Meath Forum

Meath v Kildare Semi-final

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Replying To Analyst:  "I am a Meath man, a realistic unbiased one. Credit will be given when and if due, but family loyalty is a bad start"
Even though he has earned and deserved his start? Pathetic

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 15/06/2017 08:28:13    1999804


Meath v Kildare tends to be very difficult to predict, 8 championship meetings since the turn of the century with 4 wins each. Now obviously that will have no bearing on Saturday but it indicates that there are no psychological barriers for either team.

The weather is given good (let's hope that is the case) and both teams appear to be on the up, so if they both perform, then we should be in for a cracker. Hoping for a Meath win obviously but I think it's too tight to call.

Htaem (Meath) - Posts: 8657 - 15/06/2017 08:38:14    1999809


Replying To Royal.Legend:  "Not a hope of Kildare hammering Meath, the only hope I give Kildare sneaking it is if like you said they take there goal chances and Meath don't, where's your confidence in Kildare coming from? Would any of them Kildare players make a Dublin/Kerry team? Granted there younge but they were hopeless last year with same players and under same management and looked very average against down, Clare, Galway towards the end of the league, and as for underage they have actually won very little, so for me I'm fully expecting a meath victory.
Meath 1-17 Kildare 1-14"
Hope your right.....but there best players kelly feels flynn and the like are as good as our best.......don't think they have a man marker like keoghan tho but more of a defensive system....ya don't get out of div 1 without having a bit about ya. The clare and galway games are irrelevant....they were already promoted.

southmeathgael (Meath) - Posts: 933 - 15/06/2017 08:52:32    1999815


My bigger worry is we do show up a dominate for alot and come away with nothing due to our lack of clinical finishing....this is an ongoing issue that started in league Rd 1 v kildare where we butchered 3 one on ones and stretched all the way through league to louth game a few weeks ago where our final pass and finishing for goals were woeful. We won't win this with just points unfortunetely....need at least 1's worth so much more then just the 3 points. Last time meath were being highlighted on Sunday game for not taking goal chances was against laois in 2010 and next game we stuck 5 past the dubs so here's hoping

southmeathgael (Meath) - Posts: 933 - 15/06/2017 09:00:07    1999820


Replying To Jinxie:  "Lads, unusual and probably stupid question for ye.

Is it possible to get onto terrace with stand ticket? I know obviously there's no chance the other way around, but seeing as the stand is the cheaper Obe would they allow the change. I know obviously they've to account for numbers for safety reasons, but barring a sell out I wouldn't see that an issue.
I've been given two stand tickets but I always prefer terrace, prefer to be able to move or meet up with friends and stand together for game.
It's probably a total non runner but said I'd ask and see if any of ye had been down this road before.

Otherwise, anyone want to swap 2 stand for 2 terrace?"
In 2012 for the Laois match I was in the stand but approached the stewards to let us in the terrace. Got a few confused looks but they let me do it.

RoyalBadger (Meath) - Posts: 571 - 15/06/2017 09:11:35    1999828


Replying To RoyalBadger:  "In 2012 for the Laois match I was in the stand but approached the stewards to let us in the terrace. Got a few confused looks but they let me do it."
Ah lovely, I'll try that. Glad I'm not the only oddball to try it.

Jinxie (Meath) - Posts: 6347 - 15/06/2017 10:06:14    1999847


Replying To Jinxie:  "Lads, unusual and probably stupid question for ye.

Is it possible to get onto terrace with stand ticket? I know obviously there's no chance the other way around, but seeing as the stand is the cheaper Obe would they allow the change. I know obviously they've to account for numbers for safety reasons, but barring a sell out I wouldn't see that an issue.
I've been given two stand tickets but I always prefer terrace, prefer to be able to move or meet up with friends and stand together for game.
It's probably a total non runner but said I'd ask and see if any of ye had been down this road before.

Otherwise, anyone want to swap 2 stand for 2 terrace?"
The stand tickets are unreserved stand (or the ones I bought were anyway) so you can sit anywhere you want in the stand and can move to meetwith other people in the stand (if that's any good to you)

bdbuddah (Meath) - Posts: 1382 - 15/06/2017 10:06:46    1999848


Getting exciting now. It doesn't seem that long that guys where eagerly awaiting our O'Byrne cup opener against Wicklow, a good bit has happened since. I think we will win on Saturday evening. Its a massive game. Hopefully Mc gill playing at full back for full 70 can help prevent goals as people have alluded to. I am would be a bit concerned about Mickey Burke at corner back. I would like Keoghan Mcgill Tobin to start there at least. I reckon Harnan was at fault for one on the goals letting his man inside him the last day hopefully he pick up a notch Saturday too. Also If Paddy O'Rourke could limit some of the mistakes that would great (thanks Paddy) Interesting to see what team starts. I think we have options S Mc Antee (if fit), ROC, C O'B and hopefully Joey wallace .

bobkarlgees (Meath) - Posts: 1265 - 15/06/2017 12:14:35    1999901


Anyone a good idea for parking near the ground, if memory serves it'll be first come, first serve on the Dublin road into Tullamore?

highking12 (Meath) - Posts: 184 - 15/06/2017 13:09:28    1999914


Replying To bobkarlgees:  "Getting exciting now. It doesn't seem that long that guys where eagerly awaiting our O'Byrne cup opener against Wicklow, a good bit has happened since. I think we will win on Saturday evening. Its a massive game. Hopefully Mc gill playing at full back for full 70 can help prevent goals as people have alluded to. I am would be a bit concerned about Mickey Burke at corner back. I would like Keoghan Mcgill Tobin to start there at least. I reckon Harnan was at fault for one on the goals letting his man inside him the last day hopefully he pick up a notch Saturday too. Also If Paddy O'Rourke could limit some of the mistakes that would great (thanks Paddy) Interesting to see what team starts. I think we have options S Mc Antee (if fit), ROC, C O'B and hopefully Joey wallace ."
Wouldn't make too many changes, McEntee if fit in for Wallace.

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 15/06/2017 13:27:24    1999928


Replying To royaldunne:  "Wouldn't make too many changes, McEntee if fit in for Wallace."
Me either just that we have options of the bench I mean. I would like to see Keogan Mc Gill Tobin start on the full back line, and Mickey to lose out with ROC coming in at half back.

bobkarlgees (Meath) - Posts: 1265 - 15/06/2017 13:48:15    1999938


Replying To Jimin10:  "At last a sensible and level headed Kildare supporter. WIsh you all the best on Saturday lilywhite hope it's a cracker. Hope the winner will overturn the Dubs and return a sense of competition in Leinster."
All the best to you too Jimin10.Think it will be a great game, one that the neutrals will enjoy as well.

lilywhite1 (Kildare) - Posts: 3004 - 15/06/2017 13:52:35    1999941


Replying To highking12:  "Anyone a good idea for parking near the ground, if memory serves it'll be first come, first serve on the Dublin road into Tullamore?"
Across from ground, although not many spaces.

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 15/06/2017 14:20:05    1999952


Replying To highking12:  "Anyone a good idea for parking near the ground, if memory serves it'll be first come, first serve on the Dublin road into Tullamore?"
The hospital is next door to the ground. You could park in there.

OLLIE (Louth) - Posts: 12224 - 15/06/2017 14:21:01    1999955


Replying To royaldunne:  "Not at all, we are further on than Kildare, have better forward unit. We need a test. The win is a given Imo."
I like your optimism but you are probably alone in thinking the win is a given for Meath. Meath appear to be going in the right direction and the signs are good but this is the biggest test since Andy has come in. I think a fair preview of the game would have Kildare slight favorites given Kildare beat us (well) in league in Navan , got promoted out of the division with a game to spare and while both teams played well in previous round we conceded 3 goals and could have conceded more. We are unlikely to win if we concede 3 goals again.

bdbuddah (Meath) - Posts: 1382 - 15/06/2017 15:22:14    1999983


Replying To bdbuddah:  "I like your optimism but you are probably alone in thinking the win is a given for Meath. Meath appear to be going in the right direction and the signs are good but this is the biggest test since Andy has come in. I think a fair preview of the game would have Kildare slight favorites given Kildare beat us (well) in league in Navan , got promoted out of the division with a game to spare and while both teams played well in previous round we conceded 3 goals and could have conceded more. We are unlikely to win if we concede 3 goals again."
I cant foresee many problems for us Saturday. We didnt show up when we met them in the league and anybody who has been to every league game will say the same them. The difference in the fitness of those now compared to then, they have come a shocking long way. Everyone knows the league is basically practice for this championship. It stood to us that we played so bad against Kildare and guarantee we not play half as bad. Meath to win by at least 5 points. The passion is back, that has been missing for a few years now and that itself is going to is going to be the making of this team.

Loyalroyal17 (Meath) - Posts: 627 - 15/06/2017 16:54:22    2000026


thinking about this now,if we had rammed a few goals in against louth and looked solid at the back we may be going into this game with too much confidence. not sure how many teams have perfect displays first game out,kerry last week too..
look at dublin,if we played carlow and lead by a few points until their best player got sent off,many here would be seriously worried.
another thing that might stand to meath is the fact that our character has been called into question more than kildare and we showed that character or spirit if you want.
in the league questions were asked after the kildare game.we were 9 points down in cork and got a draw.andy wasn't happy but we responded in devastating fashion against fermanagh. we eeked out a result against galway when it looked like galway had turned the tide. against louth we were by far the better side,but we responded brilliantly to their freak goal in the 2nd half and went on to win it easily. we could have crumbled there.
how many times were kildare in possible tricky situations that they came through?
if this game is tight with 10mins to go,i would strongly fancy us to edge it.

ziggy32001 (Meath) - Posts: 8354 - 15/06/2017 17:22:52    2000044


Replying To bdbuddah:  "I like your optimism but you are probably alone in thinking the win is a given for Meath. Meath appear to be going in the right direction and the signs are good but this is the biggest test since Andy has come in. I think a fair preview of the game would have Kildare slight favorites given Kildare beat us (well) in league in Navan , got promoted out of the division with a game to spare and while both teams played well in previous round we conceded 3 goals and could have conceded more. We are unlikely to win if we concede 3 goals again."
just on that..

louth beat us well in the obc only a week or 2 before the kildare game. plus the year we lost to westmeath we hammered them in the league that year. trust me,league game means nothing.

ziggy32001 (Meath) - Posts: 8354 - 15/06/2017 17:24:26    2000046


Replying To Loyalroyal17:  "I cant foresee many problems for us Saturday. We didnt show up when we met them in the league and anybody who has been to every league game will say the same them. The difference in the fitness of those now compared to then, they have come a shocking long way. Everyone knows the league is basically practice for this championship. It stood to us that we played so bad against Kildare and guarantee we not play half as bad. Meath to win by at least 5 points. The passion is back, that has been missing for a few years now and that itself is going to is going to be the making of this team."
So Loyal - just to be devil's advocate for a moment - if you're saying Kildare were way ahead of us in terms of fitness in the League, and that we've come a long way since then, surely by that logic Kildare would also have come a long way? So how can you say we'll win easy?

I can only assume that the people on here predicting an easy win for Meath are wind-up merchants. The same lads who will be jumping onto this forum on Saturday night whinging if it all goes wrong and we lose.

The reality is that nobody in their right mind could say either side will win this game easily. All evidence suggests it'll be tight - not least the stat that there is only a point on aggregate to choose between the sides in a total of 12 championship meetings.

Whoever loses on Saturday should still have plenty of football left to play before the year is out.

BarneysTie (Meath) - Posts: 262 - 15/06/2017 17:30:34    2000050


Replying To Loyalroyal17:  "I cant foresee many problems for us Saturday. We didnt show up when we met them in the league and anybody who has been to every league game will say the same them. The difference in the fitness of those now compared to then, they have come a shocking long way. Everyone knows the league is basically practice for this championship. It stood to us that we played so bad against Kildare and guarantee we not play half as bad. Meath to win by at least 5 points. The passion is back, that has been missing for a few years now and that itself is going to is going to be the making of this team."
The game is not just about Meath, it is also about Kildare and they also have a lot of positive things to point to coming into this game.

bdbuddah (Meath) - Posts: 1382 - 15/06/2017 18:23:25    2000065
