Meath Forum

Graham Reilly

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Replying To bert09:  "Poor form putting up this thread on biggie."
I put up the thread in recognition of his contribution with the possibility that it is the end of his time with Meath. I didn't anticipate it becoming a debate on his qualities. However I defend the right to create the thread as I believe his contribution should be recognized. Leaving it until next spring is too late imho.

oldsam_newsam (Meath) - Posts: 638 - 06/08/2019 20:18:05    2221859


Replying To oldsam_newsam:  "I put up the thread in recognition of his contribution with the possibility that it is the end of his time with Meath. I didn't anticipate it becoming a debate on his qualities. However I defend the right to create the thread as I believe his contribution should be recognized. Leaving it until next spring is too late imho."
No worries, not having a go at you and totally fine with debating a player in the context of a match or season. One thing is for sure, no player has been as divisive/generated more posts

bert09 (Meath) - Posts: 1794 - 06/08/2019 21:01:49    2221891


Decent player who gave considerable time to his county but never delivered on what he promised in the early days. Any player that pits in the effort for as long as he did deserves credit. His time is most definitely up though

Analyst (Meath) - Posts: 1472 - 06/08/2019 21:37:53    2221913


Replying To royaldunne:  "That destroyed the team. O'Dowd got that totally wrong."
He walked away already, imo he will be asked back in and accept the request, but he left the panel after the Donegal game

southmeathgael (Meath) - Posts: 915 - 07/08/2019 09:39:37    2222048


Replying To noluso:  "I think we have definitely seen the last of Graham ... He has been around meath football since he was a minor ....but in the last few years has performed well below par ,and time to call a halt . He will be consigned to the " good servant " column along with Mickey Burke . Anyone know where his nickname " biggie " came from ?"
Biggie was unmarkable on his day, and contrary to what people say he played well on plenty of big days, against Dublin in 10 12 13 he was excellant, against tyrone in big league games, he was the only man that did play well in the infamous 2010 final scoring 4 points....... don't forget in these games he does get slated for, everyone else was poor too......and the fact of the matter is we weren't even playing big games that often, we were division 2 and Leinster strugglers. Id like to see biggy stay, and at 30, still accurate, still relatively quick and at 6ft 2 or 3 could easily try reinvent himself as an inside forward

southmeathgael (Meath) - Posts: 915 - 07/08/2019 09:47:00    2222053


Replying To royaldunne:  "That destroyed the team. O'Dowd got that totally wrong."
Agreed I think the players let go by Mick O'Dowd was very premature. At least another season in all, with some having a few seasons to offer.

As for Graham Reilly, he owes the county jersey nothing. While he frustrated at times, he had unbelievable glimpses of brilliance.

IMO I hope it is not the last time Graham Reilly pulls on the green jersey. He has something to offer still. After all he is only 30 (maybe slightly older or younger).

Also, was Ben Brenann injured or where did he disappear after the Clare match. I know he had a poor Leinster final appearance, but kicked a lovely point when coming on versus Clare in Portlaoise. Surely, he was still involved in some capacity.

David (Meath) - Posts: 567 - 07/08/2019 15:55:56    2222240


Replying To Kepak10:  "Christ a bit of respect here please. Threads on Mickey Burke and Graham Reilly condeming both to inter county wilderness is pathetic. These guys have earned the right to make their own decision on whether they wish to retire or not. People on here pre empting the conclusion of their careers and is downright wrong. Give it time and if announcements are forthcoming so be it. But STOP with the obituaries."
Well said!

Royalblufill (Meath) - Posts: 493 - 07/08/2019 16:23:01    2222263


Replying To David:  "Agreed I think the players let go by Mick O'Dowd was very premature. At least another season in all, with some having a few seasons to offer.

As for Graham Reilly, he owes the county jersey nothing. While he frustrated at times, he had unbelievable glimpses of brilliance.

IMO I hope it is not the last time Graham Reilly pulls on the green jersey. He has something to offer still. After all he is only 30 (maybe slightly older or younger).

Also, was Ben Brenann injured or where did he disappear after the Clare match. I know he had a poor Leinster final appearance, but kicked a lovely point when coming on versus Clare in Portlaoise. Surely, he was still involved in some capacity."
Was listening to the We are Meath podcast and the lads said Ben Brennan was in the dug out at the weekend. I was sitting too far from the dug out to see who was there but the lads in WAM seem to have a good handle on things.

Royalblufill (Meath) - Posts: 493 - 07/08/2019 16:25:28    2222265


Look regardless of what's going on. We would not win division one if not for graham this year, the quick thinking pass that lead to the penalty v Kildare? Was one of the best moments of play this year from Meath. His contribution v Clare was magnificent. Anyone who says he wasn't one of the primary reasons we got promoted are delusional.
That's all I will say. As I do believe graham will be back next year.

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 07/08/2019 16:42:51    2222274


Replying To royaldunne:  "Look regardless of what's going on. We would not win division one if not for graham this year, the quick thinking pass that lead to the penalty v Kildare? Was one of the best moments of play this year from Meath. His contribution v Clare was magnificent. Anyone who says he wasn't one of the primary reasons we got promoted are delusional.
That's all I will say. As I do believe graham will be back next year."
In other words, if anyone disagrees with royaldunne's opinions they are delusional. Got it?

summerof09 (Meath) - Posts: 316 - 07/08/2019 16:56:31    2222279


Replying To royaldunne:  "Look regardless of what's going on. We would not win division one if not for graham this year, the quick thinking pass that lead to the penalty v Kildare? Was one of the best moments of play this year from Meath. His contribution v Clare was magnificent. Anyone who says he wasn't one of the primary reasons we got promoted are delusional.
That's all I will say. As I do believe graham will be back next year."
I suggest it is delusional to believe that Graham had any positive influence on this years championship ,and this is why he wasn't considered for the bench in last game . However we should close this subject for now , there is bigger fish to fry ,and unfair to personalise this team sport .

noluso (Meath) - Posts: 166 - 07/08/2019 18:31:42    2222318


There was a thread set up giving Mickey Burke the seal of approval on his send off and how he was a great servent blah, blah, blah. Graham Reilly exploded onto the scene making a huge impact in 2010 in a way Burke never could. He was our best player against Laois in both games and performed well in a thrilling victory over Dublin and the Leinster final win over Louth. Unfortunately county board decided for a change in management and Eamon O'Brien departed. He was still our most talented player under Banty but the team struggled to make impact and in came Mick O'Dowd. He was asked to take on more of a leadership role when a number of our experienced players were prematurely cut loose. This was a bad call and didn't really suit Graham but occasionally he would turn it on in ways no other Meath player could. It is true he is no longer at the peak of his powers but if used sparingly and at the right times in games I firmly believe he still has something to offer. Its going to be down to him but first he will have to accept he can no longer be the main man and modify his games to make as much an impact as possible in 20 mins or so. This is the next step for him and for Meath. Wrong to write him off just yet!

winatallcost (Meath) - Posts: 544 - 07/08/2019 19:52:02    2222365


Replying To royaldunne:  "Look regardless of what's going on. We would not win division one if not for graham this year, the quick thinking pass that lead to the penalty v Kildare? Was one of the best moments of play this year from Meath. His contribution v Clare was magnificent. Anyone who says he wasn't one of the primary reasons we got promoted are delusional.
That's all I will say. As I do believe graham will be back next year."
Absolutely. I said it leaving the ground. We needed that injection of class to get over the line.

Of course there were many contributions all season from Donal Keoghan, Cillian, Menton etc but we needed something special to unlock kildare and Biggie provided that.

oldsam_newsam (Meath) - Posts: 638 - 07/08/2019 20:55:25    2222424


Replying To winatallcost:  "There was a thread set up giving Mickey Burke the seal of approval on his send off and how he was a great servent blah, blah, blah. Graham Reilly exploded onto the scene making a huge impact in 2010 in a way Burke never could. He was our best player against Laois in both games and performed well in a thrilling victory over Dublin and the Leinster final win over Louth. Unfortunately county board decided for a change in management and Eamon O'Brien departed. He was still our most talented player under Banty but the team struggled to make impact and in came Mick O'Dowd. He was asked to take on more of a leadership role when a number of our experienced players were prematurely cut loose. This was a bad call and didn't really suit Graham but occasionally he would turn it on in ways no other Meath player could. It is true he is no longer at the peak of his powers but if used sparingly and at the right times in games I firmly believe he still has something to offer. Its going to be down to him but first he will have to accept he can no longer be the main man and modify his games to make as much an impact as possible in 20 mins or so. This is the next step for him and for Meath. Wrong to write him off just yet!"
Agree 100%. A thread to celebrate an also ran and then a thread to slate a thoroughbred

southmeathgael (Meath) - Posts: 915 - 08/08/2019 17:30:05    2222754


Replying To southmeathgael:  "Agree 100%. A thread to celebrate an also ran and then a thread to slate a thoroughbred"
Agree. Alot of people mix up longevity and with ability.

Foley91 (Meath) - Posts: 418 - 08/08/2019 20:06:18    2222798


Replying To southmeathgael:  "Agree 100%. A thread to celebrate an also ran and then a thread to slate a thoroughbred"
Will this be the end of an era then where the call was ''defend Graham at all costs". His contribution over the years was sporadic ranging from a match winner to standing back and waiting to be given the ball . I also think Graham has had one major plus over any other player in that it seems no other player has as many friends on here to support him regardless..At times it seemed this should read the Graham Reily and Colmcilles forum
Efforts on here to extend his time on the team will most likely prove fruitless .Look back on his last appearance AGAIN standing back , I do not expect to see Graham playing any part on Meath seniors from here . Yes Graham has made some massive contributions to Meath in the past. That is an undisputed fact. Andy seems to have finally instilled strong work ethic now, and more power to him. Any young emerging player will get that message clearly and rightly so. With a Meath jersey on you simply dont stand back. Work work work or get out ! Surely thats the basics of any coaching manual.
Mickey Bourke would not have half Graham Reillys footballing skills Mickey Bourke had attitude that dictated he felt compelled to always give his best. Thats the crunch........ do your best if selected and that means never standing back. This poster will always favour the trier over the flashy moody type who you really cant depend on, even if you may have superior skills. Putting it simply DEPENDABILITY rates higher than anything else for this poster ,and no apologies to anybody. Thanks to both men for hanging in there during such a long valley period.

nobull456 (Meath) - Posts: 1246 - 08/08/2019 21:28:42    2222828


Confirmed to me today that Graham Reilly is no longer on the Meath SF panel. A great servant over the last decade or so. Well done Biggie.

RoylerKing (Meath) - Posts: 809 - 16/11/2019 16:47:09    2249876


it was in chronicle on tuesday so your a bit late with your inside info !

hurlit (Meath) - Posts: 418 - 17/11/2019 11:02:19    2249957


Replying To royaldunne:  "Look regardless of what's going on. We would not win division one if not for graham this year, the quick thinking pass that lead to the penalty v Kildare? Was one of the best moments of play this year from Meath. His contribution v Clare was magnificent. Anyone who says he wasn't one of the primary reasons we got promoted are delusional.
That's all I will say. As I do believe graham will be back next year."
Good man Dunne. Wrong again

Jackpot (Meath) - Posts: 199 - 17/11/2019 11:30:51    2249964


Did he leave or was he dropped does anyone know.

Barney123 (Meath) - Posts: 676 - 17/11/2019 13:42:11    2249977
