FL Div 2: Big win for Meath Hill

June 17, 2024

Meath Hill keeper Dominic Yorke

Meath Hill 0-17 Duleek /Bellewstown 0-06

Meath Hill and Duleek/Bellewstown met in a rain kissed Meath Hill on Saturday night.

Meath Hill started the game well as they went in to an early lead courtesy of Domonic Yorke’s expertise from the dead ball. This score was quickly accompanied by a mark from Gary Breslin as he slid to catch the ball using the wet underfoot conditions to do so. Another score from Breslin after James Mooney had been felled on the edge of the dee. Shortly after this Meath Hill worked to great affect to recover possession, the ball found its way to Ryan Owens who scythe through a well marshalled Duleek/Bellewstown rearguard to find Jack McMahon who did the needful and converted expertly from a tight angle.

Meath Hill took a healthy lead in at the interval, they emerged for the second half hungry to put the game to bed and once again it was the home side who were quickest out of the blocks as Jack Slavin’s well struck effort was palmed over by the D/B goalkeeper.

D/B found it hard to get shots off as Meath Hill’s defenders were to the fore with Jamie Slavin and James Mooney going hammer and tong to keep the Duleek attackers at bay.

Meath Hill would pull away as the second half progressed ,the dismissal of a D/B player was the catalyst for Meath Hill’s second half push as they ended the game as contest with two well taken scores from Cormac Sheehy who was excellent throughout.

A real strong cohesive performance from Meath Hill as they get ready to play St Micheals Thursday week in Carlanstown.

Meath Hill: D.Yorke, M .Carolan, Jamie Slavin, B.Gogarty, C.Marron, C.Marry, A.Monaghan, R.Owens, Jack Slavin, C.Sheehy, J.McMahon, S.McCabe, J.Mooney, P.McGrath, G.Breslin

Subs ,T.Carolan , J.Gillen ,D.Martin

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