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Meath V Tyrone

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The way people are talking you would think tyrone were at full strength

hurlit (Meath) - Posts: 421 - 27/01/2020 09:39:39    2262787


Should we look at an outfield player for the goals. Someone who is accurate with the ball from the hand and off the ground. Realistically the kick out is more important than shot stopping. A keeper might have 3 shots to save in a match where as they will have at least 15-20 kickouts. It is vital for momentum and confidence for the ball to be retained form the kickout to be in with a fighting chance against the better teams. It did effect us in numerous matches last year and seems to effect us more than any other county.

Foley91 (Meath) - Posts: 418 - 27/01/2020 09:50:12    2262790


Replying To Foley91:  "Should we look at an outfield player for the goals. Someone who is accurate with the ball from the hand and off the ground. Realistically the kick out is more important than shot stopping. A keeper might have 3 shots to save in a match where as they will have at least 15-20 kickouts. It is vital for momentum and confidence for the ball to be retained form the kickout to be in with a fighting chance against the better teams. It did effect us in numerous matches last year and seems to effect us more than any other county."
Presumably that was the whole idea of originally putting J Sheridan and Dardis in goals.

My problem is however was that that plan was not properly carried through and there was clearly no conviction to it, Sheridan was dropped and then Dardis was later played outfield - instead we brought in Yorke and then threw him under a bus. Why wasn't Dardis trained up this past year, put in goals and then given the experience he needs?

To my mind, he has the most potential of the outfield players to be a GK as he is ice cold under pressure (should be the team's free taker) and is an exceptional striker of the ball off the ground.

But lads, its 3 years later we still haven't sorted out the keeper situation. There are many uncontrollables (injuries etc) but having a couple of decent goalkeepers and a few competent free takers are controllables that mangement should have had squared away this long time. Its very frustrating as these are the basics - gaining possession off our own kickouts as much as possible and then converting scoring frees - Dublin wouldn't have won a single All Ireland without Cluxton and Dean Rock - its basic stuff.

Crinigan (Meath) - Posts: 1352 - 27/01/2020 10:15:47    2262795


Replying To Poormouth:  "He certainly did want to play but Joe Sheridan and later David Gallagher were deemed better goalkeepers at the time. Enough said!!!"
They may not have been better shot stoppers but they certainly had better kick outs, were comfortable on the ball as they are outfield players for their clubs and were a commanding presence.

BigJoe14 (Meath) - Posts: 987 - 27/01/2020 10:17:26    2262796


Replying To Foley91:  "Should we look at an outfield player for the goals. Someone who is accurate with the ball from the hand and off the ground. Realistically the kick out is more important than shot stopping. A keeper might have 3 shots to save in a match where as they will have at least 15-20 kickouts. It is vital for momentum and confidence for the ball to be retained form the kickout to be in with a fighting chance against the better teams. It did effect us in numerous matches last year and seems to effect us more than any other county."
Isn't that what they are doing with Barry Dardis? And what was done with Paddy O'Rourke in the past?

Dardis is an outfield player but he lost a couple of kickouts at the weekend too. To be fair, it is not always the keepers fault. The movement of the outfield players is critical - particularly the wing half backs and wing half forwards.

The Kerry keeper plays outfield for his club (full forward) - his kickouts were decent the other night but both Dublin and Kerry are perpetual motion outfield when kickouts are being taken!

ASaminthehand (Meath) - Posts: 422 - 27/01/2020 10:19:18    2262798


I think some lads need to get their story straight. There's nothing wrong with blind love for Meath and always believing in the team to win before every game they play.
What's a bit annoying is posters spending the whole winter saying Meath are "back where they belong" and that we'll be shaking up a few trees and will beat Tyrone and Mayo etc. but then once we lose playing the "Sure we never stood a chance and did well to get within 6 points of a division one team" card.

It's not like Tyrone are anything special. We've played them 6 or 7 times in the last few years and aside from a tanking under Banty (?) there's rarely been more than a score in it.

CastleBravo (Meath) - Posts: 1657 - 27/01/2020 10:19:41    2262799


The injuries situation is absolutely ridiculous and you'd have to say, it doesn't reflect terribly well on the new S&C coach.

I'm not sure what qualifications he has but its his job to make sure we have players fit for the start of the season - to that end what the hell were they doing in pre-season to pick up so many injuries? Its our 4th season under McEntee with many of the same players so they should be benefitting from these years of S&C now, not dropping like flies. Even GK's getting injured in warm-ups, its ridiculous.

Crinigan (Meath) - Posts: 1352 - 27/01/2020 10:22:05    2262803


Replying To Royal.Legend:  "Arnt you great you predicted your own county would lose and they did and now your gloating because you got one up on royaldunne, pathetic behaviour. A win for meath today would of been huge but it didn't happen, injuries to key players would always upset a up and coming team like meath more then an established division one and championship team like tyrone and so it proved, we have six games left and as the injuries clear up and if we play to our potential were well capable of picking up the points we need for survival. Let's support the management and players and leave the juvenile behaviour to the playground."
Well said. From a true supporter.

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 27/01/2020 10:32:02    2262811


Replying To Royal.Legend:  "Anyone know the story with lenihans and walshs injuries will they be out for long"
Back in 1-2 weeks according to McEntee and badly needed too.

gwanyagudthing (Meath) - Posts: 88 - 27/01/2020 12:08:27    2262843


Leaving aside the goalkeeper issue for a minute, the statistics would suggest (and this was mentioned on the radio during the match) that we were very inefficient at taking our chances. Something like 4/13 at half time which is poor. We seemed to drop a lot short and Nally spoke in the off-season about the soft foot which we obviously haven't sorted out. No score in 30 minutes would suggest we hadn't the forwards couldn't create / take their chances.

gwanyagudthing (Meath) - Posts: 88 - 27/01/2020 12:12:58    2262844


Replying To Poormouth:  "He certainly did want to play but Joe Sheridan and later David Gallagher were deemed better goalkeepers at the time. Enough said!!!"
if he wants to play he needs to make himself available and stop making excuses about the past and big Joe been brought back that time

meath1977 (Meath) - Posts: 534 - 27/01/2020 13:09:54    2262869


Replying To royaldunne:  "Well said. From a true supporter."
there are too many so called meath supporters coming on here after losing just to get a free shot oat u, they seem to get a kick out of it . I would not answer these fake supporters.

meath1977 (Meath) - Posts: 534 - 27/01/2020 13:25:24    2262876


Replying To royaldunne:  "Just home after a 312 km round trip. Very disappointing , let's be honest we are decimated by injuries, I'd say well over half the starting team today wouldn't get on the bench if all fully fit. We never looked like winning the game, and when Tyrone went full on defensive in second half we ran around like headless chickens.
We missed someone to put a bit of oumph into the game. Dare I say .... we badly missed graham Reilly.
Anyway onwards and hopefully upwards"
Probably missed a player like Graham Reilly - at his peak. The same could be said for Trevor Giles, Graham Geraghty, Colm O'Rourke and (from a goalie pov) Brendan Murphy and Cormac O'Suullivan.

Very surprised that more progress not made on goalkeeper front.

oldsam_newsam (Meath) - Posts: 638 - 27/01/2020 13:28:11    2262879


Extremely bad form from Hoganstand to post an article specifically highlight Yorke's kickouts. The headline is even titled "Goalkeeping woes for Meath". The chap needs support and our own county's forum is posting stuff like this. Bizarre and uncalled for.

meathgaa91 (Meath) - Posts: 48 - 27/01/2020 14:02:09    2262893


I think if we look at what our strongest 15 is I would suggest it is something close to below

1. Colgan
2. Lavin

3. McGill
4. Gallagher
5. Keogan
6. Harnan
7. J McEntee
8. Menton
9. Jones
10. O Sullivan
11. McMahon
12. Campion/Devine
13. Lenihan
14. Newman
15. Walsh

Unfortunately meath (and not very many counties) can afford to miss 8 of their top players and still be competitive. I will hold my hands up and say that Colgan certainly looks a better option based on what is there.

When you look at the forwards we were missing, I would hold off until at least 2/3 of them are back as in Lenihan and Walsh we should have more accurate forwards in the weeks to come. Both Devine and Campion have more to offer than Brennan does and would add something different

Thejoeshow (Meath) - Posts: 687 - 27/01/2020 14:04:26    2262895


Replying To grahamc9897:  "Lord Almighty It starts ! Not even going to repeat that name ! You predicted a win as usual ! We never were going to win this game ! Not a prayer ! We would need not 1 injury to be competitive ! Our level is not good enough for division 1 and top 2/4 of Division 2 ! Yoyo team as they say ! We are lambs to the slaughter this year ! Simple as"
Interesting to note the amount of 'support' this impassioned speech on how hopeless Meath are has received.

Do people really support this negative 'quit before you start' type of bile? If so, it's no wonder we're struggling given the appalling level of defeatism in the county.

We lost a game of football, there are 6 more in the NFL, lets see how they go before throwing the toys out of the pram and attacking fans who have the nerve to display optimism.

Ps, was there really that much genuine support for that downbeat tirade or is there some sad case going around with mulitple accounts supporting any comment which castigates Meath and/or optimistic Meath fans.

Anyway I hope we beat Donegal just to píss off all the 'Meath fans' :-)

Htaem (Meath) - Posts: 8657 - 27/01/2020 14:11:11    2262898


Replying To BigJoe14:  "Andy Colgan got injured in the warm up. Yorke was taken off because he was having an absolute nightmare with kick outs and was a liability. Dardis did nothing wrong in the second half as he was at least able to get some distance on his kicks, which was a major problem in the first half. It's just a very messy situation that unsettles the entire team as a result. What I would give for Meath to have Niall Morgan in goals, his kicking and composure is only bettered by Cluxton."
"Dardis did nothing wrong in the second half "

Colgan was injured in the warm up that we know. So Yorke played, and to my mind the only reason Mc Entee should have taken Yorke off and put a outside player in goals is if Yorke got injured.
I find utterly ridiculous that Mc Entee could make tactical a change like this. Daris is NOT a sub goal keeper. So your not replacing like for like.He was tried there in the O'byrne early last year 2019 and it didn't work out at all.
This is nothing short of Meath Management scoring a own goal. Yorke might not have been playing great.

But to say "Dardis did nothing wrong in the second half " is wrong. I counted at least 3 major mistakes
1 where he kicked inside his own 20 meter line resulting in throw up on the 20 meter line.
2 He kicked straight to a Tyrone player, and he poped it over the bar.
3 He straight over the sideline 30 meters out sideline ball to Tyrone.
And Daris long kicks outs seemed to find Tyrone player everytime. Although our midfield he to take some blame here.
So say Daris did nothing not wrong is not correct.
I dont he me wrong Daris tried his best that was plain to be seen ,as need every Meath Player. But I completely felt for Barry Daris he should NEVER have been put this position other than a injury.

bobkarlgees (Meath) - Posts: 1265 - 27/01/2020 14:15:10    2262900


Replying To Thejoeshow:  "I think if we look at what our strongest 15 is I would suggest it is something close to below

1. Colgan
2. Lavin

3. McGill
4. Gallagher
5. Keogan
6. Harnan
7. J McEntee
8. Menton
9. Jones
10. O Sullivan
11. McMahon
12. Campion/Devine
13. Lenihan
14. Newman
15. Walsh

Unfortunately meath (and not very many counties) can afford to miss 8 of their top players and still be competitive. I will hold my hands up and say that Colgan certainly looks a better option based on what is there.

When you look at the forwards we were missing, I would hold off until at least 2/3 of them are back as in Lenihan and Walsh we should have more accurate forwards in the weeks to come. Both Devine and Campion have more to offer than Brennan does and would add something different"
It took a first half meltdown from Yorke for people to accept what I was saying in the build up to the game regarding Colgan and Yorke was correct. Colgan is by far the best of three options that we have available to us. It is remarkable though the double standards the Meath 'supporters' have when it comes to criticizing players . If Andy Colgan or Paddy O'Rourke were in goals yesterday for the first half and put in a performance like that they would be getting all sorts of verbal abuse on every platform available to meath supporters. Some people who weren't even at the game yesterday jumped to conclusions that Colgan was in goals seeing as the first half was going so bad on kick outs. I suppose what club you are from and the region is a deciding factor for some when it comes to dishing out verbal's.

BigJoe14 (Meath) - Posts: 987 - 27/01/2020 14:15:25    2262902


Replying To meathgaa91:  "Extremely bad form from Hoganstand to post an article specifically highlight Yorke's kickouts. The headline is even titled "Goalkeeping woes for Meath". The chap needs support and our own county's forum is posting stuff like this. Bizarre and uncalled for."
Would tend to agree alright - kick a man when he's down and all that.
Also some fact checking wouldn't go amiss. Marcus Brennan isn't 37 this year let alone last year.

The_Ripper (Meath) - Posts: 182 - 27/01/2020 14:50:53    2262915


Replying To BigJoe14:  "
Replying To Thejoeshow:  "I think if we look at what our strongest 15 is I would suggest it is something close to below

1. Colgan
2. Lavin

3. McGill
4. Gallagher
5. Keogan
6. Harnan
7. J McEntee
8. Menton
9. Jones
10. O Sullivan
11. McMahon
12. Campion/Devine
13. Lenihan
14. Newman
15. Walsh

Unfortunately meath (and not very many counties) can afford to miss 8 of their top players and still be competitive. I will hold my hands up and say that Colgan certainly looks a better option based on what is there.

When you look at the forwards we were missing, I would hold off until at least 2/3 of them are back as in Lenihan and Walsh we should have more accurate forwards in the weeks to come. Both Devine and Campion have more to offer than Brennan does and would add something different"
It took a first half meltdown from Yorke for people to accept what I was saying in the build up to the game regarding Colgan and Yorke was correct. Colgan is by far the best of three options that we have available to us. It is remarkable though the double standards the Meath 'supporters' have when it comes to criticizing players . If Andy Colgan or Paddy O'Rourke were in goals yesterday for the first half and put in a performance like that they would be getting all sorts of verbal abuse on every platform available to meath supporters. Some people who weren't even at the game yesterday jumped to conclusions that Colgan was in goals seeing as the first half was going so bad on kick outs. I suppose what club you are from and the region is a deciding factor for some when it comes to dishing out verbal's."
I see you keep bringing it back to regions and clubs. This is not the case and particularly for myself, the verbals dished at Colgan were on the back of some terrible performances at key times in the key games last year. Not going to argue he is a better option than Yorke but I would suggest you look back at the last 20 minutes of the Donegal/Mayo super 8s games if you are unsure why Colgan gets some criticism on here. Just because you are the best of a bad lot does not mean you are excused from criticism. I would personally have given Harry a better chance during the o byrne cup but given his age/experience with football it is probably not appropriate to throw him in to league now.

Thejoeshow (Meath) - Posts: 687 - 27/01/2020 14:53:30    2262916
