still believe that if we sorted out the goalkeeper situation at least that could solve a lot of our problems. That situation has to be resolved before 2021 as a matter of urgency. If we don't solve it, we are wasting our time next year. I know Dublin are on an different planet to everyone in the country but the work rate and tackling of their forwards is something that cannot be bought. No Meath man could get more than two seconds on the ball before contact was made with them by not one Dublin man, but two or three. It just continued all over the field. They looked like the team going for their first Leinster in 10 years, not us. One final point on the kickouts also. Keepers do take most of the blame now when they go wrong, but at the end of the day, the players out the field have to be willing to go to the clouds or get down on breaks to win the ball. We had ZERO of that the other night, and also against Kildare and even Wicklow.

BigJoe14 (Meath) - Posts: 987 - 23/11/2020 15:10:23    2314044


Replying To BigJoe14:  "Problems that need solving for this Meath team to compete with and beat the teams below Dublin (We can't even say we can compete with Dublin never mind beat them). I think this Meath team can beat the teams below Dublin (Donegal/Tyrone/Mayo etc) but a lot of internal issues need resolving.

1. Goal keeper situation
2. Half back line
3. Forwards with physicality who can tackle and harry opposition, not just run around pretending to look busy.

A few players that come in and solve some of our problems:

1. Paddy O'Rourke (Get him back, needs must, I don't care what happened in the past)
2. Jimmy Corcoran (Young goalkeeper with Dundalk from Drumbaragh, a big man who is currently 3rd choice in Dundalk)
3. Gavin McGowan (Best half back in the club championship last year, needs to be brought it. Staggering that he wasn't in already)
4. Padraig Harnan (Get him fit on a consistent level. Hasn't been available for a full season yet)
5. James McEntee (Huge loss from our half back line)
6. David McGowan (Surely worth a shot at full forward/wing forward on this team. Shane Walsh doesn't do enough for me)
7. Shane Gallagher (A big loss this year. As tiger'sh a corner back as we have had)

A possible team with the above names included:

1. Paddy O'Rourke
2. Seamus Lavin
3. Conor McGill (Very poor this year but can improve)
4. Shane Gallagher
5. James McEntee
6. Gavin McGowan
7. Donal Keogan
8. Bryan Menton
9. Ronan Jones
10. Cillian O'Sullivan
11. Matthew Costello
12. Padraig Harnan (Our link man ala Niall Scully/Brian Howard)
13. Jordan Morris
14. David McGowan
15. Shane Walsh/Thomas O'Reilly (Both need to seriously improve)

We cant let what happened on Saturday night destroy the work that has been done. I still believe that if we sorted out the goalkeeper situation at least that could solve a lot of our problems. That situation has to be resolved before 2021 as a matter of urgency. If we don't solve it, we are wasting our time next year. I know Dublin are on an different planet to everyone in the country but the work rate and tackling of their forwards is something that cannot be bought. No Meath man could get more than two seconds on the ball before contact was made with them by not one Dublin man, but two or three. It just continued all over the field. They looked like the team going for their first Leinster in 10 years, not us. One final point on the kickouts also. Keepers do take most of the blame now when they go wrong, but at the end of the day, the players out the field have to be willing to go to the clouds or get down on breaks to win the ball. We had ZERO of that the other night, and also against Kildare and even Wicklow."
you lost me Bigjoe at Paddy O Rourke....the end justifies does it its ****....where are our principles...can u imagine the attitude he would bring those new young lads....oh jazuz back to square one

Thelongwoodslasher (Meath) - Posts: 401 - 23/11/2020 16:06:17    2314094


Replying To BigJoe14:  "Problems that need solving for this Meath team to compete with and beat the teams below Dublin (We can't even say we can compete with Dublin never mind beat them). I think this Meath team can beat the teams below Dublin (Donegal/Tyrone/Mayo etc) but a lot of internal issues need resolving.

1. Goal keeper situation
2. Half back line
3. Forwards with physicality who can tackle and harry opposition, not just run around pretending to look busy.

A few players that come in and solve some of our problems:

1. Paddy O'Rourke (Get him back, needs must, I don't care what happened in the past)
2. Jimmy Corcoran (Young goalkeeper with Dundalk from Drumbaragh, a big man who is currently 3rd choice in Dundalk)
3. Gavin McGowan (Best half back in the club championship last year, needs to be brought it. Staggering that he wasn't in already)
4. Padraig Harnan (Get him fit on a consistent level. Hasn't been available for a full season yet)
5. James McEntee (Huge loss from our half back line)
6. David McGowan (Surely worth a shot at full forward/wing forward on this team. Shane Walsh doesn't do enough for me)
7. Shane Gallagher (A big loss this year. As tiger'sh a corner back as we have had)

A possible team with the above names included:

1. Paddy O'Rourke
2. Seamus Lavin
3. Conor McGill (Very poor this year but can improve)
4. Shane Gallagher
5. James McEntee
6. Gavin McGowan
7. Donal Keogan
8. Bryan Menton
9. Ronan Jones
10. Cillian O'Sullivan
11. Matthew Costello
12. Padraig Harnan (Our link man ala Niall Scully/Brian Howard)
13. Jordan Morris
14. David McGowan
15. Shane Walsh/Thomas O'Reilly (Both need to seriously improve)

We cant let what happened on Saturday night destroy the work that has been done. I still believe that if we sorted out the goalkeeper situation at least that could solve a lot of our problems. That situation has to be resolved before 2021 as a matter of urgency. If we don't solve it, we are wasting our time next year. I know Dublin are on an different planet to everyone in the country but the work rate and tackling of their forwards is something that cannot be bought. No Meath man could get more than two seconds on the ball before contact was made with them by not one Dublin man, but two or three. It just continued all over the field. They looked like the team going for their first Leinster in 10 years, not us. One final point on the kickouts also. Keepers do take most of the blame now when they go wrong, but at the end of the day, the players out the field have to be willing to go to the clouds or get down on breaks to win the ball. We had ZERO of that the other night, and also against Kildare and even Wicklow."
Paddy O Rourke time is done for Meath I would imagine , Jimmy Corcoran a super keeper and will probably end up in Dundalk's goals but unlikely to play Gaelic Football . I think we need to focus on players that are currently playing football for Keepers , Harry Hogan & Dean Pluck & Adam McDermott are 3 Keepers that should be trained for intercounty

Bear10 (Meath) - Posts: 463 - 23/11/2020 17:10:34    2314147


Lads we are on here just asking for what at the minute in gaelic football is paramount to modern game.
Needs presense,quick kickouts,long short,communication to our backs be heard.shot stopper bonus if can kick 45s.
Corner backs
Tigerish play from the front.mark your man give him hell for 70 plus minutes.bonus can venture up fielx kick point.dogs.
Half backs
Athletes with engines to cover front to back.linking play from back to forwards.breaking ball.outlets for kickouts.
Primary ball winners.high catching.putting in hard yards hard hits.bonus few points.
Half forwards
Wing men
Helping defense, link up to scorers.athletes with breaking ball skill
Centre forward
Prob your best player.quarter back head prob physical player with range of skills passer, ball winner,game manager.
Full forwards
Skillfull players with no fear confidence in there ability.
Ball winners, quick, tigerish in gaining possesion cool under pressure.ability to turn go round people.
See our strengths weaknesses and fix or empower either.pretty plain and simple no hidden traits on picking or not picking ur team for whatever reasons.
Not rocket science

Borderroyal (Meath) - Posts: 494 - 23/11/2020 19:45:36    2314236


Loads of names mentioned and better ones left out. Maybe a competition for regional teams . Lads seem to start very young with Meath and are burned off when in their peak. It would be better to do s&C with team tactics and strategies from u12 to u16. U17 team should take it further and not to develop players who dont have basic training. Recently Players were brought to Meath Seniors to learn basics because they have potential. U20 should polish off development.
County Senior training is for students and men with jobs. Their training should only be to brush up teamwork and they should have individual fitness programme's to carry out near home . No long distance travelling for challenges . Play a v b instead. definitely players a few years on panel should not have to be dragged 20 miles to train. From now we should chase up still young players to get fit, Donnacha Tobin, Andy Tormey, Harnans, wallaces, Brian Power, Sean Tobin ,and a whole list

Ashrules (Dublin) - Posts: 548 - 24/11/2020 11:30:58    2314559


Replying To Borderroyal:  "Lads we are on here just asking for what at the minute in gaelic football is paramount to modern game.
Needs presense,quick kickouts,long short,communication to our backs be heard.shot stopper bonus if can kick 45s.
Corner backs
Tigerish play from the front.mark your man give him hell for 70 plus minutes.bonus can venture up fielx kick point.dogs.
Half backs
Athletes with engines to cover front to back.linking play from back to forwards.breaking ball.outlets for kickouts.
Primary ball winners.high catching.putting in hard yards hard hits.bonus few points.
Half forwards
Wing men
Helping defense, link up to scorers.athletes with breaking ball skill
Centre forward
Prob your best player.quarter back head prob physical player with range of skills passer, ball winner,game manager.
Full forwards
Skillfull players with no fear confidence in there ability.
Ball winners, quick, tigerish in gaining possesion cool under pressure.ability to turn go round people.
See our strengths weaknesses and fix or empower either.pretty plain and simple no hidden traits on picking or not picking ur team for whatever reasons.
Not rocket science"
Not rocket science - until you start picking them!

Royalblufill (Meath) - Posts: 504 - 24/11/2020 16:05:16    2314767


Replying To Borderroyal:  "Lads we are on here just asking for what at the minute in gaelic football is paramount to modern game.
Needs presense,quick kickouts,long short,communication to our backs be heard.shot stopper bonus if can kick 45s.
Corner backs
Tigerish play from the front.mark your man give him hell for 70 plus minutes.bonus can venture up fielx kick point.dogs.
Half backs
Athletes with engines to cover front to back.linking play from back to forwards.breaking ball.outlets for kickouts.
Primary ball winners.high catching.putting in hard yards hard hits.bonus few points.
Half forwards
Wing men
Helping defense, link up to scorers.athletes with breaking ball skill
Centre forward
Prob your best player.quarter back head prob physical player with range of skills passer, ball winner,game manager.
Full forwards
Skillfull players with no fear confidence in there ability.
Ball winners, quick, tigerish in gaining possesion cool under pressure.ability to turn go round people.
See our strengths weaknesses and fix or empower either.pretty plain and simple no hidden traits on picking or not picking ur team for whatever reasons.
Not rocket science"
Youre right, and I think your team idea is similar to my own ideas of successful teams in this era, only id be slightly more basic in my approach. I mean, you look around the country and what can you say are the characteristics of the modern inter-county player, namely the Division 1/2 teams but not exclusive to just them? I would say the number one requirement isn't skill or footwork, it isnt cleverness or ability to express their skill level; its quite simply conditioning. If you had 15/20 lads who can 1) run for hours, have enough muscle mass to avoid injury, run 40m in 3/4 seconds, bench press their body weight, deadlift 1.5 times their bodyweight and hit all the right standards in training, and have a decent ability to perform the skills of the game around their own conditioning, you can build a team out of them. 2) If you can combine these factors with traditional grit and determination and have a good bunch of guys, then you've a good side on your hands, and lastly 3) if they have any football in their DNA, and can express the skills of the game at a high level, you can jump to the highest level, provided things fall in your favour. I would say a great majority of the teams in the country are at that first level and periodically at the second. Only a handful of teams in Ireland will ever consistently be at the third stage, and thats the challenge we have before us now. Of course the opposing factors of all teams are player retention, management and coaching quality, injuries, confidence etc, which can jettison any team. Its a constant battle and I find it miraculous what people are willing to put in to chase these standards, often for little to no reward.

Young_gael (Meath) - Posts: 596 - 24/11/2020 16:28:00    2314781


4 Years in the job and still can not even get a kick out strategy correct ?
Andy needs to go end off.
Good bunch of young players , a mile off dublin yes , but commited to the cause.

Also we need to stop being the most deluded fans in the county , the posts on here and comments on social media saying we hand a off day saturday night are borderline delusional , nothing wrong with being positive , but the expectations i have no doubt feed into the players , who thought because we beat two very poor teams , had a chance to beat dublin.
Dublin can beat us by as much as they want sadly , they are on another planet.

hurlit (Meath) - Posts: 421 - 24/11/2020 16:41:56    2314788
